I’m freaking the fuck out, and he still hasn’t answered my texts. I’ve sent him four. I don’t know if I can wait any longer. He promised he would always protect me, but I’ve come to realize it’s a load of bullshit. He just wanted to get his dick wet. He used me, hoping I wouldn’t tell Ridge.
Some days, I really want to tell him, but I know exactly what will happen. Then what will I do? Jagger is the only one I trust enough to tell my secrets to. I’ve told him things I don’t even tell my best friend. He’s protected me more times than I can count, which is probably why I fell for him.
“Shit,” I mutter as I walk to the end of the block, praying he will answer when I call. Clicking on his contact, I put the phone to my ear and wait. It’s fucking freezing out here. I thought it would be smart to wear a tiny dress to this damn party. Next time, I’m dressing in a fucking pair of jeans or leggings.
Of course, like normal, I have no damn ride. My best friend bailed when she got the chance to bag Chase Matthews, the quarterback of the football team.
I sigh as it clicks over to voicemail. Hanging up, I try him again. When the line connects, I blow out a breath.
“I swear, if this isn’t life or death, I’m going to spank that sweet little ass of yours.”
I roll my eyes. I already know Jagger’s not going to touch me again. My brother threatened him with death if he ever laid a finger on me. I’m pretty sure it’s imminent, especially after our night together last year. One delicious night that I will never forget, but surely regret. No man since has compared to the way he controlled my body.
“You wouldn’t dare,” I grumble. I wish he would, though. One night with Jagger Bishop will never be enough. He had my body crying out for more even hours after he left.
“Try me.”
His voice shot straight to my pussy. I want nothing more than for him to play out his little threat.
“Listen, I’m standing on a corner out in the freezing cold. I need a ride, and if you don’t come get me, I’m going to find a stranger and ride off into the sunset with him.” I hear him mutter under his breath. “I mean, unless you’d rather I fuck someone else.”
“I swear to fucking God, stop testing me,” he bites out. I grin to myself, marking that as a win.
“Are you coming or not?” I ask huskily. I love fucking with him almost as much as I love his dick.
Yeah, I know most eighteen-year-olds don’t think like this, but I grew up with Ridge and his perverted friends. I know exactly what they do, and I’ve heard more stories about their conquests than I can count.
His voice lowers. “Where are you?” I hear him tell someone he’s got to go. I think I hear Beckett, but can’t be sure with all the noise in the background.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” someone says. I just grin. Jagger always does stupid things. In fact, they all do. It’s in their nature. Poor little rich boys don’t have enough money to spend, so let’s corrupt the pretty little girls we go to school with.
“I’m by the college. Maple Street.”
He grunts that he’s on his way and to keep my ass in place.
Since I don’t listen to anything any of them tell me, I walk to another corner. Fuck Jagger and his assholeness. Most days, he’s a dick, and I don’t care if I piss him off. I’m cold, tired, and just want to go home.
Staring down at my screen, I scroll through my Facebook app, seeing a photo of the stupid fucked-up foursome at some party, people surrounding them. I swear, it’s like everyone worships the ground they walk on. If you ask me, they’re all assholes. They think they can get away with murder because mommy and daddy will pay for it all to go away. The sad things is it’s true.
I’ve seen the aftermath of what they put those stupid girls through. I mean, how can they honestly think they aren’t hurting anyone? I’ve heard so many claims of one of them being a baby’s daddy, it isn’t even funny.
Tracy Cummings was the last bitch who tried to claim that about Jagger. The lawyers had a damn field day with that one. Apparently, she faked it just to get her fifteen minutes of fame. It turned out she was just another money-grubbing whore who wanted a piece of him. A piece of the same one I want.
I don’t blame them, though. I mean, if you look at the guys, you would see just how fucking hot they are…with the exception of my brother. He isn’t sexy at all, but other chicks think he is. They go nuts over all of them, which is pathetic most of the time.
I hear the rumble of a motorcycle a block or two away, making me grin. I love that damn Harley. I swear, if I weren't already in love with the idiot, just seeing him on that bike would do it for me.
I imagine his frown as he rides down the street, looking for me. He’ll figure it out. If you ask me, he really should have known better than to tell me to stay put. He turns the corner, his headlights shining on me. He guns the engine, coming to a stop a few feet away.
I flash him my sassy smile and walk over as he puts down his kickstand. “Oh, my goodness. It’s Jagger Bishop! Should I throw my panties at you now, or wait until after the ride?”
A grin spreads across his face as he reaches out and grabs me, pulling me closer. “I swear, that smart mouth of yours is going to get you and me into a lot of fucking trouble.”
My eyes rake over his body, mentally tracing every tattoo he has on display. I know what he looks like under that damn t-shirt, and I wish I could pull it off him right now.
“I thought you liked my smart mouth.” I run a finger along his bicep.
He shakes his head. “I only like it when it’s wrapped around my dick. So, unless you want to get me killed, I suggest you get your sexy little ass on my bike so I can take you back to your dorm.”