Page 23 of Ruby Tears

Our hearts thundered, in-sync and chaotic.

For the first time in my life, I felt something deeper than darkness, lighter than sin, and a thousand times better than shame.

I looked into her turbulent, golden gaze and flinched as my decaying humanness recognised her. Recognised with a horrifying punch that out of all the girls in all the cities, this one was different.

Why the fuck does she have to be different?

My voice churned with guilt. “I told you this would be a thousand times worse for you if you kept fighting.”

“And I told you I’m not for sale! Let me go and—”

“I already told you. I can’t do that.”

“I’m not going to sleep with you. Not for all the money in all the world.”

“You say that as if you have a choice.”

“I do.” Her chin came up. “Watch me.”

Without any other warning, she sucked in a big breath and screamed.


So loud it cut through the music and wrenched far too many eyes in our direction.

I flinched.


A big, muscled bouncer left his spot by the wall and shoved his way through the crowd toward us.

Double shit.

My mind raced.

Panic made me do something I really shouldn’t do.

Throwing a bemused smile at the concerned people watching us, I rolled my eyes as if Ily’s dramatics were common, then planted my mouth over her screaming one.

I grabbed her hips, jerking her into me, not giving her a chance to fight as my lips silenced her cry for help.

Her scream filled my lungs.

Her helplessness and rage coated my tongue.

And I shuddered as she stopped screaming, choosing to thrash against me instead.

Only…her thrashing made me harder than I’d ever been, and I struggled to see straight. My cock rippled with the urge to come as she did her best to knee me in the balls.

Her fight.

Her exquisite, delicious fight.

It fucking destroyed me.

I’d only meant to shut her up.

But…that was the problem with me.