Tank shoved his massive hands into his pockets. His voice barely more than a whisper, he murmured, “We were worried about you.”

“You were?” She couldn’t help the surprise in her voice. She couldn’t imagine the giant standing before her worried about anything, much less her.

“Max mentioned what you’re dealing with; we thought we’d see if we could help,” Kasper added. Tank nodded as if they had agreed to a deal, but she had no idea what.

Kasper moved closer, kissed her cheek, and flashed his signature smile. He leaned back down, whispering in her ear so softly she knew no one else could hear.

“Ever fuck in a hospital bed, Darlin’?”

“Get outta here.” She slapped him playfully in the arm while shaking her head, still laughing.

“Back the fuck up, Gutter Mouth,” Max snarled.

“Dude, what the fuck is your problem?”


Everyone stared at Max like he’d grown a second head before he recovered. “I mean, I had to tell everyone Sloane was my fiancée so they would let me stay with her. It would look shady as fuck if someone walked in and saw the two of you just now. You know what I mean?” He looked knowingly at Sloane.

Sloane frowned. “Max is right. It would look awful. I apologize, Max.”



If Max was in his right mind he would remain where he was. Keep the distance between them, but he wasn’t. The kiss she’d laid on him before everyone arrived left every neuron firing inside him. Seeing her flirt with Kasper only added to the possessiveness he was feeling. He did not like the idea that she could be attracted to Kasper. Or anyone other than him, for that matter.

Which was stupid because he didn’t do relationships. He hadn’t in years. Not since he decided to join the force. He had to get control over himself.

“Sorry, man, it’s just important to keep up pretenses. I need to be able to stay here to keep her safe. The Petrov family is no joke.”

“I get it, dude. No problem.”

“Petrov family?” Sloane’s eyes widened.

“It’s gonna be fine.”

“Yeah, Darlin’. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I’ve got feelers out. A few leads have trickled in as to Booker’s whereabouts,” Tank added.

“See, nothing for you to worry about. Having said that, I need you to listen to me. When I give you an order I expect it followed. No going out alone.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Max wandered over to the bed, lowering himself down next to her. He started rubbing his hand up and down Sloane’s blanket-covered thigh. He ignored everyone else in the room except Gutter Mouth. Max hoped he was making his silent claim clear. Gutter Mouth needed to stay away from Sloane. Gutter Mouth raised a questioning eyebrow before a mischievous smirk played over the corner of his lips. Just in case Gutter Mouth wasn’t catching on to his seriousness, Max maneuvered himself in the bed so he was stretched out beside her.

That’s how the flirtatious nurse, Alley, found them when she returned. For that alone, Max was grateful that he positioned himself where he was. The entire time Sloane was unconscious the petite brunette made it very clear that she wouldn’t be missed if she disappeared for twenty minutes. She even told him where the supply closet was. Honestly, he was worn out from turning down her advances all night. Years ago he might’ve taken her up on her offer, but he had outgrown nameless one-night stands. He wasn’t celibate by any stretch of the imagination, but he kept his options opened to three or four regulars with no promise of anything serious on the horizon.

The reappearance of Nurse Alley speared Sloane into action. She laid her head on his shoulder. Max was careful not to bump her injured arm as he slid his around her. The way she snuggled into him heated his blood. Then it rapidly moved south, causing his pants to tighten slightly. Maybe she would kiss him again. Probably not with everyone else in the room. That disappointed him, but her body pressed into his was enough. For now, that is.

“Visiting hours are over, everyone.” Alley’s eyes locked on his. They were still full of proposition. No matter how many times he declined, she wouldn’t back off. It was an unattractive quality.

“I’m not leaving.” Max stared defiantly at her. The kiss he placed on Sloane’s forehead punctuated the seriousness behind his words. The act felt completely normal, as if he did it every day in the past and would continue to do so every day in the future.

“Of course, Mr. Fear. Everyone else must leave for the evening. I’ll be back in five minutes to check.” Alley gave him a disappointed look before turning on her heel and marching out the door.

Bella laughed. “And the plot thickens.” A moment of silence shrouded the room and then everyone else joined in.