Rachel looked over at me and put on a goddamn award-winning smile. Miss Last Night dared to wriggle in against me even further and I gritted my teeth.
“Wife,” I said, trying to keep my cool. “You’ve just caught me cheating on you. Cheating on you with this woman here. This naked woman right here who just moments ago had my cock all up in her mouth. You can even still see the precum on her lips, I’d bet.”
Rachel smiled at Miss Last Night and said, plopping an olive into her mouth, “Hello.”
What the fuck? Should I just go ahead and buy name tags for everyone? We’ll all just get together and get to know one another, my wife of ten years who I didn’t know was my wife of ten years till not even ten days ago and all the women I’ve fucked in the meantime.
“Wife,” I tried again. “Isn’t there something that you would like to say? Isn’t there some emotion that you would like to express right now? Like right now?”
Rachel, now leafing through a magazine, only glanced up to say, “I hope you two have fun.”
“You don’t care?” I said with a clenched jaw that might snap right in two.
Rachel shook her head. “Nope,” she said. “Not at all.”
Well, well, well. Rachel had a few tricks up her sleeve after all. I narrowed my eyes at her. I had to admit, I was impressed. She played the game better than I would have expected. I noticed a flicker of amusement in her eyes as she licked her finger and flipped the page of the magazine. She was the devil. And I wanted nothing else. No one else.
Goddamn her.
“Did you hear that?” Miss Last Night whispered, tugging on my cock like normal people tug on an arm to get someone’s attention. “She doesn’t care.”
“Is she sure?” I asked, gaze fixed on Rachel.
Rachel didn’t even look up. Just shrugged.
“Who am I to deny the world someone so charming,” she said. “So attractive. So good in bed. I mean, that would be selfish, wouldn’t it?”
“I don’t know,” I said. “Sometimes it’s good to be selfish. Set healthy boundaries and—”
I hissed when Miss Last Night pinched my ball sack with those nails of hers. I tried prying her wrist away, but that just tugged my sensitive skin more.
“That’s sweet of you, darling,” Rachel said, admiring her reflection in the toaster. “But really I just want you to have fun.”
That was it. I’d lost the battle, the war was over. She’d outsmarted me. Outfoxed me, my clever little thing. With the fun gone, I’d have to sign. With the pretence stripped away, I’d have to give her what she wanted. Or admit what I really wanted. Both to myself. And to her.
It was over. Our little fun and games were all over.
Or at least they were until the brilliant, wonderful, ever so lovely Miss Last Night swept in and with three simple, oh so simple words, saved the fucking day!
“Then join us!”
I wish I had a video camera so I could have captured Rachel’s face in that moment. To see her eyes wide in the reflection of the toaster. To watch her head whip around, tangles of hair falling over her face. Then as she pushed them behind her ears…
“Join you? I—no,” Rachel laughed. Nervously. Very nervously. “I mean, I couldn’t, I—”
“You did just say you wanted me to have fun…”
I said it slowly. Enjoying every word. Each like a fine wine. Each like a perfectly aged scotch. I pinched Miss Last Night’s nipple as Rachel watched in horror. The horror of someone who knows they have lost.
“Unless there is a reason why you wouldn’t want to?” I added, grinning in sweet, sweet, sweet fucking victory.
Rachel’s hands were in fists. I could see the veins popping in her taunt neck. Flames jumped from her eyes.
She faced Miss Last Night and me, each more naked than the next, and smiled. Spread her hands wide. Then she did it. Rachel actually fucking did it.
“Sure,” she said, choking on the word, “let’s have a threesome.”