Page 21 of Undeniable

Bright and early Wednesday morning, I walk through campus, feeling a chill run over my skin. Turning, I see Jagger’s twin staring at me from across the quad. I ignore him and continue toward my first class. I hope I can get through this damn day without that douche following me around. I don’t need another Jagger in my life. I’ve already got enough problems with the one I have.

As soon as I get to class, I take a seat in the middle of the room and pull out my tablet and notepad. Grabbing my phone, I see that I have a new message from Ridge. Internally groaning, I click to open it, hoping it's nothing bad. I don't think I have the patience to deal with anything bad right now.

Can we meet for dinner?

I close the message and open a new one to Jagger. Maybe he can give me some insight on what to do. I’m not sure I should be alone with my brother after last time, but it might just piss him off more if I don’t meet with him.

Ridge wants me to meet him for dinner… I don’t know if I should.

I tuck my phone between my thighs just as the professor stands up in front of class and starts to drone on about political science. The only reason I am in this stupid class is because it’s required.

Most of the class has passed before I ever get a response from Jagger. He had mentioned something about having some shit to do today. I know he's trying to figure out what his brother wants, as well as protecting me from mine.

My phone goes off twice. When I look down, I see a message from him and one from Ireland. Checking her message first, I grin.

Lunch in the quad. We have deets to discuss. Xoxo

She probably wants to tell me about Mr. Football and all the things she did to rock his world. I reply to her that it’s a date and I’ll see her at one. Then I click on Jagger’s.

Don't go to dinner with him alone. He wants to meet with you, he needs to do it with one of us around.

Part of me loves that he's protective, but the other part hates it. I'm not a child anymore. Even though I'm afraid of what Ridge might do if he finds out about Jagger and me having sex, I hate hiding it from him. He's my brother. I used to tell him almost everything. We were as close as a brother and sister could be, but now… I don't even know what we are anymore. We don't speak. We don't just hang out. Part of it is because I've been ignoring Ridge after what he did.

Sending Jagger a message, I ask him to go with me. I know it will only piss Ridge off, but I feel the safest with Jagger by my side. I know Mad and Beck won’t let anything happen to me, but it’s not the same. I can’t play footsies under the table or run my hand up their thighs to rub their dicks.

Yeah, I know I’m playing with fire if I do that to Jagger, but I can’t help but want to get burned.

When the professor dismisses us, I start to pack up my things, pocketing my phone so I can read his response when I get to my next class. As I walk out of the building, I see the coffee stand and decide that caffeine is way more important than making it to class on time. I get in line and pull my phone out. I see Jagger's name on the screen, so I click the message. I freeze.

I want you to stay away from Dax. He might be dangerous.

I immediately send a reply.

What if I have class with him? Will he murder me in front of everybody?

Instead of him texting back, my phone rings. When I answer it, I don’t even get a chance to say hello before he starts talking. “Bres, I’m not fucking joking. He could be dangerous. Stay the hell away from him.”

“I get that, asshole. But if we have class together, how would you like me to handle that? I mean, it’s not like I can just not go to classes anymore,” I huff out. I hate being told what to do, which he knows. I also know that when he says something about someone, it’s the truth. He’s always been good at reading people.

Jagger once told me that the P.E. teacher at our high school was sleeping with students and it wouldn’t be long before he tried to do the same with me. He told me to punch him in the dick if he ever tried to touch me. Let’s just say that Mr. Marco never saw that shit coming. He thought I was just as pliant as all the other little rich girls I went to school with, but he was wrong.

After that, I never saw the creepy bastard again. I think Jagger might have had something to do with that, but he would never tell me. Maybe that’s the secret? My mind’s so busy racing through possibilities of what he could have done that I don’t even realize the line has moved until someone bumps into me from behind.

I move forward just as Jagger growls into the phone. “You need to listen to what I’m saying.”

“Shit. Sorry,” I mutter as I make progress in line again.

"Bresin, I don't know what he wants yet, but he's here for a reason. If he knows he can hurt me through you, he won't hesitate. Stay away from him. If you have another class with him, I need to know. I'll walk you to it.”

"You don't even go here. I can walk with Ireland."

He curses over the line. “You and I both know that you two won’t be able to take him on if he tries to hurt you. I’ll be there.”

"Fine." I roll my eyes. He's being a bit dramatic, but I'll give him what he wants. "So that means you'll go with me to dinner with Ridge?"

"Yeah,” he says with a sigh. "He's going to be pissed, but your safety is more important."

I finally reach the front of the line. "Can I help you?" the nerdy guy behind the cart asks.