Page 6 of Ruby Tears

Taking his hand, I tugged him away from the writhing dance floor. If I was going to do this, we both needed a drink.

His fingers latched around mine as he followed me.

We weaved around a sea of dancing, happy people, ducked around a few bouncers, then reached the crowded bar.

Taking a gulp of air no longer tainted by smelly sweat, overpowering men’s cologne, and overly sweet perfume, I tried to get the barkeep’s attention.

“Hi!” I waved my hand as Sam plastered himself against me.

“Hey, over here.” I waved harder, desperate for something to bolster my rapidly flagging courage.

“Getting in the mood, huh? I like it.” Sam’s hand slid down my ass, going far too deep and low. I flinched as his fingers probed between my legs, digging my flouncy rose gold skirt into my unmentionables.

My entire body jerked, not with passion or familiarity but with dreadfully building disgust.

Shifting my hips and doing my best to dislodge his fingers, I threw him a scowl. My lips parted to command he stop pawing me—


Something farther along the bar.


Someone who stopped my heart and made the awful music screech to silence in my ears.

Oh, dear lord in fanciful heaven.






My gaze completely bypassed Sam and zeroed in on a demigod.

The man had to be descended from gods because no one, I meant no one, looked as impossibly perfect as he did.

Dark hair cropped close to his head. Lips a shade too red that only seemed to paint him with violence instead of seduction. Shadowed dark eyes and an impeccably shaven jaw. Cheeks that were slightly hollow and a throat clenching with power.

His lips thinned as he rolled them together, nodding at something his companion said.

His nose flared slightly as if he felt the same snap of awareness I did but couldn’t understand why.

Slowly, his head tipped up.

His gaze scanned the pumping club, his entire body full of predatory calculation.

My tummy fluttered.

His tongue flicked out and ran over his bottom lip, searching.

Look over here.

I couldn’t catch a proper breath.