His head tips back and he laughs, a full-bodied sound that feels like a gut punch. It’s so familiar, it feels like home.
“You know many players from my team, New Girl?” His lips are upturned and his head is tilted, his eyes running all over me.
Damn, I’m in these ugly scrubs again.
What are we talking about? I can’t concentrate when he’s looking at me…like that.
His arms are crossed, standing there all casual and relaxed, while I’m a tightly bound ball of nerves. “Hmmm.”
“Hi.” Amy thrusts her hand between us. “I’m Amy. Natalie’s friend.”
Matthew takes her hand in his, giving her his best smile, and she’s instantly charmed. As is the rest of the department who have gathered around to watch the show.
“Hi Amy, Natalie’s friend. I’m Matthew.”
She simpers, like she’s never seen a handsome man before—though to be fair, this one is next-level gorgeous—and continues to shake his hand. I’m pretty sure she’s forgotten it’s even there.
“I know who you are. My brother is a big fan!”
Matthew’s eyes dance with amusement as he flits them between the two of us. “So, just your brother is a fan? You, not so much?”
Her face turns beet red, and I take pity on her. I know what it’s like to be caught up in that smile. It’s like being captured in a warm hug. When it’s bestowed on you, you instantly feel special.
“We’re not all fans of…what is it you play again?” I say airily. My co-workers gasp and I wonder if I’ve taken it too far.
He smirks at me, reading me like a book. “You know what I play, New Girl. I’ve got a feeling you’ve been watching me play all my games.”
There’s no way I’m sharing that information with him, even though it’s true. Hurriedly, I school my features, so he can see no trace of the fact that I’ve been religiously following his career since he left high school and headed to the big league.
“Why are you here?” I go on the offence. “Is your shoulder OK?”
He lets go of Amy’s hand (she grunts her disappointment) and lifts his dodgy arm, flexing his muscle, and I’m pretty sure one of the nurses faints. “You fixed me up good as new.”
My eyes are glued to his bulging biceps. I swallow. And then swallow again. “I—I didn’t do anything.”
“Here!” An enormous box is pushed between us, interrupting us, and I’m startled to see Jordan, his manager, standing next to me. When did he get here? “Matthew wanted to bring this in as a thank you.”
Jordan looks less than pleased to be here. Intrigued, I lift the lid. “Cupcakes!” I breathe out in reverence. So many cupcakes.
“Chocolate with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles. Your favourite,” Matthew says.
My eyes snap to his and I wonder if he remembers this about me or if this is just a lucky guess. “I remember what you like.” That clears that up. “This hasn’t changed?”
A line of drool makes its way out of my mouth, confirming this in fact hasn’t changed. I look back down at the opened box. The cupcakes are the fancy sort, where the frosting is glossy and plentiful. It’s my fantasy in a bakery box.
“Eh, they’re fine.”
“Your lust-filled eyes tell a different story, New Girl,” he teases me, and I smile back. I can’t help it. He’s just too charming.
With his eyes on my mouth, he takes a step closer to me. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”
My stomach tumbles, and I wonder if it’s a good idea. The mere presence of him, and these cupcakes, are breaking through all the walls I thought I had in place against this man. I don’t think a private conversation is going to help.
Luckily for me, the decision is taken out of my hands.
“Show’s over, people,” Stacey calls out, pointing to an incoming ambulance. “Everyone, get back to work.” She sends me a pointed glance and I gather myself. Now is not the time to be dealing with Matthew; there are more important things at stake here. Like the career that I’m so eager to get started, the one I’ve been working towards all these years. All these Matthew-free years.