Page 131 of Forcing Fate

“If—if you don’t want to train today–” I started, but his glare silenced me.

He was on edge and I didn’t know why. Sure, the Dragon Lord showing up caused a bit of commotion, but nothing appeared to rile him before. He always acted as if he was at the top of the food chain and he couldn’t be bothered to care about anyone. Now he seemed, at the very least, agitated.

“We’re about to have a visitor.” He tore off his cloak, then stalked to the table and threw it down in a heap.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the light from the sky was suddenly blocked out. A dragon landed directly in front of the door. I stared, mouth agape, as it settled in the middle of the road. Its huge tail curled in close, careful not to hit any of the nearby structures. Ge’org looked like a child in a glass shop, terrified to move lest he break something. I had always expected the great dragon to act as a ferocious beast—not a hatchling.

I snapped my jaw shut as the Dragon Lord himself slid down to walk in front of his bonded.

“Ha!” He pointed at General Rafe and gave a knowing smile before turning his finger on me. “I knew it! You and this girl!”

I blanched. Two feelings warred inside me. First—anger that he dare point his finger at me. Sure, he was the Dragon Lord, but I was no Rider and he had no authority over me as my General was present. And second… guilt, as if the General and I were caught in a compromising situation. Nothing we were doing was wrong or even frowned upon, yet I felt embarrassed. I frowned and blamed that on the simple fact that I was a woman. Had I been a man, it wouldn’t be unseemly at all.

“You! You’re the girl child I’ve heard of.”

He sneered, and I bit my cheek to keep from snapping at him. He struck me as a bully, and the only way I learned to be rid of bullies was to offer no reaction. I ignored him and turned to my General. He stood with his arms crossed and glared at the Dragon Lord. For only having one eye, the man had a fierce glare.

“At least send your oversized pet away. He’s done his job, sniffing me out like a dog,” he said.

“Mm-hmm… had you brought the girl to me, I wouldn’t have had to follow you,” the Dragon Lord retorted.

He returned to his dragon. Ge’org lowered his massive horned head and made a whining sound. The Dragon Lord caressed his scaled cheek and stood there in silence, his gaze roaming over the dragon’s head. I turned away as he smiled, feeling as though I intruded on a private scene.

With a huff, Ge’org strode onto the main road where soldiers scattered, making room. He stretched out his giant blood-red wings and crouched low. With a mighty leap, he pushed hard, launching himself into the air and taking flight.

I cursed the sense of longing that rose within me. I was done with that. It didn’t matter anymore. I was not a Dragon Rider, nor would I ever be.

I was a soldier.

As I shrugged out of my cloak, I brushed off the Dragon Lord’s exaggerated study of me.

“So denied twice, and this is what you choose?” His laughter filled the space. “Such a tiny girl and you want to be a soldier?”

“Ruveel, shut your mouth or I’ll shut it for you,” General Rafe growled, facing me.

“Oh. Touchy with this one, are we?”

He pinned the Dragon Lord with a fiery gaze before returning his attention to me. “Blades off.”

I obeyed and laid my weapons on the table next to my cloak. The Dragon Lord came over to toy with them. I took a deep breath and settled my focus on my General.

“Fists up.”

Throughout the first half-chime I led the attack, then General Rafe told me what I did wrong or right. He showed me how to attack without leaving myself open. For the remaining half-chime, he attacked me in various ways and taught me to defend myself.

His massive arm wrapped around my neck. My heart raced even though we had been training for nearly a whole chime. His arm pinning me in place sent my nerves skittering and my brain blanking.

“Fight.” His voice rumbled low in my ear.

I clawed at his arm and backed against him. Feeling his solid body behind me did nothing to calm my fear.

I was trapped and helpless. General Rafe was as solid as the wall I had been pinned to. His arm held me as securely as Victyr’s goons. Panic surged through me and I dug my nails into his skin, feeling a vise close around my heart. My breaths came fast and I couldn’t calm them. I writhed and squirmed, but he held me fast. His steadiness didn’t rub off on me and the longer he held me, the faster my breaths came and the more frantic I fought.

“Stop,” the Dragon Lord spoke up from his place against the wall. “Stop and think. Your poor General has simply taught you to fight. You need to think. Dear Rafe, will you actually teach her or only allow her to make all the mistakes she possibly can, first?” He pushed off the wall and approached us.

General Rafe released me and I took a few steps, gasping for air, trying to calm my frayed nerves. I struggled with the urge to distance myself from the men. General Rafe would never attack me like Victyr and his lot. He was doing this for my benefit, not to torture me.

“Care to show the little lady how it’s done?” the Dragon Lord asked, rolling his shoulders to loosen up his limbs.