Page 11 of Wishful Dreaming

“Did you bring your suit? If so, you can swim if you’d like.” She shook her head no and relaxed.

“I like to monitor Philippe, I don’t want him to be a pest to the other swimmers. I wasn’t sure what to expect.” There were only three people in the pool who stood together chatting and sipping fruity cocktails in the shallow end. Philippe surfaced in front of them and shook his head like a wet pup. Lacey laughed and shooed him away, he dove and disappeared around the curving edges of the bushes. The waiter returned with two flutes and the champagne. He wrapped a towel around the top and popped it open. Filling both, he handed one to each.

“I love a fine champagne. Lacey, I’d love to spoil you with the best of everything. You are like a child, with everynew experience you come alive before my eyes. There’s a light in your eyes of delight that I adore. You should bring Philippe and come to my home. I know he has schooling, but we have amazing teachers over there. Think about it. I don’t need an answer now, butI’ll give you five minutes, okay?” Laughing, Lacey looked at him with wide eyes.

“Now Horst,I know you’re kidding, but I will think about it, I promise. I want to stew on it,and it’s a big step, so I need to process it. I’m sure you understand.” Horst nodded and sipped his champagne, then relaxed. He reached over and stroked the skin on her arm.

“You’re so soft, like a kitten. I look forward to the day when I hear your purr, I’m sure it’s as precious as you are, love.” Lacey giggled and imagined the possibilities.

“Honestly, I do too. I’m not sure what it is with you, but this is so natural. You’vewhiskedme away in my mind to a fairy-tale land with the beautiful knight. Thishotel isamazing, I canseewhy itdrawstourists. If I had the money, I’d live here forever.” Horst smiled at her.

“Well, back home is beautiful, but it getsdownrightcold. We don’t worry about the tropical storms like you do here, but that’s why I slip away often to the warmer climes. I lovethat warm sun on my body and schedule mostof my seminars in warm destinations. This is one of my favorites, now with meeting you, nownumber one on my most loved places.” Philippe surfaced as at the other end of the pool, then swam back, watching the two of them, awide grin plastered on his face.

“I think Philippe likes it here, too. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. The only thing that would make him happier is if his team wins the Super Bowl.” Horst laughed.

“I like American Football, but over there, the big draw is Rugby and Soccer. I’m glad he’s having a good time, that means you won’t be rushing off soon. Oops, spoke too soon.” Philippe hopped out of the water and grabbed his towel. He was jumping around and Horst glanced at Lacey.

“I believe he needs the facilities. I’ll show him where they are.” Philippe nodded and shook the water off his hair. He followed Horst past the pool towardsthe locker room. He sprinted and Lacey laughed. Horst walked back and sat on the edge of the chair.

“Guess he waited too long, but that’s good, at least he didn’t go in the pool.” Lacey nodded and leaned back on her chair. Horst touched her leg and ran his hand up her foot. She wiggled away.

“I’m ticklish, just letting you know now. My feet are the worst spot, but there’re others.”

“I look forward to exploring and finding where those other places are. Philippe has school tomorrow, right? Do you have to work? I know I wanted to take it slow, but I’ve found with the fact of running out of time, I want to spend every minute I can with you. I want to touch you, to find those spots that make you wiggle like a worm, a cute one. Please, say you’ll give me tomorrow?” Lacey sobered and gazed into his eyes.

“Yes, I’ll come tomorrow. But could you pick me up at my home? I want to show you a special placebefore we head here. It’s asecret beach that you’ll love. I’ll make sure that Philippe heads to his friends after school. We will have a good stretch of time to explore…” Horst smiled and Lacey looked over his shoulder as Philippe emerged from the restroom.

“I’ll pick you up at eight, is that too early? Should I bring anything special?” She shook her head no.

“That’s great, I’ll make sure I’m ready. Just bring yourself and your… Bathing suit.” Philippe jumped back in the pool while the two sat and chatted for another hour. Lacey checked her watch and got Philippe’s attention when he swam closer.

“Time to go, you’ve got school in the morning.” Philippe gave her a sad look, and she shook her head. He pulled himself out of the pool and grabbed a fresh towel. They moved up to Horst’s suite. Horst handed Philippe and Lacey each a quarter as they left.

“Make sure you make a wish before you leave, you must always give one coming and going, double your chances of it coming true.” He grinned and hugged Lacey.

“I look forward to tomorrow, more than words can say.” Lacey felt the warmth through his shirt and held him close. Theytossed their coins in and made their wishes, then drove through the darkness to the other side of town. Horst pulled up the BMW in front ofherhouse. Being a gentleman, heopened thecardoor for her. Philippe ran for the house and disappeared. Horst gazed into her eyes and kissed her gently on the cheek. His hand moved up to her hair, and he released the hair clipsand watched as the blond highlighted tendrils cascaded down her back.

“You are so exquisite, I could stand here and stare at you forever, you know that, right?” His mouth took hers and their kiss deepened. His fingers slipped through her hair and he pulled her close. She melted into his embrace and felt the butterflies moving in her stomach. She moved her tongue to match his and ran her finger down his back, her fingernails raking over his shirt. Horst released a moan, and she smiled.

“I can’t do this right now. I’ve got to get in before Philippe comes to see where I am. Tomorrow, I too, cannot wait to hold you in my arms, to feel you love me. Horst, I’ve never felt this way about anyone, ever. It makes me sad to know you’re leaving. I’ve just found you, and we’llmake the most ofourtimeleft. Yes, I’ll giveserious thought tovisitingyour home. If it were just me I’d jump at the offer in a heartbeat, but I do have Philippe to consider. I will give you my answer tomorrow, if that’s okay.” Horst kissed her once more, now eager to find out her response.

“Goodnight, my fair Lacey. Until tomorrow, I shall pine away for your loveliness.” He bowed and kissed the back of her hand. Lacey walked into the house as Horst pulled away. She leaned on the door jamb andgazedat Philippewatching his favoritesitcom. He looked over at her and grinned, wrapped his arms around himself and made kissing motions at her. He looked happy, and she sat beside him, wrapped him in her arms and kissed the top of his head.

“Yeah, I like him, too. Did you enjoy yourself? Did you have fun?” The boy nodded and leaned back, returning his attention to the episode of The Simpsons. Lacey stood up and grabbed the phone, punched in the number and spoke for a few minutes then relaxed. A few minutes later a knock on the door pulled her from her pondering.

Stella came in, a smile from ear to ear. Lacey moved into the woman’s embrace. Stella rocked her back and forth.

“You look like the cat that ate the canary girl, what’s happening? Did you meet a man and was he bearing chocolates?” Stella giggled as Lacey explained how she metHorst at the bar, their dinner, and champagne poolside.

“He wants me to bring Philippe and go overseas to his home to visit. It’s so far away, but I’m worried,upending Philippe for a jaunt that may or may not pan out. He’s a smart boy, but his schooling is important. I don’t know, I’m just so torn overthe whole thing. That, and he’s filthy rich. I’m not used to his lifestyle at all.” Stella sat at the kitchen counter while Lacey paced.

“Did you ask Philippe what he wants? Is it something he’s interested in doing? Kids these days spend toomuch time in school. Think about what he can learn. Imagine whathe will see. Mostnever have time to explore foreigncountries. It is like he’d be learning by doing. He’ll catch up on his studies later. What if he’s the one for you? Could you forgive yourself if you let him go? If youdon’t follow up on the possibility? Look what happened forBelle when that lamp arrived. It’s your turn sweetie, allow the thing to do its work and don’t be so afraid. What’s the worst that can happen? You have a sucky tripandPhilippe misses twoweeksof school? If it were me, I’d jump at a chance like that.” She glanced at the gold candy box on the counter and lifted the lid.

“Mmm… Now that looks like fancyfine candy there. Did he give this to you?” There were three empty spots where Philippe had pilfered a few specimensfor his television snack. Stella reached in and plucked out a nutty looking one.

“I bet these area hazelnut, I love me those hazelnuts and creamy chocolate, may I?” Lacey grinned and nodded as Stella popped it in her mouth, smiling as the rich chocolate melted down her throat.

“Damn girl, that’s the good stuff, for reals. The man has great taste in confections, andI’d say he’s a keeper for this alone.” Lacey plucked one out and took a small bite,nodding.