Page 25 of Ruby Tears

The key…

Nausea crawled up my throat. I felt fucking sick. “Name a number.”

“A number?”

“Two hundred? Three?”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’d pay that much? Just to get me naked?”

I shook my head, doing my best not to picture her bare. “I’d pay that much to do what I need to do.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I’m doing this for a reason and—”

“The reason because you want to sleep with me?”

I clamped my lips together. I’d hidden who I truly was all my life. I’d never shared my deepest secrets or divulged my innermost longings—not until six months ago when I met my half-brother and couldn’t stop my confessions.

The same urge to be honest with her scratched at my soul.

I couldn’t seem to look away from her.

I wanted her.

I’d wanted her the moment I noticed her.

I couldn’t tell her the real reason why I needed her to come with me but a very vulnerable part wondered if she felt it too. Did she feel the raw connection? The stinging awareness? The unbearable lust that only grew stronger the longer we were together?

Or is it all in my godforsaken head?

Sighing heavily, I gave up trying to explain anything and just muttered, “Five hundred thousand.”

“Five hundred…?” Her eyes rounded. “What on earth for?”

Your life.

Your soul.

“You’re right. That’s not enough. A million. I’ll give you a million euros.”

“A million…” She laughed under her breath. “Yeah sure, alright. A million. As if.” Her laughter faded away. “Wait. Do you…do you have a million euros?”

Finally, a crack. A sliver of submission.

It did things to me I could never outrun.

It didn’t matter that I didn’t have that sort of money.

My half-brother did.

The bank account he’d opened in my name in order to fake my way into this lifestyle did.

On paper, I was rich.

And he’d fucking gut me if he knew I bribed and coerced this girl with money he used to free slaves, not enslave them. But…he’d thrown me to the wolves. He’d willingly tossed me into hell and had to have known I wouldn’t have the strength to climb back out.

“I have the money.” I cupped her chin and ran my thumb over her bottom lip, wishing like hell I could let her go. “I’ll give you a million euros.”