Page 35 of Ruby Tears

“And this is where it took us.” He groaned. “To motherfucking hell.”

I wriggled against him, trying to escape his invading fingers. “Don’t do this.”

“I’ll be quick.” He chuckled blackly. “You have no fucking idea how quick I’ll be. How hard I am—”

“Get off me.” I kicked him. My sharp heel connected with his ankle.

The feral noise tumbling from his mouth made my entire body clench.

“Fucking hell, ne lutte pas j’ai dit!” he hissed. (I said, don’t fight!)

I bared my teeth and summoned five years of French lessons from high school. “Va te faire foutre.” (Fuck you.)

He reared back as if I’d slapped him.

Shadows swarmed in his stare. The first glint of the monster within him. A monster with murderous teeth and vicious claws—

“What on earth is going on over there, Ward?”

Henri tripped away from me, breathing hard. “Nothing. I’m just…I’m not used to fucking someone with two other men in the room.”

The older guy chuckled. “You’ll soon get over that little aversion if you come to my estate. Won’t he, Roland?”

The other man, with his large stomach and ruddy eyes, grinned. “Definitely.” Raising his voice, he added, “Flesh as far as the eye can see, Henri. Girls and boys, Masters and slaves. You see a pretty jewel walk by that twitches your dick? You only have to snap your fingers, and they’re yours.” He groaned loudly. “I’m getting hard just thinking about it. I’m horny as fuck, so…whip it out and stick it in her so we can go.”

“He’s not coming near me,” I snapped. “Ever!”

Roland laughed. “Oh, you’re gonna be fun. I’m going to sample you myself. I do love a new jewel full of fire.”

“Fuck you!”

The older guy placed his drink on the bar and strode toward me. Snow settled along my spine as he ducked in front of me and pressed his finger beneath my chin. “Do you think fighting back makes you strong? That cursing and squirming will protect you?” He tutted under his breath. “Silly girl. It doesn’t. It just makes it fun. You are nothing. Merely chattel. An orifice to fuck. A pet to toy with.”

“You’re a bastard and I will make you pay.”

He grabbed my jaw, sending flurries of fear through me. “That is the last time your insolence will be permitted. If you value your life, you will shut up, take what we give you, and thank us for the privilege.” He smirked and glanced at Henri. “And if Henri finally lets himself out to play and stops pretending he has any decency left, then you will obey him, spread for him, and allow him to take whatever he wishes from you because…if you don’t?” He patted my cheek. “You won’t last long.”

Straightening, he grabbed something from his pocket and tossed it at Henri. “Here.”

Henri swiped it from the air. His eyebrows shot up. “A condom?”

“Seeing as you’re both untested, and we have no idea if she’s on birth control, wrap it up. I don’t want bastards being born at my estate.” Marching back to the bar, he snatched up the drink Roland poured for him and sipped it daintily. “Once we’re home, you’ll both undergo a blood test, and she’ll be given the necessary precautions against pregnancy. For now…don’t be stupid.”

Henri panted hard beside me, fisting the silver packet.

I tried to catch his stare, but he pinched the bridge of his nose, glared at the golden flash of his cufflinks, then sighed heavily.

That sigh told me everything.

Whatever restraint he still held. Whatever morals he still followed…they were cracking, fraying.

“Henri…don’t,” I breathed.

His gaze caught mine. He didn’t say a word. Balling his hands, he circled me, stopped behind me, then grabbed the large leather strap dangling from the table.

I gasped as he flopped it over my back, then cinched it tight with the buckle. He tightened it just enough to keep me imprisoned on the table.

Claustrophobia clawed.