Levi did the same, putting his ring on. “In that case, Other Mr. Hayes,” he stepped close to me, crowding into my space until we were chest to chest and dropping his voice to a low murmur that made goosebumps break out along the back of my neck. “Will you… let me suck your dick now?”

I burst out laughing and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Not a chance.” His scowl just made me laugh harder. “I told you, you can wait until I get home.”

“As long as you’re mine, I can wait as long as it takes.”

I glanced over to double-check that I’d locked the door and leaned in to kiss him. I slid my fingers through his hair, which was loose around his shoulders for once, and tugged gently, drawing a soft moan from him as I eased my tongue into his mouth. Between us, his cock thickened, pressing against my hip. I let the kiss go on for several torturous moments before pulling away, leaving Levi panting.

“Jesus,” he hissed. “Now you’ve got me all hard. I’m going to be thinking about you for the rest of the damn day.”

I winked at him. “That’s the point. Wouldn’t want you to forget who you’re coming home to.”

He adjusted his erection in his jeans to be less noticeable and flipped his middle finger at me. “Fuck you.”

I smirked. “I think I’d like that.” I kissed him once more, quickly, before stepping away completely. “But for now, I need to get back to work. Take all the time you need in here. I’ll see you at home?”

“You’d damn well better.”

I unlocked the door and pulled it open, but before I left the office, I glanced at Levi one more time. “I love you.”

His expression softened, going from annoyed to tender in a second. “I love you too.”

With that, I headed back into the theater to finish out the day and enjoy the payoff of our hard work. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been happier, and I had Levi to thank for it.

Epilogue - Nine Months Later


As Soren pulled on a snug-fitting tank top from our favorite local brewery, I stood back and admired his lean body, the way the muscles pulled and moved, and sneaked a peek at his ass, tilting my head to the side to get a better view.

Soren whipped around to face me and I knew I’d been caught. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Hey, stop that,” he said, swatting at me with the back of his hand.

I jumped back to dodge him. “What?”

“I know what you were doing. I caught you checking me out.”

With a laugh, I lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Can’t blame me for checking out my smoking hot husband, can you?”

He took a couple of steps forward and closed the space between us, sliding his arms around my neck. “No, I guess I can’t.”

I leaned in to kiss him, but the second our lips touched, the doorbell rang and I pulled back. “Who’s that?”

Soren shrugged. “No clue. Is one of the guys coming here to carpool?”

I shook my head. “Not that I’m aware of.” We were headed to Cam and Oliver’s place for a cookout, but I couldn’t think of any reason someone would be coming to our house beforehand. I reluctantly pulled away from Soren and went to answer the front door.

On our stoop stood a young guy, maybe twenty years old, wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt and holding a stuffed legal-sized manila envelope in one hand. Behind him, a beat-up red coupe idled in the driveway. “Are you Mr. Hayes?”

I nodded, frowning. “Can I help you?”

“I’m here to deliver something to Mr. Hayes.”

Furrowing my brow, I pointed at the envelope he held. “What’s that all about?”

He shrugged and raised it. “I’m just a courier. Grayson Woodward sent me to drop this off. He said to make sure it got in the hands of Levi Hayes.”

“That’s me.” I reached out to take the envelope and he pulled it back.

“Wait. Can I see your ID? He specifically said to make sure it got to the right person and I don’t want to get in trouble for delivering it to the wrong person.” Grumbling, I pulled out my wallet and passed the courier my license. He studied it for a moment before handing it back. “Thanks.”