Page 91 of Inevitably Yves

“Dance? Are you mad? I don’t dance to whatever this modern take on music is.”

“Trust,” he repeats. “Come on, lover. Indulge me. I’ll make it worth your while.”

I don’t even hesitate. Life with Damiano is beyond anything I could have imagined for myself. I never knew love like this. It’s even better than it was the first time around, because now we know it’s truly eternal.

As we step onto the dance floor, the music changes to a melody I haven’t heard in ages. I gasp, gazing into my beloved’s eyes.


“It wasn’t easy, but I knew I wanted this for you.” He opens his arms and invites me to join him in the sexy dance we used to perform at our maker’s fancy dinners. It’s reminiscent of a paso doble, which hadn’t yet been discovered when I first knew Damiano. It’s sexy, aggressive, and a true joy to perform.

We twirl around the dance floor, watched by everyone in attendance, my mind flooded with memories.

“I found an artist downtown who could play and record it,” Damiano explains. “Purely off my humming it. Can you believe I could still play a few notes?”

“Incredible. Those sultry nights in Spain, you playing your guitar under the night sky while I danced for him. I only had eyes for you though.”

“And I for you,” he replies, stepping us to the right and then back again, our movements precise and reminiscent of a bullfighter in the arena.

“Why now?”

“It’s been two years since we each found out the other still existed. Your brothers told me you were here at Lair when you received the council’s message. Two days later, our worlds completely changed.”

“Gods, has it been two years? So much has changed.”

“For the better?” he asks, swinging me around as I slide my leg up to his waist.

“You know my answer.”

Damiano smiles, as beautiful as ever. “Last year we were too raw to revisit the past, I think. It was too fresh to indulge in and truly relive it as we can now. This is us, Yves, before it all went so horribly wrong. I refuse to give up the beauty of those moments.”

Reaching up, I brush his hair behind his ear. “Thank you for taking us back.”

He bows his head, and we continue the sensual dance until it ends with him dipping me low and kissing me hard. The music ends and the club erupts in applause, and for the first time in an unbelievably long time, I am young again, in love, and optimistic about my future.

“Hadrian tried to ruin everything,” I say as we leave the dance floor. “He was evil and hurtful and caused so much damage.”

Damiano nods. “But?”

“But he brought us together.”

“To his demise and our benefit. I would do it all again just to love you. All of it, Yves.”

“I would too. Look at this life we have now, Dami. It’s the stuff of dreams.”

“No, it’s the stuff of hard work and honor and love.” He shifts his gaze to the ceiling. “And of fate. We were touched by fate’s kiss.”

“Yes, fate helped us along. I couldn’t love you more than I do. My heart cannot contain it all. It spills out and flows around us.”

“I know. I float in the waves of your love every day.” He lifts my hand to his lips and kisses my palm. “Now, darling, come with me. Our celebration continues.”


I lead Yves to the back of the club, filled with a rare wave of nerves. He’s not known to be as demonstrative as I am, but the past couple of years have proven just how much of himself he was repressing, so hopefully, he enjoys my surprise.

He doesn’t ask any questions, which is helpful, always trusting me. We’re greeted by Hale and Hemsley, who both smile as they pull open massive wooden doors.

“What is this?” Yves finally asks. “This room wasn’t here before.”