“Perhaps.” Her large, pink-magenta eyes were beginning to water. “I do not wish to do this. I do not wish to hurt you. I, too, seek peace. But I see no path ahead for it without this.”

“Without my death, you mean.” Mordred turned to face her. “Speak plainly, Gossamer Lady. Do not hide in flowery language. You are sending me to my death.”

Zoe shut her eyes, a tear slipping loose and running down her cheek. “Yes. I know.”

Gwen shook her head, not sure what she was even meant to do or say. “Zoe, please—take the exile route. Let him—let us—just go home. He means it. He’s a man of his word.”

Lady Thorn scoffed and opened her mouth.

Gwen pointed at Thorn. “You shut the fuck up or I swear I will shove your head so far up your own ass you have to cut holes in your nipples to see!”

Thorn blinked. Her brow furrowed for a moment as if she were trying to contemplate how that would actually work. Shaking her head, she didn’t respond at least.

Doc cackled before realizing it was the wrong time to laugh and coughed into his sleeve.

Turning her attention back to Mordred, Gwen stepped up to his side and put her hand in his gauntleted one, weaving her fingers between his. “I will not stand by and let him die, Zoe. If you hurt him, I will have to—do—” And that was where her resolve fell apart. “I don’t know, something.”

Mordred chuckled quietly, his hand tightening around hers. “So reassuring,” he muttered to her.

“Shut up,” she muttered back. “I’m doing my best.”

He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Forgive me for my actions today.”

“I shouldn’t be such a naive softy, and you shouldn’t be such a hard-nosed asshole. I get it.” She sighed. “We’ll scream at each other after all this sorts itself out.”

“Deal.” Mordred squeezed her hand gently. He leaned toward her again, kissing her gently before whispering in her ear. “Do not fight them here. Do not stand against them now. You are unprepared, exhausted, and outmatched. Our chance will come later.”

Gwen nodded, biting back a fresh wave of tears.

Mordred straightened up to his full height. “You will have to wield the magic of that necklace, Zoe. I will not go willingly.”

The Gossamer Lady let out a breath and nodded. “Yes. I know.” She touched the necklace at her throat.

Mordred screamed and fell to his knees.

All Gwen could do was hold him until he slipped unconscious. It was honestly a relief when the lines of agony etched onto his face went smooth. She could pretend he was just sleeping.

She kissed him, and held him close, until a hand fell on her shoulder. It was Galahad. Standing, she took a step back from Mordred and let the Knight in Gold deal with the Prince in Iron.

Zoe floated over to her as if to start a conversation.

“No—fuck you right now. No.” Gwen turned her back to the scene. “I need a fucking drink. Doc. Let’s go.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Doc stood and gestured to her to come over to him. When she did, she basically fell against him, desperate for something to lean on. Doc hugged her tight. “You did good, kid. You did good.”

“It doesn’t feel like it.”

“I know. C’mon. Let’s eat, drink, sleep—tomorrow is going to be worse than this.”

It was her turn to let out a ragged sigh. “Is this place ever going to stop fucking with me?”

“Nope! That should be on our travel brochure.” Doc snickered. “Welcome to Avalon: Prepare to get fucked. We hope you enjoy your stay.”

Gwen took the bottle from Doc’s hand and took a hard swallow from it, not caring what alcohol it contained. Whatever it was, it burned, and it would do its job.

Mordred was being hauled away by Galahad. The trial would be tomorrow. She didn’t bother asking when or where. Doc would already know.

“Tell me it’s going to be okay, Doc.” She felt hollowed out—empty inside. Too much had happened all at once.