She took her bottom lip in between her teeth, worrying it as she sat down beside him again. She looked unsure of herself. He knew the moment she gained the courage she was looking for. Her shoulders squared and she sat up straighter, determination painting her face.

“There’s no easy way to say this to you, so I’m just going to say it. You’re going to be a father.”

Of all the things he thought she would say to him, that wasn’t one of them. Not even close. He was going to be a father. He understood the words. He just couldn’t reconcile them pertaining to him.

“You’re pregnant.”

“Yes, Max, I’m pregnant.”

Max felt the smile spreading across his face. He was going to be a father. His baby was growing in her belly. Pride swelled inside him. He tried to sit up, but the pain forced him to lie back down. Instead he held his arm open for her.

“Are you okay? Did you pull your stitches?”

“I don’t care, Sloane. I just want you in my arms. Come here.”

“Max no, you’re hurt.”

“Now.” The firmness in his voice left no room to argue.

Sloane carefully climbed into the small hospital bed with him. She put her head on his shoulder and her hand over his heart. He was in pain and beyond tired, but he had the woman he loved in his arms and his future growing inside of her. Nothing could top this moment of pure happiness.

“Max,” she whispered against his shoulder.

“Yeah, baby?”

She looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Tears still glistened in hers. Her smile lit up every dark spot in his soul.

“I love you too, Max.”

Her soft kiss was like a promise. A promise of their future together. Just like that, Sloane topped his best moment ever. He knew without a doubt she would continue to do so for years to come and he couldn’t wait.



Max watched as Mia struggled to keep herself from falling back down on her cute little diapered butt. At ten months old, she was already growing up too quickly for his liking. These were his favorite moments. Sitting out in the yard while his daughter played on the blanket beside him. The wonder in her eyes as she took in her surroundings was a salve to his soul. All of the shitty things he saw as a cop and then as a PI had begun to jade him. Mia helped restore his faith in humanity.

He’d never expected to trust a woman enough to fall in love. Finding Sloane had changed him in the best possible way. She made him want to be a better man. He couldn’t be more grateful to be able to call her his own. Her sweet voice broke him from his thoughts.

“I thought we agreed that she could wait on a puppy, Max?”

“We did, but look at her, baby. She’s already in love.”

Sloane sat next to Max on the blanket. Their daughter giggled loudly as she played with the cutest ball of yellow fur. The eight-week-old golden retriever was a perfect addition to their little family. Yes, Max had agreed to wait until Mia was a toddler before buying a dog, but one look at the pup and Max couldn’t pass him up.

“What can I say? When you’re right, you’re right. He’s absolutely adorable.”

“Can I get that in writing?” He laughed.

“That he’s adorable? Sure.”

“No, that I’m right?”

“No, you may not.”

Sloane smiled sweetly at him, leaning over to steal a kiss. Almost two years later and her kisses still ignited the fire within him. He lifted her hand up and kissed the back of it. Her diamond engagement ring sparkled in the sunlight.

“When are you going to set a date and make an honest man outta me?”