Page 52 of Inevitably Yves

“How do you know?” I ask.

Eros shrugs. “I just do. I have a feeling he’s laying groundwork, and if he was this close to you, you would know it.”

“That’s probably accurate,” I answer, rubbing Yves’s back. “Perhaps it’s safe for your brothers just to check it out. They’re strong.”

“Fucking right, we’re strong,” Thorn says. “You made us, Yves. We can handle it.”

Yves studies Cane’s face for a second, reaching down to close his eyelids before gazing up at his brothers. “You may go, but drink from me first. For extra protection.”

“Be right back,” Raphael says, entering the club again.

The idea of Yves’s brothers feeding from him twists my insides with a storm of emotions. On the one hand, my jealousy does not want to see another man’s teeth in my man, but on the other, how fucking sexy is my beloved, feeding and caring for his family?

Raphael is back before I finish processing my feelings, offering Yves a crystal goblet. As Yves uses his thumbnail to slash his wrist, I almost want to ball up in shame. Of course he wouldn’t feed them directly. He glances at me, a comforting smile on his lips as he fills the glass.

“Uh, this might be a weird idea,” Justice says. “But what if Damiano added some blood to the drink?”

“Why would you suggest that?” Eros asks.

“Well, at the cult, you know he mixed the blood to make it stronger. Damiano is number two. Wouldn’t he and Yves combined be even stronger against their maker?”

“He makes a good point,” Yves says. “Dami?”

“If it will help, of course. Your brothers don’t mind?” I meet the eyes of his brothers and their mates, all of them stoic and determined.

“Hell yeah, I’ll drink your blood,” Thorn says. “Anything Yves likes that much is intriguing to me.”

Yves reluctantly smiles. “It certainly couldn’t hurt.”

Syn steps forward, his expression even more serious than normal. “It’s a good idea, and honestly, whatever Yves wants, we want.”

“Blood is blood,” Midnight says, offering the hint of a smile.

Nodding, I slash my wrist open and hold it over the goblet. My head spins and, in very poor timing, my cock stirs as the scent of our combined essence swirls around us. I want to guzzle it all down and fuck Yves until everything else around us is gone, but I manage to restrain my impulses even in the face of Yves’s obvious arousal.

“I’ll take that,” Eros says, reaching between us to take the glass.

I want to lick your wrist so desperately.

Yves blinks slowly, nodding as he closes his wound by pinching his skin together.


My attention shifts to his brothers passing the glass around and each drinking from it. The air around us shifts, taking on Yves’s energy and intense love, different for each of us but very strong.

“Our mates will stay with you,” Syn says, ignoring the protests of the mates. “It’s too dangerous and you have no experience fighting other vampires.”

“Uh, Nightsky?” Justice says. “Yeah, we do.”

Syn starts to argue but has no comeback, so Yves jumps in. “I suggest they go with you in case of…” He pauses, turning his gaze to me. “Your mates are less of a target. If anything were to happen, they could get back to us.”

Syn nods, but I can see the nerves all over his face as he holds Bowie close.

“Maybe Kyson and I should go with Yves and Damiano,” Haven offers. “For the same reason.”

Everyone is quiet for a second while that sinks in.

“Okay,” Yves says. “Splitting up into smaller groups is smart. Hale and Tiago, I want you to come with me. The club is not safe.”