She throws her hands up in the air. “First, he’s more than ‘fond’ of you. And second, his world is just a bit bigger and more high-profile than yours. That doesn’t mean he feels any differently than the next man. Promise me you won’t let this sort of garbage impact your relationship with him.”
“Why is this so important to you?”
She hugs me to her again. “Because he makes you happy. You can’t see it, but you light up around him. You’re more vibrant and confident. You’re a shinier version of you. I want that for you.”
Just then, Amy gets called away to tend to a patient. I sit with her words. Is she right? Am I a better version of myself when I’m with him?
My phone vibrates in my scrub pocket, distracting me from my existential musings.
MATTHEW: If you’ve seen the Glamour magazine article that came out today—I’m sorry. If you haven’t—don’t look.
I take a photo of the front page and send it to him.
NATALIE: Too late.
MATTHEW: When do you go on your lunch break?
NATALIE: 1 p.m…
MATTHEW: Meet me at the dumpster.
I chuckle out loud, instantly cheered up by his message. In the weeks we’ve been dating, our secret rendezvous spot has been the dumpster and it’s a place I’ve grown rather fond of.
NATALIE: Are you sure you can get away?
MATTHEW: Are you?
This is just another thing to love about this man. He’s this famous soccer player, but he treats my student nursing as if it’s just as important. And he goes out of his way to make sure nothing will jeopardise it.
NATALIE: I’ll be there.
The morning drags as I tend to patients, while surreptitiously throwing all magazines into the trash bin. It’s my way of cleansing this hospital from those tabloid germs.
“You’re off to meet Matthew?” Amy asks as I apply a fresh coat of lip gloss, the only part of my beauty routine I have time for.
I nod and she squeezes my hand. “Just hear him out, hon. And don’t make any decisions out of fear.”
With these words ringing in my ears, I creep outside where Matthew is waiting for me. Arms open.
I rush into his embrace and am instantly better when his arms close around me, holding me to him.
“Nat, I’m so sorry.” His voice is tortured as he moves us to where Jerry is waiting in the car. “You shouldn’t have to deal with this stuff.”
“It’s OK,” I sniff.
He groans. “It’s not. Please don’t let it upset you. It’s all garbage they use to sell magazines. Not a single word is true.”
I repeat the headline out loud to him: FRUMPY OR FOXY? WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE? And die a little inside.
He frowns darkly, raining kisses over my face in an attempt to soothe me. It works, somewhat.
“I don’t know, Matthew,” I sigh when my voice returns. His kisses have that effect on me. “It’s all a bit much.”
Silence ensues and I watch his throat bob as he swallows deeply. He’s the picture of anguish and I want to make him better. If only these magazines hadn’t tapped into every insecurity I’ve ever had.
“Wouldn’t you prefer to be with the one they label ‘foxy’?” I blurt out, unable to hold my concerns in.