Page 56 of Ruby Tears

We were strangers.

Utterly unknown yet disturbingly drawn to one another.

I feared him just as much as I feared these other men, but I couldn’t deny I already looked to him for safety.

As twisted as that was.

As messed up and ill-advised, I trusted him to use me but not break me.

You’re still just as stupid as you were in the club.

Henri’s face twisted with fury as Roland ran his disgusting tongue up my neck and bit my ear.

I cringed. “Fuck you.”

“I wonder how long that fighting spirit will last,” Roland breathed. “I hope I’m the one to finally break it.”

“I suggest you get your motherfucking hands off her, Olivan, or I’ll do it for you,” Henri growled.

Victor sighed heavily and shook his head. “What did I just say, Ward?” Marching toward Henri, he stole the box back and clucked his tongue. “I won’t put up with caveman shit in my home.” Brushing past Henri, Victor glanced at Roland holding me. “Don’t let her go.”

“I don’t plan on it.” Roland rocked his pelvis into my ass, making my entire body crawl. His erection dug uncomfortably against my tailbone. Shivers broke out down my spine.

Henri balled his hands.

He bristled and seethed but didn’t move as Victor stopped before me and cracked open the box.

I sucked in a breath.


He can’t.

My eyes shot to Henri who stepped forward. His nostrils flared as he studied the three circlets nestled in black velvet. “You collar all your jewels?”

“Of course.” Victor nodded smoothly. “Hold this.” Passing Henri the open box again, he took out one of the smaller cuffs. “Give me your left arm, Ily.”

“And if I don’t?” I asked with ice.

“Then I will toss a condom at Roland here and let him fuck you.”

Henri sucked in a breath; air refused to enter my lungs.

“It would be my pleasure.” Roland snickered. Grabbing my left wrist, he shoved my arm forward. “Cuff or my cock. Your choice.”

All my power was stolen by images of abuse and assault from faceless men.

How many times would they expect me to submit?

How many men were members?

How long would I last before I lost every inch of my sanity?

Tears burned my eyes as the golden cuff snapped around my wrist. Tight but not too tight, cool but quickly warming, far too thick to be broken.

“The other one if you will, Roland.”

With a chuckle, Roland shoved my right arm forward. The clink of my gemstone bracelets mocked me. Each one I’d carefully selected for our trip. Moonstone for safety while travelling. Rose quartz to open my heart to repairing things with Sam. Howlite to help me sleep in strange places, and black tourmaline to protect me from other’s negative energies.