The team effort to get the theater ready for inspection and for opening had overwhelmed me, but once I wrapped my head around it, all I felt was gratitude. By the time the day of the opening had arrived, everything was in order. We’d passed the inspection and all that was left was to hope the day went smoothly.

On the day of the grand opening, my staff of mostly college-aged kids arrived early, each one of them bright-eyed and ready to face the day. After giving them their assignments and encouraging them to make it a great day, I walked around the front of the building to roll up the gate. There was a line of people waiting to be let in the theater, and the line stretched halfway down the block. My stomach fluttered with nervous excitement as I lifted the gate and officially opened the theater.

“The Radiance Theater is officially open for business,” I announced to the crowd, and cheers went up along the line. One of the college kids I’d hired took his place in the box office booth, grinning and waving the first customer over.

I stood back and watched people stream in for a while. Just when the line seemed to dwindle, a new group of people would step up. My heart was full and light. After several minutes of people-watching, I made my way inside, inhaling deeply the scent of popcorn that lingered in the air. The vendor booths were bustling with visitors, and the vendors were all smiling brightly as they chatted to potential customers. I wormed my way through the crowd to Jared’s booth and waited patiently until he was finished talking to someone before I stepped up.

“Everything going okay?”

He nodded. “You wouldn’t believe the number of leads I’ve gotten.” Jared gestured toward a sign-in sheet he’d created for his table. “I’ve talked to at least two dozen people about getting them in for a sample training session, and even a handful of inquiries about the music lessons I’ve been giving.”

I beamed, excited for him. “That’s awesome. I’m glad it’s been worth it for you.”

“I would’ve been here anyway. Anything for Levi. But between you and me, I’ve also gotten, like, three date invitations, on top of the client leads.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Definitely worthwhile then.” I winked at him.

Before I could turn away, someone came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist, pressing a scratchy kiss to my cheek. I smiled and spun to find Levi standing close. “This is amazing,” he murmured. “You’re amazing.”

I hummed happily. “I couldn’t have done it alone. I have you and your friends to thank for making it happen.”

He glanced over my shoulder. “Is Jared doing okay?”

“He’s getting tons of leads on new clients. I think they’ll keep him busy for a while.”

“Good. Now…” He leaned close to my ear and dropped his voice to a whisper. “How about we sneak away and let your staff handle things for a while? What do you say to a quick blow job in the boss’s office?”

My cock perked up at the thought, but I wiggled away from him, chuckling. “Nice try, but no. I can’t leave the floor, not when everything’s going so well.”

He frowned. “I’d say that’s exactly why you can leave the floor. Besides, it would be so fucking hot. The thrill of having to be quiet, the risk of being caught…”

I kissed him quickly, fighting the urge to give in. “Try me again in…” I glanced at a clock nearby. “Eight hours or so.”

Levi pushed his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout. “I don’t want to wait that long.”

“You’ve waited all this time, I think you can handle a few more hours.”

“Fine,” he muttered. “But you’d better make it worth my while.” Before I could assure him that I definitely would, he stepped away, the crowd closing around him and swallowing him up just like that.

Shaking my head and laughing to myself, I made my way through the lobby, checking on the concession stand staff before heading outside. The afternoon sun was bright and despite the chill in the air, the weather was perfect. I headed toward the face-painting booth to check in there, but before I made it that far, I was stopped in my tracks by Cam, who was grinning like a fool and shaking his head at me. I had started to get to know the group better and it was so comforting to be treated like one of the group, even though I was so new. They had folded me into their family without questioning it the moment Levi had asked them to.

“I knew it,” he said. His husband Oliver was by his side, taking a rare day off from the restaurant. With them were Nate and Theo. Cam turned to Theo, a triumphant look in his eyes. “Pay up.”

I raised my eyebrows. “What did Levi do this time?” My tone was wary.

Cam laughed and grinned, lifting one shoulder in a shrug. “You.”

A moment later, Theo pulled out his wallet and handed Cam a twenty, a scowl on his face. “Fine, but Oliver owes me dinner or something.”

Oliver shook his head. “Not a chance. This was Cam’s bet. Leave me out of it.” He held up his hands in front of himself.

“Wait, what’s going on?” I could hear the suspicion in my voice.

Nate cleared his throat. “Cam couldn’t leave well enough alone, apparently. He was so sure that you two would end up together he made a bet with Nate about it.”

“Wait, but you’ve known this for a few weeks. I’m sure Levi told you guys we were together the day everyone came to help out after the storm.”

“Well, we knew you were together, but now that he’s proposed again, I think I can really count myself a winner, don’t you?”