“Hey, man. Thought I’d give you a heads up. Petrov’s boy, Booker, was spotted two blocks from Sloane’s apartment. By the time the cops got there he was long gone. I have some more leads coming in; hopefully I’ll be able to get a bead on him soon.”

“Thanks, Gutter Mouth.”

“Sure, I don’t want to see anything happen to Sloane either, man. There’s something about that girl.”

“That there is.” Max smiled, thinking about the way she looked when she climaxed above him last night.

“Are you interested?”

“Only a fool wouldn’t be. I’m more than interested.” He didn’t want to tell his buddy about last night. He wanted that to stay between him and Sloane.

“What about that chick you were with the other night?”

“Charlie,” Max sighed. “It was a mistake. One I don’t intend to make again.”

“So she wasn’t your girlfriend? Because she sure as shit acted like it.”

“Hell no, she isn’t my girlfriend. I needed a release, she was willing. End of story. Except I couldn’t do it. Fuck, man. I know it sounds crazy, but you’re right about Sloane. She’s special. No matter what I’ve tried to tell myself, I know, without a doubt, that I’m in love with her.”

There was a moment of silence, then Gutter Mouth let out a loud whistle.

“Damn, Max. I never thought I’d see the day.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Max half joked.

“I get it. I do. Know one thing, though. If you ever fuck up, I won’t hesitate to make her mine.”

“Over my dead body.”

Kasper laughed. “If that’s what it takes…I better go, I’m waitin’ for Mother to call me back about Booker. I’ll hit you up later. Give Sloane sloppy kisses from me.” He laughed before hanging up.



Sloane woke up to an empty bed. Every muscle in her body was sore in the most delicious way. Except for her shoulder.Thatpain was real and intense. She wished Max would’ve still been here when she woke up. Spotting his t-shirt on the floor, she picked it up. Pressing it to her face, she breathed him in. She pulled it over her head before going downstairs to find him and some aspirin. She finger combed her hair on the way down the steps, trying to tame the mess. She paused in the kitchen at the sound of his voice. He was outside on the phone with someone. Just before she could walk away, she heard him whisper something that made her immediately stiffen.

“Charlie.” Max rubbed his hand through his hair. “It was a mistake. One I don’t intend to make again.”

Oh my God.No, this couldn’t be happening. Max made love to her all night long. He couldn’t be on the phone confessing to Charlie that it was all a mistake. Sloane couldn’t breathe. She was frozen in place.

“Hell no, she isn’t my girlfriend. I needed a release, she was willing. End of story.”

Pain ripped through her heart. She fell to her knees, and the cold tiles bit into her skin. She could hear his voice, but the words were completely lost to her now. She had heard enough already.

Unwanted sobs wracked her. Brody’s betrayal hurt, but Max had successfully destroyed her. She gave him everything she had to give last night. Her heart and soul were his and she was nothing more than a willing release for him. She thought he was different. She actually believed they had something special starting. She was a damn fool.

Pissed at herself for giving so completely, Sloane picked herself up off the floor. She felt used and dirty. She had to scrub him off her skin. Scrubbing him from her heart wasn’t going to be nearly as easy, but she knew it had to be done. Sooner rather than later. She wouldn’t waste years giving her love to a man who threw it back in her face. No. Never again. She couldn’t bring herself to enter his room again, so her bra would have to stay where it was. Sloane sent Bella a text message.

Sloane: Need you now. Please hurry.

The water burned her sensitive skin. She scoured every inch of herself with a loofah. She knew her stitches were soaked through, but she couldn’t bring herself to care about anything else. At least she remembered to take off the bandage before getting under the spray.

Her pale skin looked red and angry by the time she was done. She didn’t care. Her skin could bleed and she’d still scrub him away. Dressing quickly in jeans and a t-shirt, she started filling her suitcase. She made sure she had all of her belongings, sans bra that still remained somewhere in his bedroom. She wasn’t sure what she would say to him when they came face to face. The only thing she was certain of, was that she wouldnotcry.

Sloane decided that she would pretend like everything was fine. She would act like it was no big deal. Act like her world wasn’t crushed. She would not let him see her broken. That’s what she was, broken. She refused to run away again. This time she would make it clear that she was leaving and didn’t need him to look after her. Max was pouring coffee into an oversized mug when she reached the kitchen.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He grinned at her. If not for overhearing his conversation this morning with Charlie, Sloane would have melted then and there for him.