Page 41 of Roses for Rosie

“What woman would mind being paraded around a fancy party on the arm of the famous Adam Smythe?”

“I hope you know you mean more to me than that, Rosie. I meant what I said to Jan when I called you my girlfriend. I hope that was okay.”

“More than okay.” I smile at him.

He kisses me gently and leads me off into the depths of the party to check off the names on Jan’s list.

Chapter 20


I can’t believe I have to take Rosie back to the airport today. I wish she could stay here with me or better yet that I could go home with her. The last few days with her have been like a dream.

We talk for hours without running out of things to say. The bedroom action is hotter than anything I can even dream up for my books. I love having her next to me when I go to sleep and seeing her face as soon as I wake up. We are like peanut butter and jelly. We go together. We fit.

I count the days until I will be free from the last leg of my book tour. Ten. Ten more days feels like an eternity when all I want to do is immerse myself in Rosie. We’ve only just begun to scrape the surface. She’s still sleeping next to me, but I already feel the depth of the craving my body will have for her when she is gone.

I know am going to miss her even more after she leaves than I did before she visited. How am I going to concentrate on work when my mind is so caught up in Rosie?

I’ve been with plenty of women before, but none have made me feel like this. They were all a quick physical release or a fun night out, a date for an event which required a photo op or a prop for my career. What I have with Rosie is different, better. It’s all-consuming, something I always tried hard to avoid in the past but which I find intoxicating now that I’ve given in to it.

I wake her with a soft kiss and make slow love to her one last time before she has to go, memorizing every curve as I go. I imprint her sighs and her moans in my memory to relive later, when I am alone again. I memorize the feeling of her moving under me and her body responding to mine.

She snuggles in against me as the room grows brighter and the time for her departure grows near. I don’t want to break our magical bubble by talking about her leaving, but it has to be done.

“Ten days feels like forever. I’m going to miss you.”

“An eternity,” she agrees. “I’m going to miss you too.”

“I’ll call you every day.”

“I’ll clear my busy social calendar,” she jokes sadly. I can see the weight of reality settling on her shoulders like a cloak, weighing her down. I get to stay here and go to parties while she has to go back to her father. It isn’t fair. She deserves so much better than that. When this book tour is over, I’m going to see that she is as pampered and adored as she should be.

“Your calendar better watch out. When I get back, it’s going to be so full of dates with the famous Adam Smythe that you won’t even recognize it.”

She smiles back at me, genuinely. “I can’t wait.”

“Me either,” I agree, dropping another kiss on her lips. “I’d love to stay here in bed with you all day, but we better get moving if you want to make your flight.”

“Maybe I don’t want to make it.” She shifts on top of me, exposing her naked breasts and nestling herself against my groin. I groan in response, unable to stop myself from responding to her. She feels me harden and smiles down at me, starting a tantalizing rotation of her hips. All restraint I might have exercised is lost. I am lost.

I glance at the clock. We can make this work. I sit up and pivot my feet to the ground, Rosie still on my lap. She wraps her legs around me as I pick her up, standing and heading for the bathroom. I still haven’t introduced Rosie to shower sex. I can’t let her leave without feeling her wet, slippery body next to mine in the master bath of the penthouse suite.

Feeling the six shower heads beating on my body at the same time is practically orgasmic when I’m alone. I can’t believe I have waited this long to take her in there with me.

I turn the taps on and step into the massive shower with Rosie still straddling me. Warm water showers down on us from all angles. I kiss her through the mist of water spraying between us, soaking up the moment.

Steam surrounds us in second, enveloping us in our own world. I let the warm wall support Rosie so I can let my hands roam over her body. She shivers in delight as my fingers chase drops of water from her shoulders down to the hard peaks of her nipples. I tease each one, until I feel her legs tremble with need.

When I reach between her legs, I find her slick and wet. She’s as ready as I am. I pull one of her legs up around my waist, opening her to me and slide inside her. Water pours over both of us, as we move in a rhythm as old as time. I sink my entire length into her as we join together. Each thrust brings me closer to the edge.

Our mouths meet in a rough kiss, demanding more from each other. My tongue tangles with hers. I want everything she has to give. We are as close as two people can get, but we still aren’t close enough. I hold her to me, plastering myself over her, pressing her into the wall.

She clenches around me as an orgasm rips through her body. Her pleasure is more than I can resist and I allow myself to come, sinking into her again and again until we are both spent and sated.

I hold her until she stops trembling. When she’s steady, I wash her hair gently, massaging her scalp with my fingers. When her hair is clean, I move onto her body, liberally soaping and rubbing every inch of her until she is trembling with need again. This is one shower she will never forget.

“Are you sure we can’t cut the tour short?” I ask Jan, beseechingly.