Before he could speak, one sporty, athlete-type guy cleared his throat. “So what’s the surprise?”

Levi didn’t hold them in suspense long. “I’m getting married. Tonight. Right now. You’re all here to attend my wedding. Well, not just my wedding.” He turned to me and took my hand. “This is Soren and we’re getting married tonight. We wanted you all to witness for us.”

From the cluster of guys came noises of surprise and confusion. One gasped and clapped his hands. There were several questioning looks. Another said the same thing I’d said, which was that he couldn’t be serious. When the group settled down again, Levi nodded and pulled me closer.

“I’m serious. Soren and I are getting married—tonight—and we want you all to be a part of it. If you want to leave, now’s the time. But I can honestly say I can’t wait to become legally married to this man, and I hope you’ll all be here for us when it happens.”

They were quiet for a few moments until the one who started the conversation spoke. “Let’s do this.”

“Thanks, Park,” Levi said. “Right this way.”

A few minutes later, we were standing behind the nature center of Grandlin Park saying our vows. We promised to care for each other, to help each other, and to walk beside each other in partnership for as long as our union lasted. It hit me in the middle of repeating our vows that in just a few minutes, we’d be married. Nerves slammed through me as it occurred to me that the way we sealed our marriage was with a kiss. I’d have to kiss Levi. In minutes. In front of everyone.

I didn’t know why it hadn’t hit me before then, but it did, and my knees weakened. I braced myself, taking a deep breath. Levi must’ve noticed something changed because he squeezed my hands gently.

“And now, you may seal your union with a kiss,” Misti said.

Levi hesitated for just a fraction of a second. I tried to look casual and confident as I smiled and nodded at him, an invitation. He stepped in close, pulling me to him, and pressing his lips to mine. His were firm, warm and soft, but his beard was rough at the same time. He parted his lips just slightly and as I followed suit, he teased his tongue along mine. Butterflies rushed through me and when Levi stepped back my heart was racing and my breathing was shaky.

“You okay?”

I nodded. “Never better.”

Chapter Seven


That kiss… that kiss had been the single most intense kiss of my life, and I’d had a lot of good kisses. Something inside me broke when I kissed Soren in front of all my friends and my parents and everyone. I squeezed his hand, partially to reassure him and partially to ground myself, and as we parted, the cheers got louder around us. That was it—we were married.

After the ceremony, the guys tried to talk us into heading out for a celebratory drink—or several. They insisted it wasn’t a real wedding without a reception, but when I looked to Soren to get his opinion, his eyes were wide and his cheeks were flushed. He looked adorable, but also overwhelmed. Not wanting to pressure him, I begged off, reminding them we all had to work the next day, and after some convincing, we agreed to get together in a week or two to celebrate after a kickball game instead. I knew I’d have to come clean to them about our relationship eventually, but I wanted to do it in person.

I drove Soren back to the theater, where he picked up a suitcase he’d packed, and we headed to my place, grabbing fast food burgers for dinner on the way and devouring them in the car. When we parked in the driveway of my little house, I looked to Soren.

“Here we are. Home sweet home. You ready?”

He chuckled softly and smiled. “Just about anything’s nicer than the apartment at the Radiance. I had to replace all the furniture that was left behind. Most of it came from thrift stores or people’s curbs.”

I laughed. “I definitely didn’t get my furniture from people’s curbs, so I guess I’ve got that going for me.” I took his suitcase from the trunk and led him around to the back door, which was the door I used most. I unlocked it and pushed the door open but stopped before stepping inside. “Wait.”

He raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”

I grinned and stepped closer to him. “I’m supposed to carry you inside. It’s tradition.”

Soren rolled his eyes. “Hardly. Besides, we’re business partners. I don’t think that’s required to seal a business deal.”

With a shrug, I dipped down low and scooped him into my arms. He made a noise of surprise and threw his arm around my neck for stability. Soren was warm against me, solid and strong despite his lean body and he smelled like heaven—vanilla and cedar. My heart skipped a beat or two as I stepped over the threshold and carried him into my house. As I lowered him to his feet, there was a tug in my chest, and when he was out of my arms, I felt it like a loss.

Shaking my head to clear my mind, I grabbed his suitcase and pulled the door closed behind us. “This is the kitchen. Over there is the living room,” I said, pointing. “And down that hall are the bathroom and the bedroom.”

His head whipped around and our gazes met. “The bedroom? As in, the only bedroom?”

I nodded. “It’s a good size though. There’s plenty of closet space and the bed is super comfortable. I changed the sheets for you this morning.”

He rubbed his hand over his face. “What do you mean?”

I shrugged. “I figured you’d sleep in the bed and I’ll take the couch. It’s the least I can do until we find a better solution.”

“I can’t let you do that.” He grabbed his suitcase and took the few short steps into the living room.