Page 4 of Wishful Scheming

“Even if it wasn’t poison, I can’t take any chances. Belle,I can honestly say, this is the first time that I’ve used your lamp. Last nightI asked it to find out who hurt Willie,I hope you don’t mind. Did you come to get it? It’s in the bedroom, I’ll grab it for you.” Stella starting moving towards the hallway and Belle touched her arm.

“No, please use it. This is important. Magicalthings have happened, butkeep in mindthe shooting at our wedding. Not so greatthings have happened, too. So keep asking. I pray it will tell us.” Stella smiled, her face marked with deep sadness, and she nodded. She grabbed the bag out of the garbage and hefted it up and carried it out to the trashcan. Belle walked out behind her.

“I’ve got to go wake up Sal, if he isn’t already stirring. Can I ask you something personal?” Stella turned and looked at her wide-eyed.

“Girl, you know you can ask me anything, right?” Belle smiled and shook her head.

“I saw you and Lacey on the beach last night. It looked like something deep was going on and I’m just being nosey, I guess.” Stella giggled and hugged her.

“Oh Lordy, she heard me in the hospital. She asked me, and I told her the truth that she is my daughter. I told her only part of it when she was in the hospital, she filled in rest of the blanks. She wascomatose, but itsunk through to her. I told her I gave her up when she was born. With theassault, I needed no reminder.Besides,I neverwanted children but somefolks do. Back then,it messed me up in my head, notthinking I could give her the life she needed, so I gave her to a good family who raised her up with love. Shewill tell Philippe that he’s my grand baby, and I am delighted that she’s even speaking to me. Just think, I’ll bea grandma to the new babe when she comes.” Belle looked at Stella and saw the happiness shine through as she talked about Lacey.

“How wonderful is that? That’s awesome, Stella, and I’m glad for you both. She didn’t mention when she planned on getting married or how long her and Horst will be here, did she?” Stella shook her head no.

“They’re here for a few weeks, at least. But no, I don’t know when they’re planning on tying the knot. Why?”

“Well, Sal wants to head back to the mainland and tie uploose ends. He’ll be there a week, but I’d like him to be here for the wedding. I’ll touch base with Lacey later and see if she has a plan in place.” Belle hugged her and took a sip of her now cold coffee.

“I’ll talk to you later. I’m sorry about Willie, too. Keep me updated.” Stella gave her a wave and watched as she walked towards the road to head back home. Stella looked at her watch. It was only seven a.m. and she knew the Lug wouldn’t be open for another few hours. She yawned and walked into her house, glanced at the couch and lay down on it. Closing her eyes, she relaxed as sleep overtook her senses and she drifted into a deep tortured dream.

Chapter Three

Watching And waiting

The man stood at the side of the cottage, anger in his stance as he rocked back and forth, impatient for her to return. He watched her move a short distance and up the stairs to the large house beyond the small yellow home. Lighting a cigarette, he leaned against the stucco siding and sucked deepon the thin brown tube, watching as the ends glowed in the morning light. He leaned onthe bungalow walluntil theolder womansurfacedan hour later. The pile of butts on the ground stacked, he shoved loosedirt over it with his foot and moved towards her. Stella glanced up and shielded her eyes as the man approached, then gave a slight wave.

“Good morning Fred, hope you got a goodnight’s sleep. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to greet you when you arrived but we had an issue with a friend and it detained me at the hospital. Is everything to your liking?” The man nodded, a smile breaking across his face.

“Yes, everything is perfect.The key waswhere you told me, easy to find. Thank youfor the container of coffee. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got here, but I like it. It’squaint and suits my needs, and the view is exciting.” He watched her as she glanced past him at the ground where he had buried the cigarette butts. Her eyebrow arched, she turned her attention back on his face.

“Good, good. Now you said you’re staying for two weeks, right? A couple calledlate yesterday looking for a vacancy at the end of your stay. I didn’t commit yet, as I hadn’t spoken to you.” Fred kicked at the sand as his mind turned, calculating the dates, and he shook his head.

“Two weeks will be enough. I should be able to complete my business by then. I’ll be out of your hair before you know it.” Stella gazed at his features, noting the slight scar on his cheek. The jagged edge raised, but old. His hair was thin and dyed a strange hue of brown, like cheap henna. She nodded at him and tried to place him in her mind. Unable to recollect, she turned and gave him a wave before moving back towards her porch. She stopped when he called out to her.

“Stella, what doyoudo for fun? Seemedquiet when I walked around late last night, but dead as a doornail.” He didn’t mention watching Belle and Sal’s interaction on the beach and wasn’t going to.

“Oh, most go down to the lug. They have live bands most nights. You can walk it from here, it’s just down the beach that-a-way. They stay open late, too. The beaches are the big draw. That’s why folks come. A getawaytorelax fromlife. Hope you enjoy your stay, and if you need anything, just knock on my door. If I’m not home, just text me and I’ll see what I can do, okay?” Fred nodded and watched as she walked away. His mind was noting the faded turquoise butterfly tattoo peeking from beneath her tank top.

“Where have I seen that before?” he wracked his brain but came up empty. Shrugging his shoulders, he headed back in to the blue bungalow. His suitcase sat open on the couch and he reached in and retrieved a small bag, and from it, a tiny brown vial. A pill bottle held empty capsules, and he set it beside the vial. He dipped the small spoon attached to his keys into the powder and filled a capsule half-way. First one, then another, he crafted more pills until the small vial was empty. He grinned and sang aloud to himself as he thought ofwhat he had seen last night. He knew her anywhere. Her body had become more rounded, those curves were still drop-dead. The silver blond hair now hung down her back and her cheekbones nowchiseled and strong.

“We will trip back in time, my sweet little Tink. When we do, you’ll beg me for mercy, as you suck me as sweet as your little man. You’re going to choke on my load before we’re done. Oh, I haven’t forgotten you, little miss, and I’m sure you haven’t forgotten me either. But you’ve taken so much, it’s only right that I give back in kind, bitch.”

He plucked up the capsules and dropped them into the pill container before tucking them in his jacket pocket. The white linen shirt would look nice once he got a tan, he thought to himself, and he moved into the bedroom to slip into his swim trunks. The bulge in his pants was throbbing, and he needed release.

Last night he had stood on his porch in the shadows and watched the grand display down on the beach. The moon couldn’t hide her porcelain skin, and he felt no qualms against jerking himself off as he watched the show. A sloppy second to beingin the thick of it. As she held Sal in her mouth, he longed to rip the man away and take his place. He pictured sticking his rock hard cock between her teeth and felt her mouth moving over him. He lost his load over the wood railing, flailing his dick against the hard material. Each blow increased his frenzy until the liquid shot out like a rocket over the plants that lay below the porch. Running his fingers over his deflated cock, he felt the hot, sticky wetness. He closed his eyes and ran his damp hand down the tall post he leaned on, imagining it was Tink he smeared with his juices. Retreating into the shadows, heslept content as the waves moved against the sand. Giggling in his sleep, hedreamed of the coming days, and the mayhem he would dish out. Dick thought aboutStella. The butterfly on her chest intrigued him, and she kept slipping into his thoughts.

“A little old, butseemslike shehas some gas in that tank” he muttered. He laughed out loud and looked in the mirror. His belly wasprotruding, but the years in prison had toughened him. He slapped his stomach and looked at the few sprigs of hair that lay planted on his chest. Having man-scaped for the trip, he prayed the teddy bear rug would stay at bay for the full two weeks. It wasstrange, after years of thick, unruly fuzz on his breasts, to see them almost naked. He stared at himself andfelt young and boyish. Closing his eyes, the memory of her face rose before him and he flinched.

He was walking into the living room pulling on his ripped tank top. It was hotter than Hades and he moved towards the fan, attempting to catch any breeze that drifted through.

“Come here son, let mama see your titties. Is that hair I see there? Come here, let me touch it and see if it’s real.” He moved closer to her as she sat on the couch. Her thread-bare yellow house dress bunchedup around her knees, the hot Florida heat thick for a house with no air conditioning. She fanned herself with a year old issue of National Enquirer. He watched as Marlon Brando moved back and forth on the cover, her hair fluffing out in the slight breeze she created. He stopped a few feet away and pulled his shirt down to cover the tiny hairs he had found.

“What’s wrong boy, I told you to come here. Now when I tell you to come, you come dammit. I’m not raising no fool, and only a fool ignores his mama when she tells him to do something. Now, get your ass over here. Right now!” He moved forward and stood between her spread legs. She poked him in the chest with the magazine and then dropped it and grabbed him by the wrist. Yanking on his arm, he fell into her lap, catching himself on the cushion beside her with his free hand. He stared at her and saw the bloodshot eyes, the rims pink and sagging, and he could smell the overpowering aroma of vodka that drifted from her fetid breath. She reached a hand out and stroked his non-existent breasts and drew herself up closer, trying to see the slight fuzz that was protruding from around his nipples.

“Ah, my little boy is becoming a man. Mama loves it when her boys become men. Why are youhiding these hairs away, boy?” Dick shook his head and shrugged his shoulder. She released his wrist and latched onto his too-tight hand-me-down jeans. Her fingers fumbled with the button and he drew in his breath as she yanked the zipper down with a tug.

“I bet you got hair down there, too. Don’t you boy? You got the hairs? Let your mama see, be a good boy and let your mama see how grown up you’re getting.” He took a step backwards, and she reached up and slapped him hard across the face. His hand flew upas he covered the spot that throbbed. She slapped him again and tugged his jeans down to his knees. His underwear had holes in it and he watched as her eyes moved downwards. Her fingers slid his underwear down to his knees, and she giggled. The brown stain in his drawers drew her gaze, and she frowned.

“Don’t you know how to wipe yourself, boy? What kind of man am I raising? You’re as unkeptas your no-good father, at least you stick around to help your sweet ma. Take them off and throw them in the dirty laundry. Now!” He slipped his jeans and the offending article off and reached down and grabbed them. He glanced at her once and moved towards the laundry room. His tank top was too small and sat at bellybutton level and he felt the tears fall as the shame overtook him. He knew she was watching him walk away. Sniffling once, he held his head high as he moved through the kitchen to the back porch where the washer sat. The dryer had broken years ago, but served a use for the high pile of laundry thrown onto it, a haphazard heap of stinking clothes. He tossed his undies on the top of the clothes and sighed.