Page 12 of Undeniable

His voice is dark and rusty. It grates on my nerves, but I have no idea why. Maybe it’s because I want nothing to do with him, yet he still chooses to sit next to me, even though there are two dozen other empty chairs around the room.

“Don’t talk to me.” My snotty voice doesn’t even deter him. Instead, he just leans closer as the professor starts his lecture.

“I love the feisty ones.”

I look at him. I swear, he looks just like that fucking dickhead, even down to that damn dimple in his left cheek. The only difference are the tattoos. Jagger’s twin doesn’t have any that are visible, while I know for a fact Jagger has more than I can count.

“Go fuck yourself,” I mutter before sending Jagger a text.

He loves the feisty ones :/.

His response is immediate, making me roll my eyes.

Well, it is sexy as fuck when you’re feisty, little girl.

Instead of texting back, I set my phone in my lap and turn my attention to the front of the room. My phone vibrates with another message.

I’ll walk you to your next class. I want to know who this fucker is.

I can feel the guy’s eyes on me instead of paying attention to the professor. I swear, if I have to punch him in the dick, too, I’m going to fucking lose it. The Jagger twins are driving me insane.

The rest of the damn class goes by so slowly, I don’t think it will ever end. When the professor finally dismisses us, I notice Jagger’s twin taking his sweet ass time leaving.

Shaking my head, I text Jagger, then toss my phone into my purse. I am so fucking done with today, it isn’t even funny. I just want to go back to my dorm and hide under my blanket. Unless Jagger wants to let me raid his apartment. Then I can drink all the wine I want while watching movies in his bed all day.

I sigh as I think about how fucking amazing that would be. He’s got the best bed I’ve ever been in.

As soon as I stand up, his twin does, too. I almost turn around to say something, but Jagger’s voice carries through the lecture hall.


I quicken my pace and wrap my arms around him. “Thank fuck you’re finally here. He was about to get his junk punched, too.”

He chuckles in my ear. “I love when your feisty ass gets rough.”

Taking a deep breath, I try not to punch him for the second time this morning. Breathe, Bresin. Breathe.

As Jagger’s twin tries to walk past us, Jagger grabs him by the neck and pushes him into the wall. “Who the fuck are you?” His voice is no longer the playful one he was just using on me. It’s now the deadly one that threatens the guys I date.

“Like you don’t know. I know she called to warn you.”

My head snaps to Jagger’s twin and I frown. What in the hell is he talking about?

“Who?” he barks out.

“Mom. She found one of your friends and called him so she could warn you I was coming to town. Surprise, big brother.” He grins and pulls out of Jagger’s grip.

“Brother?” I ask, completely in shock. Jagger is an only child. His parents are assholes who never cared about anyone, only having him because their family pressured them into having a baby.

“Yeah. I’m the bastard no one in his family knows about.” He grins, his eyes trailing down my body.

“Don’t fucking look at her again,” Jagger growls, pulling me behind him. I have no idea what kind of pissing contest this is going to become, but I don’t want to find out. I am still in shock. “You touch her, you’ll deal with me.”

He laughs at that before he looks over Jagger’s shoulder at me. “I’ll see you later, sweetheart.” I feel dread fill my belly. Is this asshole serious? He walks away without another word as I stare at Jagger.

“Jagger?” I ask, not sure what else to do. His body is stiff, and I just want to do something to make everything better.

He turns to face me, anger radiating in his eyes. He doesn’t say anything as he dials before putting the phone to his ear. I hear a feminine voice answer. My whole body goes cold. I hate thinking about him being with other women, but he doesn’t have to talk to this one while I’m standing right here.

“Who the fuck are you and why am I just finding out I have a brother?”

I press my body into his. He mindlessly wraps his arm around my back. His fingers barely put pressure on me, but I can feel all his tension.

He listens to whatever she has to say. I don’t know how he’s going to handle it. I'm not sure if he’ll go off the rails, or if he’ll find his brother and beat the shit out of him for even coming here. I try to be strong for him as we stand in the empty hall. He protects me, and I’ll try like hell to protect him. I don’t care what I have to sacrifice to do that.