“You were trying to rape her?” I question the idiot Maddox now has by the throat. I watch as he squeezes.
“We were just supposed to bring her,” he gasps.
“Who gave you the order?” I grit my teeth to keep from wanting to tear this bastard’s head off. He messed with the wrong damn girl. Maddox loosens his grip on the dick’s throat, but doesn’t release him.
"No idea,” he says snidely. Maddox punches him in the gut again and he collapses to the floor. I need to get Bresin out of here, but I need some more answers first.
"Try again," Beck growls.
“Some college kid paid me a grand to get her to this party,” he finally huffs out. He rolls to his side, holding his stomach as he gasps for air.
“Where is Ireland Martenelli?"
The girl glances over at me. She looks a tad bit scared and nervous as she turns her head away. Something must have happened to her. Ireland wouldn't just let someone drug Bresin.
“Where is she?” I demand, walking over toward the girl. She swallows before looking down at the floor.
“She is probably still at the other party.” Her voice cracks from the fear I’m sure is running through her body right now. She doesn’t look at me, but I can tell she doesn’t know what to do. Everything she’s ever known is about to fucking change. I nod to Beckett and he drags her out of the hallway and through the crowd of people.
We don’t hurt women, but there is nothing I would rather do right now. So I guess we are just going to have to settle for hurting her asshole partner.
“I need to get her home. Can you and Beck find Ireland and bring her back to my place?” He nods without saying a word. “And deal with this fucker.” I kick his thigh before turning and walking away.
I come up on Becket in the hallway as I make my way toward the door. "Find out who was trying to get to her. Find Ireland. I want to make sure she's okay, too. Call Ridge and find out where he is and tell him we have some shit to deal with. I don't care where his head is right now. The girls are in danger. I know that will click with him. He's had some weird thing with Ireland for years. He'll want to protect her."
Beckett nods slightly before making his way down the hallway.
Adjusting my hold on Bresin, I make sure her ass is covered before making my way through the party and out the side door. Once I get her in the passenger seat of my car, I shut the door and start to walk around the back of it. I see a shadowy figure coming toward me. Hitting the button on my key fob, I lock Bresin in and turn to face whomever it is.
“Where is she?” Ridge’s voice breaks through the sounds of the party.
“I’ve got Bres,” I grit out. He fucking cares all of a sudden? He has no idea what I would do for his sister, the lengths I would go to protect her. “I don’t know where Ireland is, but someone drugged Bresin. I’m taking her back to my place, whether you like it or not.” I can see the tick in his jaw, but he doesn’t come closer.
“Who drugged her?” he demands. I highly doubt Maddox had called him yet, so how did he know where she was?
"No idea. Maybe you do, though. Ever since you've been using, shit’s been fucking happening to her. Someone threatens her with a sex tape, someone drugs her at a party. What’s fucking next, Ridge? When the fuck are you going to clean your shit up? Why are you dragging her down with you?" I take a step toward him.
“How do you know this is because of me?” I see him clench his fists as he tries to keep himself under control.
"None of this shit started until you started getting high again. Ireland might be in trouble. If you care about her at all, like I think you do, I suggest you find her. She was the one who begged Bres to go out with her tonight.”
He closes his eyes for a second before opening them and nodding. “Where were they?”
I look back at the car and see the light barely showing Bresin’s face. Her eyes are still closed. I need to get her back home. "I dropped them off at the Stinger House. Beck and Mad are dealing with the guy who had Bresin. Maybe he knows more than he let on. Back hallway of the house. I need to get her out of here.”
He nods before taking a step back and turning on his heel to walk away. Before he can reach the door I came out of, he stops and turns to face me again. “Make sure she’s okay.”
“You never have to worry about that with me.”