I'm horny, and these assholes need to leave.
That is the only thought currently running through my mind right now. I swear, they’ve been huddled in the kitchen, talking, for hours. I want them to get the damn hint and leave, but it’s no use.
Walking over to Jagger, I shove my hand into the back of his jeans and squeeze his ass. He turns to face me, a questioning look on his face. I pull my hand out of his jeans before grabbing his belt loop and biting my bottom lip, giving him my best smoldering look.
Yeah, I’m not against pushing my tits toward him to get what I want.
He clears his throat and tells them all to get lost before wrapping his arms around me and squeezing my ass in return. I grin at him and look over his shoulder to see both Beck and Mad shaking their heads. "I hope like hell he doesn't come kill you for touching his sister." I wince, my mind going back to replay the last time we saw Ridge.
The thought of him hitting me is the one thing that plays over and over in my head — me getting in between him and Jagger, Ridge’s fist hitting me on the side of the head.
"We need to find him," Jagger says.
I don’t bother listening to them anymore. Instead, I pull out of his arms and make my way to his bedroom. I don’t want to know what they are doing to find him. I just want all of this behind me. I want Jagger and me to be able to date without my brother’s drama. Before he wasn’t the guy he is now. He would have never done anything to hurt me before the drugs. I know using causes him to be this person he’s become and there is nothing I can do to change that. I feel so helpless.
Falling onto Jagger’s bed, I close my eyes and wait for him to come into the room, but it doesn’t happen. When my phone beeps with a new notification, I look at it, seeing Ireland's name on the screen.
Bish, I need you to come out tonight!
I sit up and check the time. It's a little after ten. I can't think of a reason for her to want to go out, unless it's to find her a new man to fuck. Maybe the football star is already old news.
What if I have plans already?
I look around Jagger's room, not seeing any of the clothes I brought with me. I mainly only packed clothes I would need for school and home, not ones to go out in.
I need my wingwoman! Get your ass to campus.
Last time, you left me to fend for myself while you played hide the sausage with Mr. Football.
Her response is instant, and I know it's because she's waiting for me to go out with her. Before things with Jagger started, I never questioned a night out. I was always all for it, but now? I just want to curl up in bed with him and watch Netflix…after he's fucked my brains out. God, I'm starting to sound like half of an old married couple, and I'm not even twenty yet.
But you’re my bish. I need you. Puhleese!
I roll my eyes and send her a response.
Fine, but you owe me because I’ll be missing out on hot sex with Jagger.
Oh, please. Like he won’t fuck you before you come out ;)
I toss my phone onto the bed and lay my head back down. He’s not going to like me leaving to go to a party with Ireland after I just had him kick out his friends so I could get laid.
As soon as I get up from the bed to make my way to the shower, I hear Jagger come in. I strip and step under the water before he makes it into the bathroom. It doesn’t take him long to undress and join me. The minute his hands caress my body, I can’t help but moan. I love the way it feels when his rough hands grip me, pulling me into his body.
“Why are you showering?” he asks, nipping my jaw.
I sigh. “Ireland wants me to go out with her.”
He groans in my ear and runs his fingers along my pussy. “So you’re ditching me after I just kicked those fuckers out?”
I nod before he starts to kiss along my neck. “I’ll make it up to you when I get back,” I murmur before his lips attach to my neck and he sucks hard. I try to push him away, but he just holds me in place. I’m going to have a damn hickey there now, and I know he’s doing it just to be an asshole.
He pulls his mouth away from my skin. "You'll be doing more than making it up to me. And now everyone will know you belong to someone." He grins. I just narrow my eyes at him.
"You can be so damn possessive sometimes," I say as I duck my head under the water and let it run through my hair.
"Don't want anyone trying to take what's mine." He nips at my jaw again. "Everyone needs to know to stay away from you. I know you won't let me tag along tonight, so that’s how I'll be staking my claim."
Before I can tell him how barbaric that sounds, he sinks a finger inside me. I gasp at the feeling before melting back into his body. "You're already wet for me. Did you think about me fucking you before sending you out to your girl?" I can't say a word as he continues to work his fingers in and out of me at the most delicious rhythm.