Opening her eyes, Sloane first noticed the bed had handrails. Her bed didn’t have rails. It took her foggy brain a few long moments to register it wasn’t her bed or Max’s guest bed that she had been occupying as of late, but a hospital bed. She shot up straight, looking around.
Max was dozing in an extremely uncomfortable looking chair. His face was relaxed. He looked peaceful, his hair slightly mussed up. She couldn’t fathom ever tiring of his face. The man was so damn good looking. She inhaled sharply from the pain in her shoulder. Max opened his eyes.
“Hey, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“Like I was shot.” She smiled.
“It was a deep graze. It should heal well. They had to sedate you at the scene. Seems you were rambling and hysterical. Imagine that.”
“Yeah, well I wasshot.” Barking at him wouldn’t help, but she couldn’t help herself. “How long have I been here?”
“A few hours. They wanna keep you for observations tonight, but first thing in the morning I should be able to take you home. What the hell were you thinking, Sloane?”
She bit her lip and glanced down at her hands. “I just needed to get out of the house.”
“This isn’t a game. You could have been killed, Sloane.”
The nurse came in to check her vitals, scratching things into a chart at the end of the bed.
“Good evening, Ms. Robertson. How are you feeling?”
“I’m doing okay.”
“You are a very lucky woman. Your fiancé hasn’t left your side a single minute.” She beamed at Max. The way she was looking at him began to grate on Sloane’s nerves. She was apparently his fiancée—when the hell did that happen? Even though the nurse said the right words to Sloane, her eyes were begging Max to make a move.
“You haven’t?” Sloane asked, more to make conversation while she stewed, not because she doubted it.
“I needed to be sure you were okay.” Shrugging, he looked down at his hands that hung between his knees.
“I tried to get him to go to the cafeteria to eat. No matter what I offered, he refused to leave.”
Max looked up at the nurse, his eyes slightly wider than usual. Nurse Trampy licked her lips slower than what was necessary. The bitch was blatantly flirting with him right in front of Sloane. She just bet he knew what the tart was offering, and it sure as shit wasn’t food in the cafeteria. Sloane couldn’t believe her gall. Maybe it was the effects of the drugs still lingering in her system, or maybe it was something else she wasn’t ready to admit, but she decided to nip this shit in the bud.
“Aww, Max.” Sloane held her hand out to him. With a wary expression, he stood and walked over to the bed. The slut nurse stepped into him “accidentally.” Her breast brushed his arm while she checked Sloane’s vital readouts on the screens yet again.That’s it.As soon as Max sat on the edge of the bed, Sloane wrapped her hand behind his neck and pulled him down to her.
She claimed his lips like she had done it a million times. Like she knew his body intimately. She dragged her hand up the back of his neck into his hair. Sloane quickly found herself so lost in the kiss, she forgot she was simply trying to make her point to the nurse. She mewled her pleasure into his mouth. His hand squeezed her hip as the other braced himself above her. Sloane’s entire body ignited. Max kissed like he could read her mind.
A throat clearing from the door released her from the spell she was under. Sloane pulled away, looking toward the hall. Foster and Bella stood there with identical smirks on their faces. The nurse was nowhere to be seen.
“Hey, guys!” Sloane straightened herself, sitting up further. Max flashed her a look she didn’t understand. Then he walked away from her. Guess he didn’t like her ruining his chances with Nurse Slut.Whoops.Bella smiled, rushing to her side.
“Honey, are you really okay?”
“We were so worried. Why would you run out like that?”
“I wasn’t running out. I went shopping. I needed some time to think. I really just needed to be alone.”
Even to Sloane’s own ears it sounded like a lame excuse. Her whining made her sound like a child.
A tap at the door had them all turning to look at the new arrivals. Kasper and Tank waltzed inside, and Max turned back to the window, tension evident in his stance. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, his feet planted shoulder width apart. It didn’t take him more than a minute to turn around to face them all, and then the tension was magically gone. Either she’d imagined it or he was a hell of an actor. An incredibly sexy actor. With an amazingly talented mouth.
“Hey there, Darlin’.”
“Hey there yourself, Cowboy.” Sloane smiled. “Hey Tank. What are you guys doing here?”