Page 15 of Wishful Dreaming

“My brother is looking for a hot date. I’ll make sure he knows Lacey is off the market. I’m glad she stayed, too.” Stella unrolled her hair and sprayed it when she moved everything into its proper place.

“Looking good, Belle, now you can do your makeup and then I’ll help you into your dress so you mess nothing up. You’re a stunningbride, and I will leave you to do your thing. Call me when you are ready for the gown.” Stella left the room and Belle gazed into the mirror. Her hair now piledup in spots and held with bobby-pins, the curls fell gently alongside her face and she felt like a fairy-tale princess. She put on her eyeliner, mascara, and just a touch of blush to give her cheeks a hint of color. The concealer took care of the fading remnants of the bruises, and she smiled at her reflection. Stella returneda few minutes later.

“You ready for the gown, beauty?” She pulled the smooth white dress from the padded hanger and held it out while Belle slipped into it. The bodice hugged her breasts and the soft material flowed down around her hips. The gown hung to her ankles, and she twirled around in circles.

“Do I pass muster?” Minnie walked in to the roomand burst in to tears seeingBelle before her.

“Oh, my sweet baby is a woman, don’t you look like a dream, child. Oh, I can’t start crying, I’ll look like a raccoon.” Stella chuckled and tossed her the Kleenex box.

“No one will notice, I expect to see manytears as Belle saysI do. She’s the sweetest girl and Sal is a lucky man.” Minnie blew her nose into the tissue, walked over and kissed Belle on the cheek, then left.

“All right, Princess Belle, the witching hour is upon us. Lacey and Philippe are downstairs waiting, and Mick is ready to walk you down the aisle. Iwill go take my seat with Willie. I’ll see you in a few minutes, don’t cry, but if you do, here…” She pulled out a wad of tissue and handed it to her.

“Tuck it down in your bra, no one will notice. I know you, and I know you will bawl like a baby. So, I guess this is it. I’m so happy for you, you know that, right?” Stella held her hands and her eyes filled.

“Gotta go girl, before I get the ugly cry going. Nothing worse than an ugly cry face. Love you.” She slipped outasBelle twirled once more before the mirror.

“I’m ready and feeling sobeautiful,” she said into the mirror, turned and went to meet her future husband on the most eventful day of her life.


9:30 a.m. (earlier that day)

Horst sat on the plane as it circled the runway. They packed the tourists tight, and he was happy he could pay a small sum to trade spots with a young manon holiday. The pilot’s voice camethroughthe speaker as he spokeof the impending landing. He buckled his seat and nudged the man beside him.

“Hey, we’re getting ready to land. Buckle in, chap.” The man blinked his eyes as the words sunk through to his brain.

“Oh, yeah, thanks,” he muttered. He pulled the lap belt over his waist and leaned back, readying for the descent.

“You on holiday?” the man said and Horst smiled.

“I was, then I wasn’t, and I guess now I am again. I’ve got a girl on the island and she’s not expecting me. She’s at a wedding that I hope to make it to on time. I hope this rust bucket lands in one piece. I don’t normally take these little flights, makes my stomach churn.” Horst opened his water bottle and downed half of it. The man shook his head and smiled.

“I’m off to seeold friends myself. I’ve needed a vacation forsome time. My life’stoo cloistered and solitary. It istime to get away anddig my toes thesand and catch therays. I miss seeing the sun.” Horst nodded, understanding.

“You’ll love it here then, the beaches are magnificent to see. The water is this stunning blue green that you can see through to the bottom. I could live here forever, but the family business keeps me on my toes. I know I’ll be spending more time here than usual. Hence, the woman I will surprise today.” The man nodded, and the plane began its downward trek through the clouds. The white fluffy matter drifted by the window and Horst glanced down at the water beyond the small round glass. He saw the runway in the distance and smiled. Feeling better being able to see where they were going, he felt his heart skip a beat as the plane hit turbulence.

“I fly everywhere, but that’s something you never get used to…” the man looked at him and nodded. The plane moved from side to side as it caught a gust of wind. The man tightened his seatbelt, gazingat the surrounding passengers. An elderly couple beside them clenched hands and he could sense the fear on the woman’s face. The plane hit another air pocket and a loud boom moved through the plane. Horst looked up as an overhead bin swung open. A bag teetered,then came careening out as the plane banked upwards. Sweat dotted his brow, and he swallowed down the rest of the water.

“Lacey, oh Lacey,” he said and stared out the window as the water below loomed closer.