Yves nods. “Fine.”
“We’ll go with our brothers and check out other parts of town,” Midnight says as Syn nods.
“Is Paolo still at the club?” Yves asks.
“Last I saw,” Thorn answers.
“I’ll call him.” Yves turns to me again, fear and worry etched on his features. “Am I missing anything for now?”
“I can’t think of anything.”
“We can make an offering to Athena,” Vivienne says, shrugging. “Couldn’t hurt.”
Yves offers a slight smile. “At this point, I’ll take any help we can get.”
“Do you think we should go out with Thorn and the others?” I ask as I watch Yves pace.
“I’m not sure what is right.”
“Neither am I, but I feel helpless.”
“Me too.” He turns to me, muscular arms bulging as he folds them across his chest. “I resent that Hadrian can still make me feel this powerless.”
I walk over to him, opening my arms and smiling as he steps into them. “It’s the last time he’ll do this. It ends with us.”
“I wish I shared your confidence. I worry about what he’s been up to. How much does he know about me? I know without a doubt he’s willing to hurt anyone in his path to get to me.”
I nod, stepping back and searching Yves’s soft eyes. “You’re right to be concerned, but we have some advantages. Your witch, your brothers, our awareness.”
“Yes, true. That reminds me, I need to call Hale and Tiago to warn them.”
He lifts his phone from the nightstand, pressing a button, then waiting as it rings. He has it on speaker.
“Hey, Yves,” a strong voice answers. “You okay?”
“Not exactly. I need to make you and Hale aware of a situation.”
Tiago listens as Yves explains everything we just learned from Greer.
“Hmm,” Tiago says. “We had to kick someone out earlier. Too aggressive, definitely vampire. Wouldn’t give us his name, city, or coven affiliation, so we booted him. He lunged for Hale before we got him to the door, but that dude is fucking scary when he lets his beast out. Feral as fuck.”
“Hale?” Yves asks.
“Yeah. Have you seen it?”
“Yes, but it was warranted at the time.”
“Oh it was warranted this time too, but he controlled himself. Just enough to make it clear who the dude was fucking with. Pretty damn impressive.”
“Unfortunately, that side of all of us may be needed.”
“That’s cool, boss. I’ll make sure Hale knows. Uh, the vamp we booted warned us we’d be sorry, so I don’t know if it’s related.”
“Neither do I. I’m working with Vivienne to see what we can do for some wards. Nothing will disable Hadrian completely, but if we can buy ourselves some time it’ll help.”