Page 78 of Forcing Fate

Chapter Twenty

When the fifth chime rang, the bounty hunter and I headed to the barracks’ dorms. Surely we were near each other strictly due to coincidence. I wondered if Niehm and Elenor moved my belongings. Most of the beds were likely claimed last night. Still, I hoped I wouldn’t have a smelly bunkmate.

Lost in my thoughts, I noticed nothing amiss until the bounty hunter chuckled. I followed his gaze to the bunkhouse. Niehm stood at the entrance wearing a sword strapped to her hip.

A sword.

“What—how? I thought weapons weren’t permitted except for ranking officers,” I muttered.

“If that’s a ranking officer, I’d enjoy her pulling rank on me.” The bounty hunter rubbed his neck, cracking a small smile.

She looked fierce, to be honest. The gentle breeze teased her red hair and swayed her skirts. With her back straight and shoulders squared, she looked ready for anything. Her green eyes flashed in defiance as she gripped the pommel of her sword. As we approached, she leveled a fierce glare at the bounty hunter.

“Good day, Niehm.”

She let out a sigh, and her expression softened as she met my gaze. “Good day, Avyanna. Elenor is inside, waiting for you,” she said, dipping her chin toward the entrance.



“Why do you have a sword?”

She gave me a blank stare before turning a predatory eye on the man beside me. “Because I have trained in swordsmanship and refuse to be taken advantage of. I pity the fool who tries to play with me.”

“Ah–” I nodded and moved to the door.

The bounty hunter had the silliest grin on his face. “Friend of yours?”

“Yes.” Yes… she was. I supposed I could claim her as such.

He made a sound low in his throat and stretched his shoulders back. “I like her.”

He pressed in front of me, into the crowd, and I assumed he was going to his bed. The bunkhouse was two levels, with large open floors. Bunks were lined up in rows, stacked three high. Men crowded here and there, jostling with good spirits. The recruits were all in this specific bunkhouse, with the cadets and soldiers grouped by year in separate buildings.

I scanned the room, seeing Elenor off to the side near a desk tucked in the corner. A deep scowl darkened the secretary’s face, but it was nothing to match the look of sheer confidence and haughtiness that Elenor wore. I made my way to them, dodging the men that stepped in my path and ignoring their looks.

I smiled. “Good day, Elenor.”

“Good day, Avyanna. I trust your first day went well?”

“As well as could be,” I said with a shrug, which my shoulders objected to.

She pursed her thin lips and kept her wary gaze on the men. “We have arranged your sleeping quarters.”

“My bunk?” I didn’t want to be set apart from the rest of the recruits by sleeping in another building.

“A cot, dear. Sir Ethan, I would like to show Miss Avyanna to her quarters. We won’t be long.”

She didn’t wait for a reply. His breaths came in quick bursts as if he wanted to yell at her, yet somehow managed restraint. He turned his gaze on me, anger burning in his eyes. I took a small step back, wondering why he looked at me so. Quickly, I followed Elenor as she crossed the room, walking along the far wall. There were a series of doors, and I only assumed one was to the lavatory, and the others perhaps storage closets. At the last door, cleaning supplies were lined outside. Mops, brooms, buckets, and rags littered the floor and leaned against the wall.

Elenor opened the door, and I peered inside. It was smaller than my previous room, with a cot shoved in, and a tiny table crammed in the corner. There was enough space for someone to step in, barely shut the door, and stand there. If I stood still, perhaps I wouldn’t bump anything.

My clothes were laid on the bed, and my sandals were tucked under the table. On top was a pouch, the letters from my mother, and my quill and parchment. My mirror and hair things were there, as well. However, my books were missing. They weren’t truthfully my books; they belonged to the Records Room, and I assumed that’s where they returned to.

“Please get a change of clothes and the soap on the table. I don’t wish to linger,” Elenor said, glancing back at the men who watched us with wary expressions.

“This is my room?” I barely breathed, moving to grab a dress and a pair of under-breeches. Assuming it was soap, I grabbed the pouch on the table, giving it a squeeze to be sure.