“Why do you care so much?” he rasped. “I just said you could practically have anyone you want.”

“But I want you.”

Grey clamped his mouth shut, tensing as the doors swung closed at the front of the van while orders were belted out. The vehicle shook and the back overhead light flicked on with the start of the engine.

He couldn’t stop himself from staring into the green radiating out from his pupils in the shock of sudden brightness. Noel’s brow creased with worry like Grey was about to punch him in the chest.

“I’m afraid,” Grey finally choked out. “I don’t want to lose someone else I love.”

Noel’s face crumpled. “If I’m doomed to die, I want to be with the person I love in my final hours because I’ll be far less afraid. Then neither of us will lose each other. We’ll go together to whatever waits for us at the end.”

The van lurched forward, and Grey swayed with Noel from the force.

“I love you, Grey,” he whispered, ripping Grey’s heart in two. “I’ve loved you for a while, but I was too much of a coward to say it. I’ve wanted more than your friendship, even when I declared it. So, do you love me too?”

Grey’s mouth quivered, his vision blurring again as he nodded, wishing more than anything he could curl up in Noel’s arms. “I love you.”

Noel’s soft, kind smile felt like a warm blanket being wrapped around him as he uttered the last words of their ride: “Then we’ll see the end together.”