Page 15 of Wishful Scheming

“That’s odd, I could have sworn I heard the door?” She toweled herself off and put her robe back on, then walked down the hall to the living room. The front door stood wide open, and there was no sign of Stella. She moved across the room and closed the door, then moved to Stella’s bedroom. The door was now closed. Knocking, she listened but heard only silence. The hairs on her arm stood up, and she inched her way back to her room. Moving to the bed, she reached for the cellphone. It was gone.

“What the fuck, I know I left it right here.” She glanced over to the bedside table and pulled open the drawer. Not seeing it, she closed it and reached for the blanket. Pulling it back, saw no sign of the errant phone, she turned and saw him in the doorway watching her. His tight grin and wandering eyes filled her with fear. He held up his hand and waved her cellphone in the air as he licked his lips.

“I know you will be a good girl and behave. So,I believe I asked you earlier what your name was andyour answer was fuck off creep. Now that’s not a very nice name for a beautiful girl. So, let me ask you again, what’s your name? Oh, and if you scream, I’ll kill you right here and now, but that wouldn’t be much fun. I think I’ll just call you bait.” He giggled and ran his hand through his hair. Lacey watched him warily as he took a step towards her.

“My name is Lacey. I’m sorry I told you that, I was in a hurry. I’m pregnant and had to go to the bathroom, it’s a hormonal thing. Again, I’m sorry. Where’s Stella, and what are you doing in her house?” Dick stared at her and smiled.

“Stella and I go way back, she doesn’t remember it, but I do. No, your name isn’t Lacey. I told you. You’re now known as bait. When you want to catch the big fish, what do you use? Well, what do you use, honey?” Lacey stared at him as his expression changed. His eyes narrowed at her, and he clenched his hand into a tight fist.

“Bait. You use bait to catch a fish, and I’m bait. Please don’t hurt me, Fred. I promise to do whatever you want, just please, don’t…” Dick smiled at her and shook his head back and forth.

“Oh luscious! I want tobang your sweet body, but time is of the essence. Don’t worry about Stella. I’m sure she’ll be joining the party soon. Doesn’t she know she should lock her doors? Ah, she’s not here, but you are, so you didn’t lock the doors. No matter. I can get in regardless. No onecanstop amanwhen he’s on a mission. So, what I need you to do is to get dressed. Do itquick. You outdoors in a robewouldlook suspicious. I had hoped tofinishthispartylast night. Didn’t expect you to beshacking up here. No worries, it’s always more fun with friends.” Dick watched as she slid her panties on and then her shorts. She turned away from him as she put on her bra and T-shirt from earlier. She looked up and realized he had a perfect view in the mirror and his hand was rubbing at his crotch, his grin was wide.

“Come with me. There is one more thing to do. Oh,ladies first. Try nothing or I’ll gut you.” He tapped the sheath that lay below his Hawaiian shirt. Lacey felt her heart race as shemoved past him and out towards the living room. Dick followed close behind her, and he shoved her towards the kitchen.

“Pour out a glass of water. Now!” Her hands trembled as she grabbed a coffee mug off of the counter and ran water from the tap into it. Dick handed her a capsule, and she shook, tears ran down her face as he smiled.

“No worries, sister, not gonna kill you, just quieting you down while we take a ride. I can’t take any chances and there’s too much action down on this end of town today. You’re going to leave here with me and make it look like we’re on a quick trip to pick something up in town. I noticed your wedding gown in there. I’m not sure if you will make it on time, but if you play nice, you may have time to reschedule it. Take the pill, bitch, or…” Lacey took the pill from his hands, slipped it under her tongue and took a large drink of water.

“Stick out your tongue. Let me see that you swallowed it.” She stuck her tongue out and he nodded, appeased that it was gone. He motioned her towards the door and she moved forward a few steps.

“Hold on a minute. Fred hasone thingto do, then we can scram.” Dick moved to the back door to the porch and latched it, while Lacey slipped the pill from her mouth into her hand. He turned around, and she stood there patiently waiting.

“Okay, making itlook normal or Stella willbe suspicious thatsomething’s up before I’m ready. Come on, bait. Walk towardsthe blue house and get into the car out front.”

Dick walked out ahead of her and she crushed the capsule in her fingers and sprinkled it on the floor. She tossed the capsule onto the rug beside the door where a pair of Stella’s gardening Crocs sat. Dick glanced around the interior one last time and closed the door behind her, then followed close beside her as they moved towards the car that sat parked. Lacey moved slow and slid into the passenger side. Dick closed the doors, glanced around and jumped in behind the wheel. Firing the motor, he backed out and headed down the road and away from town.


Stella gazed at the images before her. Officer Campbell sat behind the desk, his finger surfing the internet on his worn-looking phone. He grabbed his mug and watched the woman in front of him. Her eyes were wide as she held up an image, fingers shaking, she handed him the photo.

“That is him, that is Fred Kravitz, the man staying at my bungalows. Fred isn’t his name, is it?” The officer glanced at the image, typed into his computer and shook his head.

“According to the banks, Fred Kravitz died two years ago in the state pen in Miami. That man is Richard B. Stern. The woman who attacked your friend was his step-mother according to the records. We haven’t found her yet, either, so we can’t confirm one way or the other, could be a speculation that it was even her. If it was, perhaps he’s just here looking for her?” The officer typed,and the printer sprung to life. A moment later, he turned around and grabbed the paperwork.

“Say’s here the two served time together, so I can see why he used that name. Problem is, you can’t arrest someone for using an alias. Is he paying his tab? If not, we can arrest him. Unless you haveproof of a crime, there’s not much we can do.” Stella looked at the man’s eyes in the photo, realizing it was an older image, he was much younger when she had encountered him. His hair was different, but those eyes spoke volumes to her soul.

“This man raped me over thirty years ago. Since he’s been here, there’s been something inhis speech pattern that kept terrifying me. I know it’s him, andI got pregnant by him. My daughter is here on the island. Can’t we do a paternity test to prove it’s him?He’s a dangerous man, and they found one woman raped and murdered, so it has to be him. You’ve got to help me, please!” The officer nodded and listened while he sipped his coffee.

“We’lllook into it, but withoutsolid proof…” The man shook his head.

“Ourinvestigation of the girl’s death isongoing, butthe lab foundno semen. The guy was careful and must have used a condom. She had no DNA under her nails, either. She didn’tfightback. When you have more proof besides a thirty-year-old assault, let us know. I’ll keep the file current, but I’m sorry, we can’t just pull him in on an old claim.” Stella felt her anger rise. She pushed the photos away and stood.

“Fine, I’ll get the evidence, then I expect you useless asses to handle it!” The officer rolled his eyes and picked his cellphone back up as she stormed out.

Stella drove home, her mind racing. She knew she’d have to be the one to stop him before he killed again. Wondering how he was connected to Willie’s death, she was determined to connect the dots.


Angel was working on the food preparation as Bree moved from table to table with her bucket of cleanser. She wiped the sticky residue off of the last table and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Sore from her and Angel’s lovemaking,she smiled thinking of the night shared. He’d been so gentle with her, treating her like a princess and making love to her slow. Her nipples tingled as she thought of the way he licked her, his mouth moving over each breast before making their way downward. She moved to the side to dump the bucketas the car drove past. The man kept his eyes forward, but she recognized him from the bar the day the girl waskilled. The woman in his passenger seat had her eyes closed, but she knew it was Lacey. She dropped the bucket and ran to get Angel.


Chapter Eleven

Missing In Action

Stella walked into her home and glanced towards Lacey’s room. The door was shut tight, a pale light creeping from below turning the carpet a soft beige.