Page 17 of Wishful Scheming

Tripping Down Memory Lane

Angel and Bree took the same road as the car holding Lacey. The bright yellow Subaru was in the distance, and he kept a large gap between them. Bree was shaking, her fear rising to a higher level, and Angel reached over to touch her arm.

“Wedon’t want to alarm him, so I’ll take it slow and steady. Let’ssee where he’s taking her. Iwish it was a false alarm, but he’s heading out towards the beach where that girl was killed. Relax,I won’t let him hurt Lacey, but how the hell did she end up with him? She’s a smart girl. It’s not like her to just jump into a strangers caron her wedding day.”

Bree listened to his calm voice and knew that whatever happened, they were doing the right thing by following them. The car turned into the parking lot, angled around, then backed in. The car wasnow facingthe incoming entryway. Angel stopped for a moment and thenfollowed the car, but parked across the lot from the yellow Subaru.

“Just follow my lead. I willkeep my eyes on them, but I need you to smile and hug me. We’re going to look like two lovebirds on a mission for some quick back-seat sex. Okay?” Bree nodded and then smiled. She reached up and ran her fingers down his face, then moved across the seat and kissed him. Angel wrapped his arms around her and turned slightlysohe could keep an eye on the car behind them. Dick was saying something to Lacey, and he glanced up and grinned as he watched Bree and Angel making out.

“Honey, those two have the right idea. It’sa lover’s paradise, and I’vebeen hereonce before, myself. It was memorable, but not as much fun as I’d have liked. You and I could havefun, but with a crowd now, not happening. I hope they scram before Stella and Tink show. Ooh baby, that’s amemorable reunion you’ll enjoy. Maybe I’ll let you watch what Iwill do to your friends. The sad part is that I considered letting you live, but you can’t let the witnesses stay witnesses and get away with dirty deeds.” Lacey moaned, and Dick giggled.

“I never told you about Tink and me, did I? Then again, I never knew until a few days ago about Stella and me. Oh, those were the days. I was a young, wild thing. Never could keep it in my pants. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a pig, I’m a great man, but in hindsight, it’s my mama’s fault. If she’d have loved me when I wanted it, things could have turned out different. She wasn’t my real mama, but Dad liked her for a while. Then, that asshole left me with her when he ran off with his bar slut. Glenda, his new hag, well, she had herself some massively big titties, much bigger than mama’s and she bought him things. He never bought me nothing, but he left us the trailer to live in. Berta couldn’t work. She took medicine all the time and when she wasn’t beating me, she was a very loving woman. I spent many years in the joint because of your friend Tink. Oh yeah, you call her Belle now. Now Berta, shecame to see me regularly in prison. That woman cried every time she came, and it broke my heart to see her that way. But I was stupid and Tink was a lying bitch. It’s her fault. Imagine my surprise when I rent a place down here and the womanis the same one I… Let’s just say I lay some loving on her many years ago. She was asking for it, but I can’t forget that little heart tattoo. But, time changes a man. You listening honey?”

Lacey moaned and lay limp in the seat beside him. Her heart broke as she listened to the tale. The monster beside her was her father, and he was going to kill both Stella and Belle. Dick chuckled and ran his fingers down her arm and over her slight baby bump.

“Now sweetie,I could let you live, you know. Old Dickiesees that bump there. I know you’ve got a loaf in the oven and I’d be happy to let you live and we could raise it together. I think deep downI’ve always wanted children. What do you think ofthem apples? Wouldn’t that be nice? You and Icould goto the mainland andstart fresh. I could be his daddy, ah, that sounds sweet. I can hear his little voice now… Papa, come play catch with me in the yard. Papa, can you teach me how to throw…” He stopped and glanced up as a new car pulled into the lot. He saw the gray haired woman and the silver blond sitting beside her. His dick grew hard as he watched them pull up in between his car yellow Subaru and the love-birds.

“Oh goody, looky who’s here. Lets get this show on the road, shall we?” He reached around and tugged at the knots that bound her hands together and shoved her. Lacey sagged against the door, her head coming to rest on the window. Content the drugs were still kicking in, Dick reached beneath his seat, unearthing his knife and a gun. He slipped the small pistol in his waistband and tucked the knife into the sheath on his calf. His brown linen pants rose where his hard-on protruded and he watched the two women sitting in the car.

“You must stop this over-eager nonsense, junior, a few minutes more, but now’s not the time,” he admonished his penis and then giggled.

“You stay here sweetness, this shouldn’t take very long.” He smiled when Stella glanced his way. She and Bellegotout of the car. Both women were straining to see if he had Lacey. Belle said something and Stella nodded. Dick moved towards both women and raised his arms, the gun pointed in their direction.

“We will do this nice and easy ladies. If either of you try anything, your pregger girlfriend willdie. I’ve given her a nice dose, and if I’m not back with the drug to bring her out of it, she ain’t gonna last very long. Now, turn around, both of you, take the pathtowards the beach.” Stella looked at Belle, and she nodded. Belle led the way as Stella followed close behind her. Dick kept a few feet behind both of them. Bree watchedover Angel’s shoulder as thewomen moved down the path.Dick glanced back, makingsure the couple were still at it. Bree lifted her shirt and looked down at Angel. Dick giggled and turned to follow the women.

“He’s heading down to the beach with Stella and Belle. I see Lacey in the car. What should we do?” Angel kissed her on the cheek.

“Is he looking this way?” Bree shook her head no, andAngel turned to view the path where they’d gone.

“Go check on Lacey. Be silent. Iwill follow him to make sure nothing happens to Stella and Belle. I love you, so you play itsafe and make sure you go quietly.” Bree opened the door and slid out, then closed the door with a gentle click. She peeked over the end of the car and saw no one coming back. Squatting down to stay below the brush, she stopped when she looked the other way and saw Sal creeping into the entrance to the parking lot. He held a gun in his hand and he lifted a finger up to his mouth in a shush motion. She nodded to him and motioned over to the car that held Lacey. He waved her that way, nodded, and moved to their car.

“Angel, I’m here. Where is he? Where is Stella and Belle?” Angel grinned when he saw the Glock in his hand.

“They just walked down the path. Belle was first, with Stella following along behind them. Breewill go check on Lacey. He left her in the car. Man, I hope she’s still alive.” He slid out of the car and joined Sal. They moved along the brush line towards the path. Bree was waving at them, and she gave the thumbs up sign. She was leaning in the car window. Laceytwisted around as Bree worked at the tangle of knots Dick had put in the cord around her hands. Both girls worked fast. When she had her undone, Lacey hugged her tight.

“He’s crazy. But, I think he’s my father, too. It’s a long story and I don’t have time to explain, but we have to save Stella and Belle. Hewill kill them, and he’s got a gun and a knife. Come on, we’ve got to stop him.” Bree held up her hand and shook her head.

“Sal has a gun, and Angel will help him. We’d only be getting in the way, come on, lets go get in Angel’s car and wait. Sal is pissed, and Angel is freaked out, they can handle it. We thought you were dead. The last girl died out here by his hand, and I’m so glad you’re okay.” Lacey wasn’t happy waiting, but patted her belly and thought ofher precious cargo.

“You’re right. I can’t let anything happen to sweet-bean here, she’s got a long life ahead of her and he’s outnumbered. I just hate not knowing what’s happening.”


Dick stood on the beach, his legs apart, as he held the gun to Stella’s head. Tears ran down her face, and she looked at Belle helplessly.

“Now, I don’t know if you remember or not, but we’ve met before. It was a long time ago, and I’m sorry, I don’t think I ever shared my name with you. You were a hot little thing, older than I normally like them, but I know it was you. That tattoo, I touched it when I pumped you hard and fast. You cried like a baby, and I hated having to hit you, but sometimes when a bitch don’t shut the fuck up, you got to do it. I called you Crescent after that, don’t you remember that nice cozy corner lot on Crescent Avenue?” Stella quivered and stared into the man’s eyes.

“Now, strip off your clothes. You and me willhave a little party and sweet Tink there’s gonna watch. If you don’t, I’ve got a bullet in here with your name on it.”

“Stella, do what he says. Please, he’ll kill you. He’s an animal and I know when he’s done, hewill kill us both.” Belle had tears in her eyes and she watched as Stella pulled her shift over her head.

“You killed my Willie, didn’t you? At least tell me that much. I deserve to know why you took Willie’s life.” Dick watched as her long hair blew around her waist, the thick gray strands floating in the breeze. She wasn’t as supple as she had been all those years ago, and he found himself disappointed.

“The old man? He was a test, my guinea pig, let’s say. I was tampering with the dosage of my magic pills andneeded tofind outits strength. My bad, guessthat was too strong a dose. Don’t worry, the one I gave your little friend in my car is lighter. WhenI’m done with you girls, me and her willhave ago-around. I thought it would be nice to sweep her away and play Daddy to her little one, but something tells me she wouldn’t go for it. Alas, we’ll just call it birth control. Never stuck it to a mama-to-be before, I wonder if my dick will slap that poor little baby upside the head or ass? Do you think it will feel it as I cum all over it?” Stella felt the anger rise in her and she moved towards him.

“I would stop right there, sister. Now lay down on that dress of yours and spread your legs.” He glanced up at Belle with a grin.

“Sweet cheeks, you willbe jealous of this, I can feel it. If you so much as move a muscle, I will put a bullet between your eyes and then I’ll fuck you where you lay. Yeah, I almost shot you at your wedding, but I banked myself too far away. No matter, I’d prefer a moving body, but eh, not the first time I’ve fucked a dead girl. Maybe it’s a good thing I missed you then. We get to party it up now. You stay right there and don’t say a word. Watch and learn, this shithappens when you fuck with Dick. You get the dick the hard way.” He unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the ground. His penis was rock hard and jutting out. Belle looked away, feeling like she would vomit if she watched. She looked at Stella and saw as she glanced around, give a small smile and then her eyes moved back to Dick.