Page 14 of Wishful Scheming

“Would you like another or three? Maybe it will help soothe your mind. I think you’re beautiful, and I never understood what it was… Well, maybe I do. Why do girls turn you on? You and me click, and I don’t think a relationship would be so terrible. I’ve got something they don’t. Would it be so difficult to want me like you wanted her?” Bree smiled and nudged the glass his way.

“I’ll take another, if you don’t mind. You must take it out of my paycheck ‘cause I’m tapped out.” She rested her chin on her hands and watched as he poured the different drinks into the stainless steel shaker. He looked in the mirror behind the bar and watched her as she watched him.

“I don’t know. My first time falling in love with someone was a girl who loved me back. Her name was Anna, and she had the greenest eyes I’d ever seen. She moved to town when I was in fourth grade, and she was in fifth. It was just something about her, the way she listened to me, the way she loved me. My home life was a nightmare, and I never knew love until her. She kissed me behind the candy store when we were walking home. I didn’t know if it was right or wrong. Thinking about it,I felt ashamed ofhowI felt.We were inseparable that whole summer, and when school started again, she was gone. Something happened with her parents, and they disappeared. Man,I cried for weeks. Deep down, I’ve been searching for that elusive feeling. To be open to the possibilities of loving someone and having that love reciprocated. I know, it’s stupid. I have nothing against guys, but I will always have a soft spot for green eyed girls interested in me. It’s a lonely existence here, as they are far and few between. Does that make sense?” Angel nodded and slid the glass across the counter to her.

“Bree,I’ve been thinkingever since I heard thatLacey’s getting married. I know she’s in love, and it’s not with me. We happenedlongago,I was young and stupid. Philippe will always be my son, but I don’t want to be a selfishprick abouther moving. Maybe I’m growing up, too. Being honest,I thought ofyou loving onred.” Bree rolled her eyes at him, and he chuckled.

“I know what you’re thinking and no, it wasn’t thinking ofhaving a threesome. It would be cool as shit, but I imagined her touching you and pleasing you on the beach, rolling in the sand, you know, being intimate. I’m actingjealous, I guess. I didn’t want anyone totouch you but me. AmI getting old? Maybe I’m tired of going home alone and living the same existence day after day. I’m existing in this rut and living for when I get to touch you, to please you.” Bree opened her mouth but found no words.

“Crazy Angel, yep, that’s me, but I won’t apologize for having feelings. I guess I’m just not that used to speakingthem aloud. Fucking isgreat, but I want more. What I see with Belle and Sal, I want that. I wanta life that unfolds like Lacey and Horst. I want you Bree, I guess that’s what I’m trying to say.” Angel came around the bar and waited for her response. Bree sucked the rest of her drink through the bright blue straw and felt the tears rising in her eyes.

“Wow, you know how to make a girl feel loved, Angel. I just thought you only wanted a wham-bam,thank you ma’am on the counter. I care about you, too. I can’t guarantee I won’t get wet when a green-eyed girl walks by, but I’m willing to try for more. I’m tired of being lonely, too. But promise me we will have fun outside of work. I don’t just want the quickie, I want the wine-me and dine-me, send me flowers and read me poetry kind of love. Can you do that? Would that fit into your vision of what we could be?” Angel leaned down and kissed her on the nose, then pulled her tight to his chest. Bree lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck and pulled him down to meet her lips. His tongue moved in, meeting hers, and their kiss deepened. Bree felt herself getting wet, and she pulled away a moment later.

“How about we sneak in a counter body surf?” Angel laughed and cleared his throat.

“Sweetie, I hate to break the news but Cindi the snail is still in there washing dishes. It was horrid here tonight without you, and once she’s done, I’ll relieve her of her duties and send her on the way. Then, Iwill take you home and make love to you proper. We’lltake it slow,make it last allnighton abed. Does that work for you? I will wine and dine you soon. I wasn’t expecting that tonight, but I’ll whip up some white Russians for the road.” Bree grinned at himas Cindi came strolling out of the kitchen.

“Angel, I’m done for the night. Thanks for the work, but if you don’t call me again soon, I won’t cry. It’s shitty bull work for the money, and it’s hotter than fuck in there. Can I get paid now?” She sulked and glanced over, seeing Bree sitting in Angels embrace.

Angel walked to the cash register and pulled out sixty bucks. Cindi counted it, tucked it in her pocket and left without a backward glance. Angel dipped into the drawer again and pulled out some cash, then handed it to Bree.

“Here, you can pay Jersey what the bitches stole. Don’t worry about paying me back, you’re worth it. Babe,I’m sorry you had such a shit time and that those assholes did what they did, butI’m glad you’re back. Are youready to hit the road?” Bree nodded and pushed the stool in while Angel whipped up a pitcher of drinks,turned out the lights, and cut the tiki lanterns tooff. Bree sat there in the dark and gazed out at the water. The moon was darting in and out of the clouds and she jumped when Angel ran his finger down her face.

“You ready to go home, beautiful?” She noticed the Obsession cologne he must have applied in the office before coming out. She inhaled the scent and felt her nipples tingle.

“I’ve never heard sweeter words. Yes, Angel, let’s go home.”

Chapter Ten

Brides And Bad Guys

The morning dawned clear and bright. Lacey rolled over and rubbed her eyes as she glanced at the clock beside her. 6:45 a.m. The blue numbers glowed in the dusky light. She yawned and slipped out of bed. The house was silent. She threw on her shorts and a T-shirt and padded out to the kitchen. Stella’s bedroom door was closed, and she grabbed her glass from the night before and filled it up with lemonade from the pitcher in the fridge. Walking to the couch, she flicked on the television set. The morning news was on, the perky blond weather girl extolling the virtues of a cloudless day and record highs for the island. Lacey rolled her eyes and wondered whether to wake Stella. Unsure of how late she had stayed up, she flicked off the tv and unlatched the doors to the back porch.

The beach laydeserted, and she watched the small foamy waves rippling on shore. The tide waslow,and it littered the beach with shells. A large conch was moving in and out as the waves touched the sand, and she walked down to collect the delicate prize. Her toes sunk into the sand and she reached down and plucked up the large object. Memories of her childhood pulled her, and she lifted the shell to her ear to hear the ocean. The echo made her giggle, and she tucked it to her side and turned to go back to the house. A man stood at the edge of the path and she watched as he lifted a cigarette to his mouth and inhaled. He waved and waited as she moved towards him and the house.

“It’s a beautiful day. What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing down on the beach alone at the ass-crack of dawn?”His eyes travelled from her head to her toes, then settled on her breasts. His sinister grin made her squirm. Lacey glanced over to the porch hopingStella had surfaced, butwas disappointed to seeno one there.

“Good morning, I’m just grabbing a shell. You must be Fred? Stella mentioned there was a man staying in blue.” She declined to introduce herself, remembering Stella’s concern, and walked past him. He reached out a hand and gripped her arm.

“Don’t I get to find out who you are, sweetie pie? It seems I’m at a disadvantage. You know who I am, but I’m here in the dark gazing at a beautiful girl who has no name. You are?” he said. She glared at his hand and yanked her arm away.

“I’ve got a thing against people touching me. If you’d please, Iwill be late. I’ve got to go.” She started walking towards the porch and could now understand why he made Stella’s skin crawl. He was creepy and rude.

“Bitch!” she heard him mumble, and she turned to confront him. He looked contrite, but she knew he had said it loud enough to reach her ears.

“Fuck off creep!” she said and watched as he grinned. He licked his lips, then turned and sauntered away. She heard him as he whistled Mack the Knife and cringed. She strode up the porch and sat the shell on the step. Unsure of where to clean it off, she thought of the last time Philippe had chanced bringing a shell into the house. Unbeknownst to her, the thing had carried a live creature within it and her kitchen had stunk of dead fish for a week. She walked in and moved towards Stella’s room. The door was closed, and she knocked. Hearing no answer, she knocked louder. Laceywalked into theemptyroom. The closedcomputer sat on the bed, which was made.

“Stella, you here? Stella?” She checked the adjoining bathroom and then walked towards the living room. The front door was unlocked, and she figured she’d left to check on the cottages. Laceyshut thedoorandmovedtothe guest room. Her wedding gown hung on a hanger on the closet door, and she touched the soft satin fabric. She picked up her cellphone and saw a message from Horst.

“Looking forward to our today and forever spent in your arms. I slept for crud and missed holding you throughout the night. Promise me we will never be apart again, my brain can’t take the thought.” She smiled and sent him a heart and lip emoji, then threw the phone on the bed. She grabbed her silk robe and headed into the bathroom. Turning the shower on, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were bright and clear, and she felt bad knowing that Horst hadn’t faredthe same. Stella’s guest bed was comfortable and the sound of the waves had lulled her into a dream filled sleep. Sticking her fingers into the spray, she slipped her robe off and stepped into the warm stream of water. The soap was new, and she twisted the top trying to open it. The bright red liquid flew everywhere as she squeezed the bottle too hard.

“Crap, sorry Stella, hope you like the scent of apples. Yikes! I hope your sewer can handle the bubbles.” The soap foamed up around her feet and she giggled. She grabbed hold of the safety bar as her foot slipped forward on the slick soap.

“Oh, not good, I need not fall and crack my skull open on my big day. Horst would never forgive me.” She soaped up her breasts and imagined the day to come. Rubbing her hand across her mound, she made sure she cleaned every inch of herself, then rinsed off in cooler water. The bubbles hadn’t dissipated, and she felt sorry for making a mess. Turning off the water, she slid the curtain aside. She heard the front door slam, and she edged her foot out onto the bath mat, careful not to slip.

“Stella, is that you? I’m just finishing up in here. Had a tiny mishap with your soap, I hope you don’t mind.” She wrapped the plush white bath sheet around herself and peeked her head out of the door.

“Stella? Oh, I met the creepy rental dude. Jesus, what a piece of work. The man is a totalasshole. I can see why hefreakedyou out.” She listened but heard no reply.