Page 158 of Forcing Fate

“What about distance weapons? You’re better with a crossbow?”

“Aye, but I’m rarely allowed to use one.” I glanced at Jamlin and he nodded with a smile to himself.

“Avyanna,” General Rafe snarled. “I’m talking to you.”

I met his glower. “Yes, sir.”

“Do you ride well?”

“Well enough.”

“Circles around a paddock,” he muttered, leaning back. “Jam, take her to the foot course. Have her run it twice.” He stood and rubbed the nape of his neck, looking me up and down. “I want you to tail Jam or Xzanth. Don’t let me catch you with anyone else.”

I rose and brushed out my trousers. “Am I allowed to return to the main barracks?”

“Not without good reason.”

“What is a good reason, sir?” I asked, frowning.

He stepped close, glaring down at me. “Why do you want to go?” His tone was almost accusing.

“I have friends.”

He scoffed at my reply. “The Sergeant? That redhead? No. You won’t be visiting friends on the battlefield. Learn to focus, girl, or you’ll be dead before you know it.”

I ground my teeth but nodded, turning to Jamlin and letting my shoulder hit Rafe’s chest. Jamlin glanced between us with a sly smile before motioning to me and starting off.

“Come along then, little one,” he said.

I held in my growl as I followed. He led me to a thin opening in the woods, tucked in the shadow of the fortress. He stopped and pointed to a dark green strand of yarn tied high in the branches.

“You’ll be following the path marked with that,” he said, grinning at me and relaxing against a tree.

“A thread?” My mouth twisted into a grimace.

“This is the easiest course. You have a quarter of a chime to run it or you’ll be cleaning the chamber pot.”

“You’re joking,” I breathed in disbelief.

The ‘trail’ was less than a game trail, with thick underbrush that would hinder my progress.

“Not in the slightest.” He positively beamed.

“Where does it end?” I asked, tucking up my sleeves. If I could get above the underbrush, it might not be so bad.

“Ah, I won’t be telling you that, but I’ll be waiting for you.” He tilted his head, listening as the quarter chime rang. “That’s your cue.”

I let out a curse and shot up the tree, climbing as fast as I could. I reached the level with the thread and held my breath, searching for the next thread tied down the path. The ‘trail’ completely disappeared five paces into the woods. I groaned and crouched on a branch, searching.

I sat there for a ridiculous amount of time, listening to Jamlin chuckle at my struggles, before the wind picked up, jostling the small string tied to a bush ten paces in. I jumped and launched myself at the tree closest to it and scrambled for purchase. My feet found a branch, and I steadied myself, climbing to the far side of the tree.

I waited for the wind to blow, frantically searching for the blasted thread.

I would not be emptying their chamber pot.

I gagged and muttered curses, dumping the chamber pot into the hole I dug in the woods. Jamlin hummed nearby, ignoring me. He was my escort while I carried out my punishment.

Trying to keep my hands clean, I shook out the feces, turning my face away. It had taken me almost a half and a quarter chime to finish the first run. The second went faster, only taking me half a chime.