Page 7 of Ruby Tears

I wanted him to see me. Just like I saw him. I wanted to know if he felt the same unexplainable flash of incinerating heat. A heat I’d never felt before, even in the hottest moment of passion.

His shoulders tensed as he kept looking.

My heart skipped twenty beats as it tried to remember how to work. My knees gave up being bone and became melted butter instead.

“What can I get you?” A woman leaned over the sticky bar and yelled in my ear.

All the music slammed back.

All the chaos and smells and…ill-advised courage.

Tearing my gaze from the demigod as he returned to glowering at the man beside him, I locked eyes with the pretty bartender and yelled far too loudly, “I’m breaking up with my boyfriend, and we need shots.”

Sam went rigid beside me.

The girl’s brown eyebrows shot to her pixie haircut.

And I swayed on the spot as the demigod suddenly looked past his companion and locked gazes with me.


His eyes are dark grey.

He froze like I had.

Froze as if he smelled me from there and decided in a single moment that he very much wanted to eat me alive.

I didn’t know if I wanted to run away as fast as possible or offer myself up on a silver platter.

“What the fuck is going on, Ily?” Sam’s fingers dug into my upper arms, spinning me to face him. My nape prickled, hating that I couldn’t see the man who made my instincts sing with deep, dark warnings.

“You’re breaking up with me?” His face contorted into something scary instead of English charm. “What. The. Fuck?”

The bartender placed a long wooden board next to us with six shots of amber liquor. I looked from Sam’s rage to the shot.

I made the choice to administer some liquid courage.

Snatching two glasses, I tossed them back, winced at the fire, gasped, choked, coughed, coughed some more, then sucked in a wheezy breath.

“I know it’s your birthday, Sam, but…I’ve given you a blowjob, so I think it’s only fair that you give me a divorce.”

Chapter Three



MY EARS RANG, COMPLETELY DROWNING out what the Master Jeweler was saying.



Who the hell was this girl, and why did her voice pierce through all the other noise in this godforsaken club, somehow hijacking my rotten heart? That same fucking heart tripped over its pathetic self the moment I caught her eyes. I couldn’t tell what colour they were, but the disco ball above granted the illusion that they flickered with purples and blues.

I had a sudden urge to shove away all the people between me and the object of my dangerous fascination and demand to know who she was.

But that would be stupid.