Page 7 of Wishful Scheming

“He wasn’t here for very long, and you know Willie, he talks to everyone, so no, I saw nothing weird or anything. We were jamming, the band started early, and I didn’t even see him leave. He had his usual ginger-ale and Canadian club. Come to think about it, he had two. The first one was spilled when he was half-way through and the guy who bumped it out of his hand bought him another one. Willie told him not to bother, but he insisted. That’s all I remember, I’m sorry Stella. The guy was a middle-agedtourist, seems I’m inundated with them since The Elementals played here. If this keeps up, I can retire early.” Stella sighed.

“Who knows, and maybe we’ll never know. It just sucks, and I’m gonna miss him. Have you talked to Lacey about anything else important?” Angel smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, they have invited me to the wedding next week. I’m happy for her and for Philippe. I could never give her that kind of life. The guy sounds like he’s rolling in dough. Besides, she didn’t want me in that way, anyway. I’m glad she’s in love and I think Horst is a great guy. I just hope she doesn’t move over there. That would suck, as I’d never see the kid then.I hear she’s knocked up again, too. Maybe that’s why the rushed I do’s? Who knows, not my circus, not my monkeys. Iwill close the joint and then reopen later that night. I won’t make it tothe reception, but I want to make a good showing for her and the boy.” Stella nodded.

“Why do you call him the boy, he’s your son and has a name, you know?” Angel shrugged and looked down at his feet.

“I’m not much in the father department, never have been. I understand my shortcomings, but I’ve got my life, she’s got hers. All I can say is thatI do the best I can.” Stella jumped up and kissed Angel on the cheek.

“I’m not judging, hell, I’d be the last one to pass judgement on parenting. Did Lacey say anything else?” Angel looked at her.

“About what? She only told me about the wedding and asked if I wanted to come. Laceand I haven’t gotten into any deep discussions since Horst snatched her up, and that’s okay. Bree and me have been hitting it hard, so I’m not feeling lonely or anything. I know she’s a little young, but I’m getting older and I’ll take what I can get, and that’s what is on my list these days.” Stella punched him lightly on the shoulder and laughed.

“Hmmm… Maybe I’ll use you two as inspiration for my next literary creation. I thought she liked girls, though?” Angel had a shit-eating grin and Stella chuckled.

“To each his own, sweets. I’ll let you get back to work, but if you think of anything about Willie and that night, let me know, okay?” Angel slugged down the last of his beer and belched. Stella looked at him out of the corner of her eye and chuckled.

“Will do, stay good, sunshine.” Stella waved and headed towards home.


Bree sauntered up to the bar as Angel took a break and watched the news stream on the television. Her thin shirt criss-crossed across her breasts and she leaned against his naked back. Rubbing her breasts against his tight frame, she moved her hands around to his waist.

“Guess who, love… Caught you slacking, sweetness. You know you’re not allowed to rest. The floor hasn’t even been swept yet. You waiting on me to do all the tough work around here?” She giggled and kissed his ear. Angel reached behind her and held her steady as he swiveled around on the stool. Pulling her tight in between his legs, he wrapped his legs around her, locking her crotch tight against his groin.

“Hey sweetie, I’m getting to it, just needed a chat break.” He looked down at the black stretchy top she wore and gave it a snap.

“Ouch, Angel, that hurt. Sometimes you’re such an asshole!” He laughed at her and stroked her face with his finger.

“I’m sorry, baby, but I just finished talking to Stella. Willie OD’d ontaintedfentanyl. She seems to think he got it from here. You know I’m not into the drug scene and it pisses me off beyond words. PoorWillie didn’t deserve todielike that, hell,no one does.Do you remember anythingstrange, anyone looking like they were dealing?” Bree looked sad and shook her head.

“We’ve been cranking, and without Lacey, we’re a body short, so no, I remember littleofany night because I’m toast by the end. I remember seeing him, and that dude spilled his drink. After that, I don’t remember seeing him.” Angel pulled her close and nestled his mouth in the curve of her neck. His finger nudged the material aside on her top, and he stroked her breast. Bree leaned her head back and sighed.

“Hey, lover boy, I don’t think we have time for this, we’ve got to open in ten minutes and I just heard a car door slam. Raincheck?” She moved her hand down and patted his partial hard-on and giggled.

“You brought it on yourself, so you can tame that mighty beast yourself.” She kissed him and turned, walked behind the bar, and wrapped a bright tropical apron around her waist. He looked at her and exhaled.

“Woman, you’re tempting in that shirt, and I would hope that you wore it just for me.” Sheglanced over as a middle-aged couple came around the side of the building. They chosea table across the room near the stage.

“Time to work, sweets. Hop to it.” Bree grinned and strolled over to the couple, her pad in hand. She handed them two menus and glanced back at Angel. His eyes held a smoldering fire, and he went around the back of the bar and into the kitchen, shaking his head the whole way. Bree smiled, happy she had worn her new thrift-store find for him.

The afternoon moved slow,and Angel sat downand glanced up at the football game. Alabama was slamming Clemson. His hungry eyes watched as Bree wiped down the tables, her butt moving back and forth in a sensual rhythm. Pocketing a pile of cash, she moved towards him. The last customer was finishing her meal and Angel watched as the woman scrolled Facebook on her phone. She smiled and typed something, then set the neon yellow covered device down before a beep forced her to pick it back up again.

Angel was proud of himself at guessing ages of his customers, and he figured her to be late twenties, early thirties. The tall, willowy woman had thick black hair pulled back in a perfect ponytail and she hadunbuttoned her white linen tailored shirt to the top edge of her breasts. A gold chain hung around her long, graceful neck. He watched as Bree kept walking by the woman, who kept glancing at the small screen in her hand. She said something to her and smiled as she set the bill down on the table. Sheeyed Bree and turned away after settling herglance on Angel. Pulling out her wallet, she picked up the slip of paper and set a twenty with it and wedged it below the bottle of ketchup. Her meal was only half gone and Bree walked back over to see if she wanted a to-go box. Shenodded without looking up, then resumed her interest onthe device. Bree wandered around the bar and headed into the kitchen, grabbed a foam box and turning, walked into Angel’s hard pecs. He grabbed her by the arms to keep her from falling backward, and she jumped.

“Jesus, let me know when you’re coming, I’ve got to give Ms. Techno her to-go box.” Angel pulled her close and ran his hand up her thigh.

“She’ssmoking hot, too bad she’s so absorbed in her phone. Pity, but I saw the way you looked at her. Guess you’re not her flavor.” Bree harrumphed and glared at him. His hands started roving as she half-heartedly tried to pull away. The mini-skirt didn’t offer too much resistance and Bree glanced over her shoulder to see if the woman was watching and found herdistractedby her phone, and Bree giggled.

“She could sit out there all day, she’s oblivious.” Bree glanced into the kitchen, notingthat the dishes washed and stacked. Eyebrows lifting, she glanced at Angel.

“Did you domy dishes for me? What do you want?” Angel didn’t say a word. He lifted her up and carried her over to the stainless steel counter and lowered his face between her legs. Bree’s breath caught in her throat and she leaned back her head. Angel hefted her legs over his shoulders and lapped at her juicy wetness.

“I know you, when you see a beautiful woman you drip like a faucet. No panties, either... I love easy access. Baby, you’re steaminghot andrainforest wet. One of these days we will have to rope someone in to join us, but for nowthere’s just you and me. I’ll take care of you, sweetness. Here, let me just slip a big something your way.” Angel dropped his shorts to his ankles and pulled her forward. He dipped his cock into her hot juiciness and slid her back and forth across the counter. Bree’s breath was heavy as she felt him filling her. Impaling the sweet slippery core, he gripped her tight muscular thighs and rammed in and out. The only sound, a heated moaning in the kitchen and the Alabama game as they scored once more. Angel finished a few minutes later, and Bree slid off the counter. Grabbing a handful of paper towels, she tucked them between her legs to stop the flow that ran down her thigh.

“Damn baby, that did the trick. Thank you for doing the dishes, too.” She looked up. Aman had joined thecellphonewoman at her table. Hespoke to her as sheheld up a hand, dismissing him. The man shrugged his shoulders and walked up to the bar. Angel tucked his manhood back into his shorts, washed his hands,and moved out to take care of the customer.

“Hey stranger, what can I get for you today? What’s your poison?” Angel waited while the man fidgeted, trying to decide.