The anger flowing through my veins is nothing new. I got used to feeling like I was the gum on the bottom of my father’s shoe. It’s part of the reason I grew up to be such a nuisance. It’s how Beckett, Maddox, Ridge, and I became such good friends. We were all pretty much outcasts in our wealthy families, and we needed a way to break free from their hold on us.
We are the black sheep.
We didn’t care if we got in trouble doing shit. We did it hoping to get in trouble. Maybe they’d then show that they cared. It never happened. Not one of our parents cared enough to ask what the fuck we were thinking. They just cleaned up mess after mess, throwing money at our problems like that was the answer.
Dax Matthew Bishop.
Her fucking story does nothing but force my anger to rise higher until I throw my phone at the damn wall, watching it break into pieces. I’m fucking pissed. I know I’m scaring Bresin, but I can’t control it.
I just found out my whole life has been a lie. I was told Mary Bishop was my mother, but she isn’t. Josephine Mac is. She left my father when I was five, but he refused to let me leave with her. He threatened to kill her if she tried to take me, so she just left. She left me behind because she couldn’t deal with him any longer.
Stupid fucking cunt.
What she never told my father was that she was pregnant when she left. She had the baby and never told a goddamn soul.
I grew up thinking my parents never fucking loved me. In reality, they didn’t. One was a fake, the other just wanted control. They both can go fuck themselves.
Sliding down the wall to the floor, I try to process this shit some other way besides rage. Bresin falls to the floor with me, never letting go of my hand. I pull her into my lap and she wraps her arms around me, comforting me in a way I never expected. She breathes new purpose into me. One that tells me I don’t have to give a fuck what my dad wants me to do. He wants me to take over his business one day, but all he’s going to get from me is a big fat fuck you. He will never control my life, not after the lies he’s filled my head with over the years.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper against her neck. Closing my eyes, I breathe in her scent and let it calm me.
“What can I do?” she asks, running her fingers through my hair.
I clutch her tighter. I don’t say anything for a while. I need to get a new damn phone and still need to talk to the guys about Ridge. Unfortunately, we now have one more thing to talk about.
As much as I would rather spend the rest of my afternoon wrapped up in Bresin’s arms, my ass is numb. I kiss her neck and lift her up with me when I stand. “I need to go get a new phone. You want to come?” I refuse to let her go, but I won’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to.
“Sure.” Her voice isn’t the bitchy attitude I love from her; instead, it’s soft and quiet, which is something I’m not used to.
“Don’t treat me like I can’t deal with this. I need you to be your feisty, bitchy, sexy self,” I murmur before pressing my mouth to hers. I’ve never kissed her in public before, but it feels like the right fucking thing to do.
She laughs before agreeing to be herself.
When we finally get done at the phone store and get back to my place, I dial Maddox’s number. Bresin has her hand in her hair, inspecting the ends of it like a damn monkey. I never understood what the hell girls are doing when they do that shit.
“Hey, Jagger. What’s up?”
“Hey. I need you to stop by,” I say, pushing Bresin over with my boot. She flips me off as she falls off the couch, making me laugh.
“Sure, brother. I’ll come by in thirty.”
I hang up and dial Beckett’s number. If I were to say I only wanted to see them, I’m sure Ridge would find out and show up, too. I don’t need that shit yet. I also tell Beckett to get to my apartment in thirty before I hang up and motion Bresin to come back over to me.
She rolls her eyes and sits on the opposite end of the couch. “Bresin…,” I say, crooking my finger at her again. She shakes her head. This time, I grab her foot, making her squeal, and drag her ass over to me. Once I have her straddling my lap, I ask, “You want to be here for this?”
She bites her lip as she tries to decide if she can handle me telling them what he did to her. I know she doesn’t like people knowing her business, but if she’s here, they might believe me. I have a feeling they’ll just think I’m trying to get inside her panties and that making up shit about him putting his hands on her is the quickest way for them to agree to get him help.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. I just don’t want to say anything.” Her voice breaks. I hate that she’s even in this position. Ridge knows we don’t hurt women. Not like that. We may use their bodies for our pleasure, but they are all very willing participants.
Getting up from the couch, I walk into the kitchen to pour her a glass of wine before grabbing myself a beer. She’s going to need the alcohol by the end of this little family meeting.
Taking a seat next to her, I pull her legs into my lap and start to massage her feet to keep my mind off what we need to talk about. Thinking about my brother makes me fucking twitchy, and part of me just wants to sink back inside Bresin so I can relieve some of this damn tension in my body.
“I’ll let you fuck my mouth again if you stop bouncing your damn leg.”
My eyes meet hers. “My leg isn’t bouncing.” She raises an eyebrow and nods at my legs.
Fuck. She’s right. My leg is bouncing like a damn ball and I can’t stop it. Shit.