Page 1 of Wishful Scheming

Chapter One

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Thoughts of whatcould occurrose like an ominous cloud, the questionwhich chilled her to the bone. Nolonger avoiding thetruthstandingbetween them,feeling calm would have been a welcome diversion. Her emotions now long detached from the fragility of waves sparkling in the overpowering moonlit night. The odor of the blooming flowers floated on the air, the cloying perfume of gardenias, heavy and sensual, drifted to reach her nose. One of her favorites, Stella inhaled and smiled, her body loosened and she knew she had to plunge in with everything within her heart. She reached out her trembling hand and touched Lacey’s face.

“I understandthis discussion needs to take placeand you shouldn’t have to ask. Tragic thingsoccurred in mylife, that judgment was inmycontrol. I can’t atone for what’s done, that, and I’mold and, I don’t know, me. There were times throughout the last thirty years where I woke each morning and peered into that mirror and asked for guidance. I suppose I was a coward. Not wishing to rock the boat and scared, I grippedmy secrets like a miser with his gold in a sack.” Lacey watched her and saw the trepidation run across her face. Wrapping her arms around her sturdy shoulders, she hugged Stella tight.

“The dream wasreal. You were besideme atthe hospital. I could pick up words, and I may not have been conscious at the time but itcomes back like a shroud, burying me in its sincerity. You are my mother. Stella, is that what you haven’t saidout loud? Did you give me up as a baby?” Stella broke, her heavy sobs convulsing her body.

“I amsorry, andI can’t alterhistory or my mistakes. I’m not a cruel woman. Honey,I was wrong. True,I had options, and I realize I made the incorrect one. Wecan’t go backward and adjust events, but we can move forward, if you arewilling to stilltalk to me.”

Stella shook her head, her heart racing, now apprehensive as the dread of losing her daughter forever rose in her. Lacey stroked her cheek, the delicate wrinkles beneath her fingers. She smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

“I’ve had time to process, and it made sense. You played a part in my life. Thank you for that. I’vefelt your affection for both myself and Philippe. Withbaby coming, I’d like you to be her grandmother, for real. I haven’t told Philippe, I wanted to make sure my suspicions were on the mark. It will excite him, he loves you, and I love you.” Lacey looked up as her boy came running across the sand. His eyes were wide, fear etched across his face.

The women turned, and Philippe grabbed Lacey’s hand, pulling her towards the house. Stella followed, and they hurried up the steps. Belle was leaning over Willie who lay on the ground.

“Stella, we’ve called the ambulance, maybeit’s a heart attack.” Sal’s palms were pumping on his chest, and he’d stop in between compressions. Belle felt his wrist and nodded.

“His heart’s beating...” She said, her voice faltering.

“I hear the sirens. Horst, Philippe, can you go show them where we are?” The man and boy walked around the group on the floor and moved alongside the house to the front. Car doors slammed and two paramedics rushed back to the group. Sal stood up and moved aside, pulling Belle and Stella from Willie’s side.

“Give them room and let them do their jobs.” The group moved fromthe porch and watched theparamedicstrying to saveWillie. Lacey gripped Stellas hand and held tight.

“I hope he’ll be okay. Don’t worry Stella, he’sfit, and cantankerous,too, so I know hewon’t leave usthis way. Knowing Willie, he’d be more apt to be eaten by a shark. His ticker is strong for a man his age.” Stella nodded and sobbed.

“Jesus, what a night this has been. Blessed with the best news, then the worst news brought to light and everything under the sun. I know, I love that old coot more than words can say. It’s just a shock to have this happen, andI pray he’s okay.” She glanced over at the team tending to Willie. They had hefted him on to the cart and were maneuvering it off the few steps and onto the path. Stella rushed over and spoke to the paramedics and nodded. They moved Willie into the back of the ambulance and headed towardstown asStella watched the red lights flashing and hung her head low.

They moved back onto the porch and Stella arrived a minute later. Her eyes downcast andsad, her body spoke of the weariness that washed over her. Trying to keep positive, she smiled at Lacey and tousled Philippe’s hair.

“I suppose I should head over to the hospital. Williedoesn’t have any family here on the island, so I guess I’m the next best thing.” Horst stood up and touched her on the shoulder.

“I’ll run you over, if you’d like, that andI’ll make sure they’re giving him the best care.” Stella shook her head and glanced at Lacey.

“Let Horst take you, he can drop Philippe and me off at the house. I’d prefer not to be in a hospital, I need not get sick, not with the baby and still healing from my wounds. I’d love to be there with you, butI hope you understand.” Stella walked over and hugged her.

“No, I’ll drive myself,I won’tput anyone out, but thank you, though.” Stella grabbed her keys and bag, a sweater, then drove away. The group said their goodbyes and Horst, Lacey, and Philippe headed home. Belle and Sal stayed to tidy the remnants from the get-together.

“It sucks about Willie. He’s cool for an old surfer dude. I can’t believe this day. I’m so happy for Lacey, and a new baby. That’s so exciting, she’s such a good Mom. I wonder if she’ll move for good now? I would miss seeing her and Philippe, and damn, it’s so far away.” Sal wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

“I know, love. She’ll do what’s best for them both. She seems to love it here, though. I’m sure she’d divide her time, I know I would. It gets so frigidover there. Have you seen her tan? That girl is a true-blue beach baby, and I would think she’d not be ready to giveup the sunshine and warmth.” Belle nodded and sighed.

“Poor Willie. I hope everything is okay with him. I wonder what was up with her and Lacey, theywere knee-deep in talk about something. Look at me, being a nosy-Nellie… You ready to head out? I’ll lock up, I know where she places her spare key.” Sal stepped out andstood by while Belle picked up the chubby garden gnome and grabbed the key. She locked the door, then slipped it back into the box beneath the plaster figurine.Sal reached out and grasped her hand, pulled her to his chest, and kissed her.

“I’m so glad you have a great group of friends here. I’ve got towrap somedetailsup stateside. Do you wish to comewith me? I’ll be gonefor about a week.” Belle kissed him and continued walking towards home.

“Can you stick around for the wedding at least? I know they’d prefer both of us in attendance. Lacey asked me to stand up for her, and I pray nothing badtakes place. Our wedding was delightful, for being the disaster it ended on, but I would prefer you by my side for her big day. Will you stay?”

“They haven’tset a date, so let’s find out when, and I’ll work my trip home around it, okay?” Belle smiled and inhaled the salty tang of the air.

“Deal!Have I told you today how much I adore you? If you play your cards right, I mayeven show you when we get home.” Sal reached out and gripped her ass, before runninghis hand down her filmy, cotton dress.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d thinkyou’re not wearing any underpants. Could this be correct?” He kneeled down and slipped his hand up her calf and she pulled away giggling like a schoolgirl.

“What kind of woman do you think I am, Sal? We’re in the middle of the road. Anyone could come along at any moment. What would the neighbors say?” Sal chuckled and reached down once more. His hand grasped her calf, and he wrapped his arms around her legs, holding her in place. He ducked his head below the cottony gauze and ran his tongue from her calf up to her knee. Belle giggled and tried to move, but relaxed as she realized he had her locked in tight. His tongue spiraled up her inner thigh, and she leaned against a palm on the side of the road. Sal’s hand moved high, he parted her lips. His tongue ran circles around her nub. Belle exhaled, and a soft moan erupted from her throat. Sal lifted her dress up and moved her flat against the trunk of the palm.

“I’dmention thatyour neighbor left for the hospital, so we’regood to go. Have you made love beneath the moonlight on the beach? I haven’t, but Ibelieve we can remedy that, right here, right now.” Belle gazedat his faceas he kneeledin the shadows of the fronds. She touched his cheek.