Page 19 of Undeniable

It isn’t that easy. Isn’t that the fucking truth?

Life is never fucking fair, and I know I’m going to be the one to break her heart when I’ve been the one who’s protected her for years. The secret isn’t one I’ll be able to bounce back from, and I hate myself for even being put in this situation.

I had just turned sixteen when it happened, and the guys have kept it quiet for years. We made a pact that day to not use it against one other, no matter what, but as soon as Bresin started showing signs of wanting more between us, I knew Ridge would try to trip me up with that shit.

He’s a dick, but a dick I’ve always respected. He’s been there for all of us when we needed him, and vice versa.

Holding Bresin in my arms is the only thing keeping me from tearing this damn place apart. I want to go over to Ridge’s and confront the fucker for the shit he pulled with her, but I can’t. He’ll go into fight mode, using my secret to ruin me, destroying any chance I’ll ever have at getting the one girl I can’t keep off my mind.

Things were so much less complicated last week when we barely talked, but now that I’ve had her again, I can’t fucking walk away.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for far too long. I refuse to let Ridge take it away from me. I don’t care what I have to sacrifice to ensure she is always in my arms or by my side.

“You need anything?” I ask her, changing the subject to something other than my secret and why we have never been more.

“Do you have aspirin? My head feels like I went five rounds with Tyson,” she moans.

I give her a squeeze before getting out of bed. Just as I make it to the bathroom cabinet, I hear my phone ringing in the bedroom. It’s been ringing all damn morning, but I haven’t checked any of the messages. After the shit the guys and I talked about last night, I’m not ready to deal with anything else right now. Not Ridge, and definitely not the little bastard brother I didn’t know I had.

Grabbing my phone from my dresser, I check and see a few messages from the guys and one from my father. Clicking his message first, I roll my eyes.

We need to talk about the lies she has filled your head with. Call me now.

I make my way to the bed and hand the Tylenol to Bresin before grabbing the bottle of water from the nightstand and giving it to her. Getting in bed, I lean up against the headboard and dial my dad’s number.

“Jagger,”’ he says coldly.

Not once in my life has he ever acted like my father. All he’s ever done is throw money at me to fix all the problems I’ve made for the family.

“Jefferson,” I bite out. I don’t want to talk to him right now, but I need to know what he has to say. Maybe he’ll finally spill the beans about my real mom, but I highly doubt it. He’s too much of a coward.

“We need to talk about the gossip that has been going around town.”

Bresin curls up into my side. Running my hand down her side, I try to figure out how much to tell him. Do I ask him why he’s a fake and why I’ve been lied to my whole damn life?

“Says the bastard who never told me the truth about my mother.” I couldn’t stop the words as they fell from my lips. I’m fucking pissed, and all my anger is focused on him right now.

“She left you, Jagger. She was the one who didn’t want anything to do with you. You can’t fault me for trying to make a family for you. Your mother loves you more than the woman who gave birth to you ever did. What type of mother would leave her child?”

I shake my head. Just listening to him makes me glad we’re not in the same room right now. I’d punch the son of a bitch.

“I don’t want to hear you try to make your family look like the perfect fucking image. I don’t want anything to do with either of you anymore. I want nothing to do with the business, either. Maybe your other son would love to become your partner.” I sneer the last words. I can hear the sharp intake of breath over the line. “Go fuck yourself, Dad.” I hang up before he can say anything else, tossing my phone onto the bed.

After a long silence, I look at Bresin. “You have class today?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think my stomach can handle it. Plus, I don’t want to chance another creepy meeting with your Jagger twin.” She runs her hand over my stomach.

“My Jagger twin?” I ask with a grin.

“Yeah. He acts so eerily similar to you. I swear, he stared at me in class for a good thirty minutes. It reminded me of you and all the weird shit you’ve done to me over the years.”

“I don’t think the little bastard is nearly as cool as I am.” I grin before leaning forward to kiss her gently.

She turns her head. “No, I need to brush my teeth. My mouth tastes like an asshole, and that’s just gross.” She squeals as I roll her over to her back. Settling between her thighs, I press kisses to her stomach before looking back up at her.

“If you kiss me, I can tell you if your mouth tastes like asshole.”

I watch her eyes widen before she puts her hand on my face and pushes it away from her.