Page 26 of Inevitably Yves

“Uh, I can make sure that happens,” Vivienne says.

Yves turns to the pretty witch. “Your power is formidable, but I doubt it can stand up against Hadrian.”

She shrugs. “I got a few tricks and secrets of my own. What do you think black magic is for? He’s not the only guy who knows how to summon help from the underworld.”

I smile. “Yves, your family is amazing.”

“This is wonderful and all,” Eros says, “but how do we know you’re not working with Hadrian?”

I open my mouth to defend myself, but Yves is out of his seat and across the room to Eros. He takes Eros’s hand and presses it to his chest.

“Answer your own question. Search my heart, brother.”

Eros is still, staring up into Yves’s face for several seconds before he nods. “I understand. My apologies, Damiano.”

“Not necessary. I feel every ounce of love and protection you all have for Yves, and honestly, I am grateful he has you. But I am the last being in existence who would harm a single hair on this man’s head.”

“There is no need to defend yourself,” Syn says. “If Yves wants you here, we want you here. I’m sure you’re aware of what we would do to protect him if necessary.”

Yves’s energy is warm and full of love for his family, while quietly accepting their protective spirit.

I nod. “It’s quite palpable. Just so you all know, Yves is not alone in how he felt upon meeting. I was, and still am, willing to give up everything just to love him. Believing all this time that he was lost to me and finding out that he lives…” My words trail off as I focus on Yves’s beautiful face. “He lives and thrives and has kept me in his heart all this time, as I have kept him in mine. For me, it is a second rebirth. He is the reason I accepted Hadrian’s gift. I will do whatever is necessary to keep him.”

Something, an unnamed emotion, ripples between the brothers, hitting Yves square in the chest. He stumbles into me, gripping my arm. His brow creases as he turns to me.

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

Yves nods, rubbing his sternum. “Yes. They are happy for me.”

I feel as though something is being intentionally withheld, but it must be for a good reason. He’ll tell me when he’s ready.

A wave of warmth swirls around us, and my breath catches. Yves smiles. “Tomorrow, the hard work begins, but tonight, we celebrate.”



“Would you mind if I had a moment alone with my brothers?”

Damiano shakes his head. “Of course not.”

“Explore the building. The view from the roof is breathtaking. I’ll find you.” I lean closer, offering a kiss, and he takes it, lingering as he always did. “We have a lot of kisses to catch up on.”

“Mine are always available to you.” With another peck, he takes off, quickly disappearing down the long hallway that leads to the stairwell.

I turn to face my brothers, their faces filled with curiosity.

Raphael speaks first, but his expression is flat. “You’re in love with Damiano.”

“I love him, yes, but we’ve been apart for centuries. We need to learn who we are again.”

Syn stands, commanding the room. He’s very clearly speaking for his brothers. “Yves, please forgive our hesitation in accepting this, but what we went through with Marcello gives us pause with Damiano.”

I tense upon hearing Marcello’s name. “This isn’t the same.” My voice is hard now, tinged with the anger, pain, and betrayal Marcello left with me. “I didn’t know Marcello. I know Damiano as well as I know myself. Inside, where it matters.”

Thorn glances at Syn, then turns darkened eyes to me. “I don’t think I’m alone in warning you that if he so much as harms a hair?—”

“Do not threaten me, brother, and do not ever, ever threaten Damiano.” Cold air swirls around me, a sign of my rage, and I blink away the anger that was building. “I do understand your concern, but Damiano is no threat to me. You heard his words, and do not tell me you don’t feel his energy.”