Like fuck the shit out of him.
I had a couple more tricks up my sleeve, but I was getting desperate. I was having a harder and harder time believing that I truly wanted a divorce. That I didn’t want something else. Someone else.
I moved Miss Last Night’s arm from across my stomach because I wanted to torment Rachel with an unobscured view of my very nice abs indeed. I edged away from Miss Last Night’s ass because it was blocking the glory of Mason Jr. I twisted slightly in the opposite direction from Miss Last Night’s naked body simply because the angle was better for my own ass.
None of this, I repeat none of this, was because I didn’t want Rachel to see me wrapped up close with another woman. None of this, and really this is important, none of this was because I had some demented idea that if there was room between us (Miss Last Night and me), Rachel would more easily imagine herself pressed up against me. And none of this, absolutely none of this, was in regard to Rachel’s feelings.
I knew, and understood, that Rachel was there for thirty days to scare away my Miss Last Nights, to give me a reputation around town that could facilitate friction-free fucking, and to leave. To take her signed divorce papers in hand. To finish what she started all those years ago. I knew all that. I understood all that. I was fine with all that.
A little drizzle fell on the roof as I waited for Rachel to come in for her morning duties as enraged wife. I strained to hear anything else through the pitter patter, but the house was silent.
I squinted at the clock on the nightstand. It was late. Rachel didn’t exactly adhere to a strict wife-yelling schedule, but she normally came in before this time of the morning.
Downstairs was quiet, too. With the rain, Conor would be doing his physical therapy. Aurnia with him. For all I knew Rian was halfway across Ireland, having found a specific raindrop on the bus window particularly beautiful and finding it absolutely necessary to draw it right then and there in perfect detail.
If Rachel didn’t come in soon, I was on my own with Miss Last Night.
Slowly, so as not to wake my sleeping beauty before the big surprise, I grabbed my phone and tried texting Rachel.
Me: Kind of waiting over here.
I listened for the sound of an incoming text message across the hallway. But the door was closed and there was the rain and who knew if Rachel even had her sound on. A few minutes passed and I was really starting to get impatient. My mind was going a little crazy imagining what Rachel was doing. What was so pressing, so important that she couldn’t come scare off my shiny new fuck toy?
What annoyed me the most, or maybe scared me the most, was that Rachel was sound asleep. That she hadn’t stayed up practically the whole night for this moment. Not like I had. That it didn’t bother her to see me like this. With a hot, naked chick and empty balls. With an amused grin and a warm bed. With my perfect sex and my perfect, perfect life.
What if Rachel had even stopped caring? What if I were to slip out of the room and into hers to rustle her awake, and what if her response was to sleepily rub her eyes and mutter, “Oh yeah, right, right. Yeah, later.”?
“Oh, you want to do what we did last night?” I asked loudly, really loudly. Practically shouting, really. Truth be told, I’d worked myself up into some kind of almost panic.
Miss Last Night jerked awake beside me, but my attention was fixed on the door.
“I mean, we did some pretty nasty stuff, babe,” I added even louder. “Are you sure you want to do all that again?”
I was still looking at the door when long fingernails suddenly dug into my chest. I yelped in pain when they dragged down my abdomen, taking half my skin with them.
“What the fu—”
Teeth were sinking into my earlobe and a giddy voice was whispering hotly in my ear, “You were a dirty boy, weren’t you? Momma likes that.”
I pushed Miss Last Night away from me. I vaguely recognised her from the night before. To be honest I fucked around, there’s no denying that, but not nearly as much as I had been fucking around since Rachel arrived. At a certain point, all the women and all the nights kind of blend together.
This Miss Last Night had her raven-black hair tied up into two buns atop her head. A blue lipstick had faded over the course of the night and its…activities and now gave her the look of having just sucked on a popsicle. The sugary, icy kind. She had high cheekbones, pale, flawless skin, and a cute button nose. She was gorgeous and kind of scary.
“Um, hi,” I said.
“Hi,” she drawled before leaning forward to lick a long, wet line from my belly button to my throat.
Her long, blood-red nails were wrapping around my cock and I quickly grabbed her wrist.
“Hey, maybe you can wait to do that for just a second?” I said.
Her pointed lips curled up devilishly.