Page 34 of Not My Vampire

Amidst the palpable fear that gripped me, my eyes darted across the room, scanning the figures that surrounded us. And then, in the dim light, I saw him—a familiar face among the unknown captors. It was his black eye that captured my attention. The ally who had helped me once before. He wasn’t found out.

A sense of relief washed over me as I locked eyes with him. I detected a subtle, reassuring nod from him, almost imperceptible to others. It was a silent message, a promise of help in our dire situation. I knew then that we were not completely alone. There was still hope.

From within the depths of his cloak, he withdrew an object, shrouded in mystery, and with a resounding crash, he smashed it against the wooden floor of the chamber. A thick plume of acrid smoke erupted, billowing and swirling to life, instantly enveloping our captors.

Chaos ensued as shouts and curses filled the air, their voices muffled by the dense smokescreen. The room became a disorienting blend of shadows and confusion, rendering our captors blind and disoriented. It was our chance, our fleeting moment of advantage in this dangerous situation.

In the midst of the swirling smoke and chaos, I felt a deft touch at my wrists, fingers nimble and practiced. My ally was there, working quickly and efficiently to free me from the confining ropes that had held me captive. The bindings fell away, and I could finally move my arms freely.

With a mixture of gratitude and anticipation, I watched as he moved swiftly to Lilith’s side. He untied her with the same deftness and care, releasing her from the bonds that had kept her restrained. As the last of the ropes fell away, I saw relief wash over Lilith’s face, her eyes meeting mine in a silent exchange of understanding and hope.

“Keep her safe,” I urged him, trying to find Constantine through the smokescreen that enveloped us.

With the smoke curtain still swirling around us, I could barely make out the shapes and shadows in the dimly lit room. But determination coursed through my veins, and I knew I had to find Constantine. I couldn’t let him get away. I cautiously moved through the haze, my senses on high alert. The sound of hurried footsteps and muffled voices echoed in the smoky abyss. My heart raced with each passing second, knowing that time was of the essence.

As I moved deeper into the smoky chaos of the room, the shadows began to take shape, revealing the presence of the guards who had been our captors. Their voices grew louder, and their movements more frenzied as they realized their captives were escaping.

Suddenly, the room erupted into chaos. The guards, disoriented by the lingering smoke, lunged toward me, driven by desperation and anger. Adrenaline surged through my veins, and instinct took over. I fought back, unleashing a flurry of calculated strikes and evasive maneuvers. The dimly lit room became a battleground, the clash of steel and grunts of effort filling the air. I used every ounce of strength and cunning to defend myself, driven by the determination to protect Lilith and find Constantine.

In the midst of the frenzied battle, something deep within me stirred. A primal force, an inner animal, surged to the surface, and suddenly, I felt a surge of power like never before. It was as if a dormant part of me had been unleashed. With newfound strength and agility, I moved with an otherworldly grace. My strikes were lightning-fast, and my movements were fluid, supernatural. The guards who had once posed a threat now seemed like mere shadows in comparison.

I fought with an instinctual ferocity, effortlessly overpowering my adversaries. The primal energy coursing through me made every blow devastating, every defense impenetrable. It was as if I had tapped into an ancient, primal force that had been lying dormant within me, waiting for this moment to awaken.

“Are you alright?” I called out to Lilith, with the battle behind us now.

“Yes,” she whispered, caressing my cheek. I took her hand into mine and pressed it to my lips. “I have so much to tell you.”

“Me, too,” I smiled, overcome by love for this woman. “But not now. There will be plenty of time for that when we get home.” I turned to my ally. “Can I count on you to take her home?”

“Of course,” he nodded.

I pressed my hand to his shoulder, squeezing it tightly. “I don’t even know your name.”

“What is in a name?” he smiled. “Caleb.”

“Caleb,” I smiled back. “I owe you my life.”

“We both owe you our lives,” Lilith added.

“I did what I felt was right,” he told us both.

With another silent nod, I watched as they disappeared through the door, down the corridors that I myself had walked before. But now, I had to find Constantine. I couldn’t let him get away.

I searched the room, now devoid of any distractions, save for the unconscious bodies scattered about the floor. Then, I spent the following two hours going through all the rooms and chambers, but they were all empty. The rest of the guards had run away, like the scared cowards that they were. There was no one left. And Constantine had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace of his presence behind. It was as if he had never been there, his enigmatic presence slipping through our grasp like smoke.

A sense of frustration and unease gnawed at me. Constantine needed to be stopped. I knew that he would otherwise continue with his evil plans of taking over all the vampire clans, murdering all those who refused to bow down to him. We were lucky, Lilith and I. I still had no idea why he held onto to me for so long. Was I that important to him? There were still so many questions left unanswered, and his disappearance only seemed to deepen the mystery.

The final room seemed to hold its breath, the silence broken only by the faint crackle of the remaining candles. With Constantine’s disappearance, our quest had taken an even more elusive turn, and the shadows of uncertainty loomed larger than ever. I knew that this was far from over.

Those were the thoughts that plagued me all the way back home, but at some point I caught up with Caleb and Lilith. She rushed when she saw me, jumping into my arms. I reached out and gently cupped her face, my fingers tracing the lines of worry that etched her features. She leaned into my touch, a silent reassurance passing between us. After all this danger and uncertainty, our connection felt stronger than ever. Time seemed to stand still as we held each other, the weight of the world momentarily lifted. The trials we had faced had only deepened our bond, and in that moment, we found solace in the strength of our connection.

As our embrace continued, a profound sense of closeness enveloped us. Our breaths synchronized, and in that intimate moment, our lips met in a soft and tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with the weight of shared experiences, of triumph over adversity, and the hope of a future yet to be unveiled.

I didn’t want to pull away, but I had to. “We’d best head on home, there is still a long way to go,” I told her.

She nodded with a smile. Then, she remembered. “But what about…”

I knew what she meant. Our work still wasn’t over. We mounted the horses quickly and headed back to the castle. We couldn’t waste a single moment more.