Page 11 of Stalemate

I collapse onto Gunnar’s chest, my body limp and boneless, gasping for air as the aftershocks of our release wash over me. He strokes my shoulder as Gunnar presses kisses to my neck, rolling us so we’re all on our sides, still locked together by their thick knots. Gunnar’s lust-dark eyes find mine, bright and blue with dilated pupils.

“I love you so much, Ais,” he whispers. “Anything for you.”

And I love hearing it…I love to know that he would do anything for me.

But I worry, too—that their commitment to me, their obsession, could put us all in danger.

We’ve already been through so much.

And I have a feeling this is just the beginning.

I don’t know what time it is when I wake up, lost in the delirium of my heat for hours…or days.

All I know is that Gunnar is gone.

I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes, then I press a kiss to Oberon’s forehead before sliding out of bed. Now that I’m feeling somewhat human again, I know there’s work to be done—the sheets will need to be washed, we’ll need to get a lay of the land if we’ve lost a day or two. I think we’ve been in bed for ages, but I honestly can’t tell.

I hear Gunnar from the living room before I see him, and I pause at the corner to listen. I think he’s on the phone with someone…but I’m not sure who, given that it’s the dead of night. I frown as I attune myself to his hushed words, my concern mounting as I realize who he must be talking to.

“No, you’re not in control of us,” he’s saying. “I understand that, but…fuck no. No, I won’t fucking bring her back to you. She’s her own person and she doesn’t belong to any of us, least of all you.”

Vance Solace.

He’s been out of our lives for weeks, ever since we realized he was more interested in keeping us out of the line of fire than helping my missing friends. Not only that, but I got sick of watching the red light on the cameras all over his house…and so did Gunnar and Oberon.

They want to control who joins our pack—they want me to have a say in who’s with us during those most intimate moments.

And Vance…he never asked.

He only told.

Even though I can’t deny there’s attraction there.

“Yeah…okay, sure,” Gunnar goes on. “I’ll meet with you, but I’m not bringing her anywhere near you. She doesn’t want you lurking in the shadows anymore and she doesn’t want you.”

Not exactly true.

Not that I would ever tell Gunnar that.

“Okay,” he says. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He doesn’t say goodbye; he just hangs up the phone, then lets out a deep sigh. I finally make myself known, poking my head around the corner to find Gunnar sitting on the couch, his elbows on his knees, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He glances up at me, surprised to find me there.

He must have been distracted, because he normally knows when I’m close by.

“Hey,” I murmur. “You want some company?”

Gunnar sighs and shakes his head, and I move to go back to the room—but he stops me.

“That wasn’t directed at you,” he says. “I just…I thought he was going to ground for a bit. And now he seems to be back.”

“Was that Vance?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

Gunnar nods.

“What did he want?”

“I guess he heard through the grapevine that we got pack tats,” Gunnar says. “He wants to meet with me to figure out what happens next.”