Page 136 of Ruby Tears

Yes, he would.

To keep up the ruse, he would have no choice.

“W-What was the other rule I broke?”

“You showered.” Peter sniffed. “You must’ve used quite a lot of soap because you stink of geraniums.”

My chin shot up. “It’s better to stink of spicy flowers than sperm.”

He chuckled. “I would agree with you, but…he told you to keep his spoof on you. You didn’t.”

I couldn’t hide my shiver, recalling the stickiness of dried cum. The musky scent of Henri had been too much, and I’d stumbled into the shower the moment Peter left to serve his current Master.

“He told you explicitly not to bathe,” he huffed. “He’ll punish you for that too.”

The urge to tell him that Henri wasn’t like the rest burned my tongue all over again.

I’d never had a secret before.

Never learned the cost and energy it took to keep it. Especially when I had no one: no one to confide in, no one to save me.

Bowing my chin, I did my best to seem afraid of what Henri would do. “Hopefully, he’ll be gentle.” My voice wavered, which really wasn’t hard to fake because if Victor knew I’d showered and spoken—despite Henri’s instructions—I would be punished. In full view of everyone. By a good man pretending to do bad things. All to keep his secret for just a little longer.

But for how much longer?

Surely, his team was getting worried by now?

It’d been almost twenty-four hours. An utter lifetime in the scheme of a spy.

Peter scoffed. “Gentle? That man is many things, but gentle is not one of them.”

“He’s been gentle so far.”


I instantly wished I could take the words back.

Peter glowered. “Dammit, Ily. I told you not to be stupid, and here you are…being stupid.” Pointing a finger at my chest, he hissed, “Just because he hasn’t truly hurt you yet doesn’t mean he won’t. Face that. Accept that. So when it happens, at least you won’t have a broken heart as well as broken bones.”

Rolling my shoulders, I acted. I pretended. I did my best to hide the bargain between Henri and me and react like I should: absolutely petrified. “I’m sorry, Peter. I-I…it’s just.” Tears sprang on cue, proving I wasn’t dried out after all. “Today has been the worst day of my life. I can barely remember my own name, let alone how I’m supposed to act and speak, kneel and behave.” I looked up through my wet lashes. “But I do remember what you told me earlier, and you have my word I’ll do it. I won’t let my guard down. I won’t believe in things that don’t exist.”

“But that’s the thing, Ily.” He sighed heavily. “You haven’t even raised your guard yet, and you’re already believing in miracles. At least the rest of us hit rock bottom before finding sanctuary in fantasies.” Rubbing his eyes, he tipped his head back and gave a thin exhale. “Anyway, it’s not you who should be apologising. It’s me. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I keep getting tetchy, but it’s only because I’m…”


He gave me a crooked smile. “Something like that.”

I returned his smile. “You’re worried about me because you want to be my friend?”

He laughed under his breath. “Well, you did let me perve at you when we first met. You didn’t condemn me for asking for something to get me through the day, so yes…I would like to be friends, and I suppose I can help you like you helped me.”

Shooting another look at the annoying, always watching camera, he whispered, “A word of advice from one friend to another? Don’t be afraid to box up the girl you used to be and forget about her for a while. Right now, you have no parents or siblings, no career or money. You are literally nothing.” Tucking a piece of breeze-dancing hair behind my ear, he sighed. “I know that can sound scary, but really…being nothing is the best freedom we have. Being nothing means you don’t have favourite foods or cravings. You don’t have hopes or dreams. You’re free from wants and fears, and that is the only way to survive in here…by being empty of who we truly are.”

Dropping his hand, he stepped back into the bedroom. “Now, come inside. Get ready with the rest of us before we’re summoned to serve.”

* * * * *

“Is it true he paid two million dollars for part ownership of you?” A slave girl with the biggest, bluest eyes I’d ever seen blinked at me while brushing her long white-blonde hair.