But like all his errors in judgment…it was too late to change.

Gwendolyn was gone.

And Mordred was alone.

Now, and forever.


“I wonder how exactly this thing plans to take me ‘home’ to a landlocked state.” She petted Eod, scratching the fur at his shoulders. At least she wasn’t alone. “Maybe I’ll wind up in Mr. Foster’s swimming pool.” She chuckled at the mental image of the skiff just appearing out of nowhere like that. It at least made for a funny scenario, even if she was trying to keep from crying again.

Eod tilted his head to look at her upside down, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, doing his best derp routine to cheer her up. And damn it, it was working. She might have had to say goodbye to Avalon, but at least she got to keep the dog.

How exactly she was going to explain this all to her parents, she had no idea. But hey—at least her panic issue seemed to have calmed down a bit. Well, she hoped it’d stay calmed down, anyway. She wasn’t sure if it was the magic of Avalon that had cured her panic attacks. In a few hours, she’d have the answer to that question.

Gwen watched as the mist parted, the sunlight peeking back through the haze. She could see a sandy shore ahead of her—definitely nothing that Kansas owned. Great, maybe it was just going to drop her randomly somewhere on Earth with no care of where she wound up exactly.

That meant she was going to have a lot of super-awkward conversations with cops. Had she been abducted? Sure, kind of, but not in the way they would probably assume. Letting out a huff, she braced herself for also explaining why she was in some weird medieval dress. Everybody was going to assume it was some weird sex thing.

Didn’t you know, guys? Medieval abduction orgies are all the rage right now. Think Eyes Wide Shut, but with more typhus.

The idea of it made her snicker again. At least she could laugh at her terrible situation—and laughing was better than crying. Hugging Eod again, she let out a long sigh. “Okay, buddy. Ready to go? My dad is going to love you. My mom’ll be horrified at first but then won’t stop sneaking you table scraps.” She was dead set on trying to find the bright side of the situation.

Somehow. Some way. She had to cheer up.

The trees didn’t look like anything Kansas had to offer either, and it was far too hilly to be home. That meant she had probably been dropped somewhere in New England or maybe Virginia. She hadn’t been to either place in person, but that was just her best guess.

As soon as she’d hopped out of the skiff with the basket, Eod jumped out and instantly began happily splashing about in the water. That was, until he caught sight of something just by the edge of the woods. He barked, tail wagging, and ran up to whatever it was.

Not whatever.


Gwen stopped on the sand, staring at what she saw in front of her.

Nope, she definitely wasn’t in Kansas.

Hell, something told her she definitely wasn’t on Earth.

Now she was super confused.

Eod was licking the face of Doc the mad wizard, who was sitting on the sand with his legs stretched out in front of him. A pair of dark tinted sunglasses sat perched on his face.

“Good to see you too, friend.” He laughed and patted the dog.

Walking up to him, she stared. “The fuck?”

Doc reached for the basket of food without responding. She let him take it, too perplexed to do otherwise. She sat down next to him and stared out at the ocean, watching the skiff sail itself back into the mist that reappeared from nowhere.

She tried to make sense of what was happening as the mad sorcerer started rooting through the goodies. He uncorked the bottle of wine first, which didn’t come as a surprise to her.

Furrowing her brow, it finally clicked. “Galahad told the boat to take me home.”

“That he did.” He handed her a clay mug filled with wine.

“Isn’t it, like…still morning?” That didn’t stop her from taking it.

“It’s afternoon in some reality, right?” He snickered and shoved a hunk of bread into his mouth before ripping off another small piece and giving to Eod.