“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust him with my life.”
A soft whinny caught my attention. At the edge of the clearing, Rafe rode a bay, sturdy and big-boned—a stallion but one that walked calmly. He led two horses. The first was massive—the second biggest I’d seen, the largest being the draft horse I rode during my recruitment. That one had to be for Korzak. The other Rafe led, a medium-sized black. It was slender but strong. Garion rode behind him on a chestnut, leading two bays.
As Xzanth entered the clearing, my attention flew straight to the beast trailing behind him. It was the smallest horse I had ever seen—something between a horse and a pony. Its ears were ridiculously long and its shaggy bay coat faded to a black mane and tail.
I gaped at it in amused horror.
That one was mine… I just knew it.
Everyone roused and gathered near the horses, but I remained on the log and stared. Xzanth looked around and motioned toward me with his head. Unable to move, my jaw fell open.
They really brought me an oversized puppy.
Rafe distributed the saddled horses, and the men wasted no time mounting and riding them about. He approached Xzanth and took the reins of the… shaggy, small horse and started my way.
“You bought me a pony.” I scoffed when he came within earshot. We were far enough away from the men that they wouldn’t hear my informal, accusing tone.
He smirked and held out the reins. “Garion assured me it’s a horse… half of one, at least.”
“You bought me a mule?” I slapped a palm to my forehead.
Rafe chuckled. “Get on him.”
“Him?” I peered at the creature’s underside as I stood. “Hard to tell under all that… hair.”
With a sigh, I took the reins and regarded the thing’s face. I pushed aside the unruly forelock to find two bright eyes. It blinked at me and snorted, offended that I revealed it to the world. I smiled and scratched its chin, walking to the side to get a good look at it. I studied his small head and the obscenely large ears. Its bushy mane stuck out at all sides.
My gaze traveled down his fuzzy body, and I reached out to feel along his legs. He stood still and calm, resting the tip of his hind hoof with ease. I felt his strong bones beneath the coat and patted his shaggy withers. They were level with my shoulders, which was far better than the other horses I had ridden. It seemed like a well-built creature, albeit a bit forlorn in appearance.
I took a deep breath and mounted, expecting to have to hold it steady. The beast didn’t even bat an overgrown ear. I let out a relieved sigh.
Rafe chuckled again at my antics and patted its neck. “It’s a pigou. They’re bred in the plains between the foothills of E’or and the King’s plains. Garion recognized it. I’d never seen one.”
“I guess his size is more suited to me,” I mumbled.
Honestly, I thought he looked ridiculous, but I gave his neck a fond scratch. As long as he didn’t throw me, we would be fast friends.
“Go.” Rafe slapped its rump.
The pigou craned its hairy head in his direction and snorted. I smiled, secretly charmed that it didn’t bolt. Squeezing my legs, I prompted the animal forward. He took off at a slow walk, completely at ease with me and accepting my instructions. I gave his neck another pat, trying to convey I was pleased.
Pressing my heels into him, I clicked my tongue. He picked up his pace to a graceful trot. Pulling to the left, he responded immediately and turned. I urged him faster, away from the other horses. He sped into a gait that I had never ridden before. He glided over the ground with such grace it felt as if he flew through the air. I could have drank a cup of tea and not spilled a drop. Laughing, I coaxed him into a full gallop toward the King’s Lake and he shot off like a bolt from a crossbow.
I lay close to his furry neck as he ran with all his might. Wind pried tears from my eyes and I gave a wild whoop. His giant ears flicked back in interest. He was a fast thing for being so little, and at that moment, as we flew across the ground, I fell in love.
With a pigou. Pitiful.
We returned to Rafe at a walk, and my smile was so big that my cheeks ached, but I couldn’t help myself. I loved this creature. He was so eager to please and obedient—calm and not startled by anything. He was shaggy and had giant ears. What wasn’t to love?
“I see you enjoyed your run,” Rafe said, grasping the bridle while I dismounted.
“He’s a dream. He has this gait that–”
“A waltz. It’s a gait exclusive to the breed.” He finished for me.
I sank my fingers into its thick coat. “It’s so smooth! It felt like flying!”
“Zan thought it would suit you. With your sharp aim, shooting from horseback would be an invaluable asset.”