I raised my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

He took a step close to me, so close I could feel his body heat radiating off him, and dropped his voice to a whisper. “I never saw myself with someone long term. That’s one of the reasons I left. But like you said, the more I get used to the idea of having someone around, the more I think I want that.”

I swallowed hard and scratched at my jaw. “Soren?” I asked finally, my voice husky.


“How’d you like to head back home?”

A slow smile spread over his face. “I think I’d like that very much.”

Chapter Twelve


Iwatched Levi navigate the streets while I sat firmly planted on the passenger side of his pickup truck. He was calm and collected, totally cool, while I was freaking out inside. His question about heading home was heavy, laden with the implication of what we were going to do when we got home, and I’d said yes. I wasn’t so sure anymore, despite the fact that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him as he drove us home, early-evening moonlight streaming in through the truck window and illuminating him like a piece of artwork.

My hands shook in my lap and I swallowed hard. I wanted it—wanted him—but I also wasn’t sure I was ready. We’d only known each other for a few weeks. I’d never done anything with a man before Levi, and to go from kissing to more in just a couple of weeks felt sudden.

It felt right, too, though. My heart pounded, threating to burst from my chest as I imagined what it would feel like to finally let Levi touch my bare skin, his fingertips exploring my body and teasing below my waistband. I imagined, too, what it would feel like to have his mouth on me, on my jaw, my neck, my throat, my… Heat seared my face as I let my thoughts wander farther south. Much farther south.

He glanced over at me and caught me staring, his face softening. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for, you know.” He’d practically read my mind.

“I’m ready.” I didn’t know if I trusted my voice not to betray me if I kept speaking.

“Okay,” was all he said, and kept driving.

When the truck crunched its way up the gravel driveway and came to a stop, my stomach fluttered and I let out a shaky breath, a little hysterical laugh slipping from me.

“Hey,” he said.

I looked at my lap and shook my head. “I’m just nervous. What if I—”

Levi put his hand on mine. “No. None of that. No what-ifs. Those will spin you out if you let them. Let’s just go inside and see where the night takes us, okay?”

I nodded and followed him inside. Just like the day we’d come home from the airport, the minute the door was closed, Levi turned to me, kissing me firmly. His touch grounded me, brought me back into the moment. I moaned softly when he slipped his tongue into my mouth, my cock thickening in my jeans. Even though it had been happening for a while, I still couldn’t believe it—I was getting hard for a man. A man who was kissing me. And I wanted more.

I put my hands on his waist and pulled him close. Levi took a small step in until his hips met mine, the hard length of his cock evident through the many layers of fabric between us. I rocked mine up to meet him and he groaned, threading his hands in my hair and gripping so very slightly. Heat shot down to my nipples and groin, making me ache and want him in a way I didn’t know that I understood.

Our lips slid together, our tongues dancing, and my hands wandered to the waistband of his jeans as if they had a mind of their own. My fingers found their way under his silly button-down shirt, the one with teeny tiny ice cream cones all over it, the one that fit him so nicely that I practically drooled all over myself when I’d seen him in it earlier that night, and I slid my hands along the smooth expanse of muscle that was his back. Levi groaned again and pulled back to nip at my bottom lip, scraping it with his teeth and sending a current coursing through me once again.

“Stop me if I push you too far, okay?” His voice was a velvety whisper in my ear and I nodded, though I couldn’t imagine any scenario in which I’d tell him to stop what he was doing. Not then, maybe not ever.

Levi’s lips found my jaw then and I gasped as he scraped my bare skin with his teeth before dragging his tongue over the sensitive spot under my jaw. I heard the whimper break free from my throat and Levi’s heady chuckle. I wanted more.

He moved down to my neck, kissing his way along my collarbone before he found the dip in my clavicle and licked and nibbled his way back to my throat, where he sucked and scraped his teeth again. My cock was fully hard and leaking, aching for his touch, my hips bucking up of their own volition. I dug my fingertips in his back, wishing we could get closer to one another.

“Levi,” I gasped. “I—I need—”

He pulled back and his blue eyes met mine. “Tell me.”

In response, I fused our lips together again, fucking my tongue deep into his mouth, and moaned softly as I reached between us and began to unfasten his jeans. “More,” I gasped when the kiss broke.

He nodded and grinned wickedly at me before scooping me up like a bride, the way he’d done when I’d moved in with him. Before moving, he kissed me again. “Bed or couch?”

“Bed,” I murmured urgently against his lips. “Please.”

He grunted in response and carried me down the hallway to the bedroom before laying me down on the blanket. I scrambled back, pushing the covers aside, and watched in awe as he unbuttoned his shirt slowly, one agonizing button at a time, his jeans partially undone and hanging open. My mouth watered and my cock leaked again, throbbing in my jeans. I took a shaky breath and with trembling hands, I peeled off my shirt and removed my jeans and boxers. I was naked.