“Big Mafia dude,” Thorn answers. “He’s encroaching a little on our city, but we don’t know how much yet.”
“And we have to be careful,” Raphael says. “Starting a Mafia war is a problem none of us want.”
“I think it’s time we took a more aggressive approach,” Syn says. “But that’s a problem for another day. Tonight is for celebration.”
A man with a pretty smile but tragic energy approaches, followed by two men carrying trays with pitchers and glasses.
“Welcome, Yves,” the man says before turning to the others. “Brothers.”
“Hale,” Yves says. “My guests, Paolo Malgari and Damiano Honore. Gentlemen, the latest addition to my family, Hale.”
I’m immediately hit with a tinge of jealousy. The affection in Yves’s tone bothers me. Has Hale shared Yves’s bed too? Yves tilts his head at me before shaking it.
“Hale came to us through tragedy,” Yves explains. “But fate knew he belonged with us.”
Hale nods, stepping to the side as the servers set the drinks out. “Yves and his brothers saved my life. I am eternally humbled and thankful to be part of his family.”
“We are equally thankful,” Yves says. “Paolo is with the council.”
“Ah, welcome,” Hale says.
“Thank you,” Paolo says.
“Are you with the council too, Damiano?” Hale asks.
“No,” I answer. “I knew Yves…a very long time ago.”
“Damiano is number two, Hale.”
Hale’s clear eyes widen. “An honor then,” he says, bowing his head slightly.
“Thank you, but please treat me as you would anyone.”
I turn to Paolo, who has his head tilted back, sniffing the air. His fangs are out, eyes glowing.
“I’ve heard about Lair,” he says. “But words don’t do it justice.”
Thorn chuckles. “You have no idea.”
“I’m happy to give you a tour,” Hale offers. “There are many delights during Festival.”
Paolo is on his feet instantly. “Lead the way.”
After the two men leave, I cozy in closer to Yves. “Tragedy clings to Hale.”
Yves nods. “Yes, sadly. He’s wounded but healing. We found him close to death and orphaned from his coven.”
“Someone attacked his coven and his mortal lover. I sense something in him though, something worth holding on to. That’s why I asked him to join my family.”
“Not your bed though?”
Yves smiles, shaking his head. “No, darling.”
I huff a laugh. “I’m being ridiculous. We’ve been apart for centuries, so I shouldn’t feel an ounce of jealousy toward anyone who has touched you, and yet I’m nearly drowning in it. As polyamorous as I’ve been in the past, that doesn’t extend to you. Your brothers, as you call them, are unusually attractive men. Why wouldn’t you have made them your lovers? But gods, it turns my stomach to think of it.”
“Then don’t think of it. It was so long ago, Dami. The bond with my brothers is deep and eternal, but it is not romantic.”