“At some party being thrown by one of the frats. I don't think he goes here, but he was there. He watched me for a while before he finally made his way over to talk to me. I thought he was nervous and shy, but once he tried to convince me to head to a room with him, I made up a story about having to leave. He got angry.” She wiggles her fingers under my shirt to press against my chest.
"How do you know about the blackmail?" This shit doesn't make sense, but I know she wouldn't lie to me.
"The next day at school, I was in the bathroom stall. A couple girls came in talking about the party and how he was trying to get me into a room with him so he could make a video. I just assumed it was for blackmail. They talked about the ‘fucked-up foursome’ and how they wanted you guys to pay for something, but I don't know what. They just said your guys’ time was coming."
I narrow my eyes. I don't know what the fuck they could want with us. Unless one of them was a girl we fucked who was pissed it was nothing more than one night.
“Do you know who the girls were?” I need as much information as I can get, but she doesn’t seem to know much more than she’s already told me. She shakes her head and lays it on my chest.
"Now he just shows up and tries to get me to go out with him, but I always turn him down. I don't know what he wants, other than trying to make the video. What if he forces me into a room or something now that he knows I'm with you?"
Looking into her eyes, I can see how scared she is. "I won't let anything happen to you, babe. I promise you that." She nods and closes her eyes. "Come on. Let’s get you home. I can call Mad and Beck to see what they want to do." Kissing her forehead, I push away from the wall and pull her to my side.
As soon as we make it to my bike, I see Dax walking up. He holds his hands up as he walks closer. "I come in peace this time,” he grumbles, looking between Bresin and me.
"What do you want?" I growl. I don't want anything to do with him right now, and I’d prefer he stay the fuck away from Bresin.
"I was doing a little snooping and found out some information I think you might want." He grins. I pull Bres behind me and take a step toward him.
“What kind of information?” I ask skeptically. If he is trying to pull something, I’ll ruin him.
“There is a rumor going around about your girl here. She was involved in a little sexcapade, which is all on video. I heard some guy running his mouth about it."
“What? I was not!” Bresin yells. I turn to her. I can see the fear written all over her face. "There is no video. I would never be involved in something like that, Jagger."
“Bres, I know. Calm down." I wrap my arm around her. I look back at Dax. "Who was running his mouth?" He shrugs. I swear, I'm going to deck the bastard in a second if he doesn't tell me what I want to know. "You came to me. So, apparently, you want something in return for this information. What?”
"I want to get to know you." My mouth drops open. Is he fucking with me? As if reading my mind, he shakes his head. “I'm not fucking with you. I never came here to fuck up your life. I came here because my mom told me I had an older brother. I wanted to get to know you, see what I was missing out on. I grew up poor, you grew up rich." He shrugs.
"You just want to be friends?" I state in shock. He shrugs again. I’m not sure if I believe it or not. “Fine. We can be friends. Now, tell me what you know.”
He rolls his eyes just like Bresin does, but his annoys me a whole hell of a lot more. She's at least cute when she does it. He looks at her. “Martin Vargas. Ring a bell?” I stare at her as I try to figure out how I know that name.
"He wouldn't. Not after…" She pauses and looks up at me. "No way.” She takes off running.
"Fuck," I mutter as I jog after her, Dax on my heels.
“Where the fuck is she going?” he grunts out as he keeps pace with me.
"No clue, but this is your fault," I state as I see her come to a stop in front of a group of guys. She says something to someone just as I come to a stop a few feet away. I watch as she launches herself at him. She gets a couple hits in before I grab her around the waist and pull her off. That's when I recognize the fucker.
"Martin Vargas." I grin. I know exactly who this little prick is. He is going to regret spreading this shit about her. He got the one piece of her I wish I had. I should just let her beat the fuck out of him this time, but I'll save him the embarrassment. Instead, he can just deal with me – for the second time.